Another Normal Realm/re-enable layers

They are, nothing stops you from selecting those pvp realms as the other customers have and having the same experience. There is no discrimination.

EU has:
33 PvP realms (of those 6 German, 4 Russian, 3 French, 1 Spanish)
8 PvE realms (of those 3 German, 1 Russian, 1 French)
1 RP
1 RP-PvP

NA Has:
28 PvP (of those 1 Brazilian and 1 Mexican)
10 PvE (of these 1 Oceanic)
1 RP
2 RP-PvP

From these numbers I at least find that EU should have 11 or maybe 12 PvE realms
And also one more of RP and RP-PvP realms

Edited To Add: Only the Russian PvE server is not layered - but High. I don’t know how the US ones look (haven’t got a US account). But I suspect at least some of them are medium.

@Warecs: When we still had PvP realms on BfA side, US had 117 vs 98 in terms of PvE… or about a ratio of 1,194 to 1… 8 x 1,194 = 9,552. In other words, the status quo is being maintained with the 8 vs 10 ratio, roughly. EU had more PvP realms, which is also being maintained at 29 vs 28 (I am leaving Russia out, because certain of my sources do not account for it).

As for the RP(-PvP) situation… I addressed this today in another thread. My conclusion in it was that Blizzard could, in theory, add a German RP realm, but it is very unlikely to happen… and a second RP-PvP realm in any support language is even less likely than that…

Well lets never say never, I dont think we need to be reminded that they originally launched Classic with just the TWO english PVP servers…

Dear Trelw,
if you had written something in the line of:
“@ Antharas and Warecs, yes you’re right. US has more non-PvP realms than EU. And this is true what ever you count the Russian servers or not. I don’t normally count them as some of my sources do’t account for them.*
But, this was/is also the situation in Retail until WarMode, so I seriously doubt Blizzard can be bothered to do something about it.”

Then I would still have agreed that green letters meant helpful and knowledgeable forum user. After the cited answer, I’m afraid my opinion has shifted to arrogant, know-it-all forum user. I’m now a wiser, sadder Paladin.

*even if I think this a non-excuse here. They exist whether your sources look to them or not.
**Also “As for the RP(-PvP) situation… I addressed this today in another thread.” I’m sure you are allowed to throw in a link.

@Warecs: We are having a communication failure here. I am sorry, but I do not understand how a statistical analysis of the current situation translates into arrogance. I was making a mathematical observation about the comparability between BfA and Classic (PvE) realm ratios between US and EU. I am also, at times painfully, aware of the limits of my knowledge, which at times causes outright frustration.

Link as per request and yes, it probably should have been in the earlier post, but I got interrupted and the post was somewhat hastily made. I am a bit pressed for time right now as well (due to an unexpected change in circumstances), so this post is not as detailed as I would have liked, either. Sorry about that!

I read your answer as arrogant because Antharas and I actually are right. US has more non-PvP realms than EU.
It is your not admitting this and instead spouting numbers at me, that makes you come over as arrogant.
I do hope my “answer on your behalf” is a faithful rendering of what you wanted to tell me? If not, please tell me where I went wrong.
A bit more explanation: That the ratio is is/was the same as in Retail before WarMode was implemented, do not make it one bit truer, falser, better, or even more acceptable; it only lowers the likelihood of Blizzard’s doing anything about it.
I hope you can understand what I’m trying to say. English is not my first language, and nuances are hard to express.

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@Warecs: I never denied that, so I am even more confused than before… scratches head

I merely observed that that situation was / is as usual. To my knowledge US has always had a slightly larger PvE player base % (relative to EU) so they naturally need slightly more PvE realms.

English is not my first language either.

You never denied it, you never said it was correct either. You just told us (using a load of numbers I for one do not understand. I understand and speak badly a sh!tload of languages, mathematics is not one of them :wink: ) that the situation was the same as in Retail.
And what I’m trying to say is that the words: "Yes Antaras is right, but … " is what I miss in this long thread.

@Warecs: Dottie is closer to the truth than Antaras is. His basic premises are unfortunately not all correct. That is the non-mathematical version.

The only thing Dottie says is that all 3 EN-EU Normal servers are layered and without queues. I do not think anybody in their sane mind would deny this. Maths or not.
Likevise I cannot understand that anyone can dispute that US has more Normal servers than EU. That they always had it, does not make it more - or indeed less - true.

I think there was a very short time when Blizzard accidentally removed the layers on EN-EU normal realms.

@Warecs: On this I will note that as far as I was able to find out, they only accidentally disabled the display of “Layered” status, but layering in itself actually was NOT disabled. And that display error affected all “Layered” realms.

I was not there yes actually I was, and saw the not-layered status, but logged straight in, thinking it was a bug - which it obviously was. This does still not change the fact that Dottie did not speak about the number of realms only their layering or not, which has not much to do with the origial subject ie. number of realms.

@Warecs: With layering on, player numbers dropping (as there are less and less queues) and start of phase 2 not announced, there is no obvious need for new PvE realm(s).

It’s not a question of who needs what. It’s a question of whether US has more normal realms than EU.

@Warercs: Yes.

I reckon OP is a first year law student :slight_smile:

Anywa,y let us know how you get on with your case.

@Skrull-xavius- Sadly not, Ill be reaching my 1000th case this year at the rate we are receiving them. Sadly though Maritime Law is nowhere near as interesting as it should be recently! I agree the conversation got a bit out of hand but that is what us law folks do…

@Trelw- Can I just point out that when I made this post layers were shown as disabled and each and every normal realm was full yet you claim Dottie was “closer to the truth” with their posts. Could you please point out when and where I wasnt observing the whole truth? Hardly befiting a green post I have to admit, better just to say it as it is and call me a liar?

@Antharas: I believe my replies to Warecs already covered all points. If you want further clarifications on something, please specify and I will see what I can add, if anything.

Yes to what?