True, but he was already insane from grief
While I do get the notion, Fandral has been infamous for his world tree planting madness long before. He planted numerous great trees without permission / agreement from the other druids, among them Andrassil in the Grizzly Hills. We all know what happened to that. Also, sedating Malfurion to avoid beef with him isn’t cool. My guy never recovered. Still narcoleptic until this day. Fandral was a perpetual line-stepper never taking a no for a no.
I know. I just say, his grief drove him mad and he screwed up his best accomplishment.
Yes, the loss surely was heartbreaking for him. And leaving the corruption aspect out of it, he surely was a sophisticated and talented bonsai gardener!
And quite skilled assasination rogue khm druid
The funny thing is by lore, the druid aesthetic isn’t in buildings, it’s in trees… they will have a druidic aesthetic by having groves and parks in the city and off course the surrounding forest. This the druidic contribution to the city, druids won’t be building houses to live in, but barrow dens to sleep while they commune with nature they love more than all other night elves do. Those forest buildings are just night elven rural architecture - seen outside forests too - like in Winterspring or Darkshore.
here is how nature from druids contributed to Night elf cities - as blizzard envision it or rather use to envision it
- Gardens - rooftop gardens,
Stunning isn’t it - now why can’t they do that in game for the race? See how green Zin’Azshari is? That came from the nature side - but it’s a city, so in general nature is outside a city, except the ngihte lf ones are really green.
Remember the tons of treants and ancients in Dire Maul? That’s because druidic nature stuff was a large part of the night elves in pre-sundering time when those cities were big and beautiful, the near total arcane cultural dominance only came in the last few centuries of the era. Those cities were already built then. Look at the Farondis in Azsuna, you see some of the earlier pre-druids amongst them. go to Sharanadaar in Crystalsong forest in the blue dragonflight quest, some of those spirits are druidic.
it’s just that most of these peeps arguing against have no idea about the night elves full picture - they keep thinking night elf pre-sundeirng civilization is something totally different and void of druidic (i.e. nature using magic - in the pre-druid state) and therefore could have nothing to do with the current night elves - which is wrong and ignorant on so many levels - it never was - yes a city looks completely different from a forest, but you saw parts of both.
Public and market place gardens
[Fan adaptation of Dire Maul]
This is far more flowery and naturey than Silvermoon city - and it is still stunning with stunning buildings and gardens too, and it’s a Night city, so you see the difference. -
[Fan rendition] -
Treants and ancients walking around
Wisps whizzing around (or is that just a general night elf thing or priest thing? Not sure -w e associate druid only because Malfurion used them in WC3, but I would imagine a priest would or even a mage if they respected the individual enough - priests can speak to spirits too.
Critters and insects.
What many people call “druid” aesthetic is actually simply night elven rural style even or more specific elven rural buildings… let us not forget the high elves sometimes use such lodges too - and they’ve had that architecture during the pre-sundering era, but always in rural areas, especially forests where they were always few, as if to minimise the disruption to the forest - whiich would be druid inspired - and more for the family of druids or hunters.
Druids don’t contribute buildings. And actually I think they’d rather elves use stone and marble than wood, for while they can grow wood, they’d generally prefer them in the natural state, and instead use stone and marble to make the buildings. This fits the lore of the druids better. The only time you might use wood is if you didn’t have the ability to work with stone or not the time because you were on the move/hunt, which would require those Massive Ancients to help and arcane magic for a far easier time and better finish.
Oh, I meant priest and mages would be the dominant groups involved in the building of the new temple.
Totally they will get very many buildings for all kinds of night elfy things to do with cities and civilization… we have an entire Highborne caste likely making full provision for a civilization, as well as all the others too… I expect academies, astral towers, Temples, Garrisons, embassies, schools.
Then there are artisan quarters, crafters, sculpters, traders, merchants, international liaisons, industrial markers
Nonononono There is enough room for two. Temple of the Moon and Mage tower or some crazy good looking building with Moonguard training there. Lysander could be training them
All that would be nice but only IF Bel’Ameth will not be turned to neutral city for horde, or even friendly
Well they basically made that into the ruins of Nar’thalas x10.
Zin-Azshari was just Nar’thalas Academy, but bigger.
Druidism never took full route in the pre-sundering lifestyle.
The valekeepers are not described as fully fledged Druids. They are akin to the first Tauren who learned the ways of their Druidic-like magic. It was noted that the Highmountain were one of the first to learn their own methods of Druidic Magic, but it wasn’t taught by Cenarius. The Highmountain Early-Druids and Night Elf Valekeepers are basically the same.
Further to this, Druidism and being one with nature wasn’t a huge thing back then, because Azshara prohibited conquest of Hyjal, where the main Druid masters dwelled. Only Malfurion was being taught and he was the only one, until after Azshara’s downfall.
Cenarius also makes it clear that Malfurion will be the first Druid, which he wasn’t yet, at the time of the War of the Ancients.
Didn’t save him tho!
Yaha. We’re very much into gardening. And eco-friendly roofing also!
The herbalist and horticultural aspect is one that intrigued me with druidism in the first place. Ingame and in rl. The moon sicle shaped herb scythe of Celtic druids is a tool I still aim to acquire. And gardening, especially high horticultural disciplines like bonsai are the most fascinating element when incorporated in druidic fantasy design imo. Is a reason why I like Eversong a lot. The trees have very natural bonsai shape. Same goes for Ardenweald, which to me kind of seemed a bit like the blueish-violet Eversong version. Would’ve loved to see that adaption around the city for sure.
Which is why I am convinced it won’t be hard to do a city as incredible as Suramar, you just use the buildings in a different configurations - - It’s the new architectural style - this is why all new night elf ruins will be like that, and all new night elf cities should or would be like Suramar. This is how they built things when arcane and nature combined, previously wielded by Highborne and Ancients, but over 13,000 years later, with so much more knowledge and advancements, and help from far many more allies, it would be something spectacular.
Can you imagine if al the peoples the night elves had saved, the faeries, the sea giants, the various different creatures, the dragons - pouring materials, precious gem, , wanting to bless the new tree, and the people who brought it into the world and save Azeorth.
Technically duridism as it is called now didn’t happen till after the sundering…however before that what woudl become duriism was prevalent quite early on, and then faded over itme. however it wasn’t just night elves , there were Ancients amongst htem also, now these are the ones that did the greater magical works, the druid night elves would rise to after the sundering.
This is why there is so much nature beatuy in their cities - these people haev ALWAYS loved nature and always loved the arcane. - but it is this duality that blizzard created in them. - wow hans’t alwyas shown this, because repetitive play, wanting to showcase the horde instead ofr most of it’s lifetime has resulted in very lopsided nighte lves that could never shine in game on the alliance as they would do in the novels and books, including htose set after WC3.
it’s quite clear when you read… not the same people in game - although it is the same.
There are two different time periods in the pre-sundering era… early on, as the priest were studying the well of etenrity all night elves believe sacred back then and still now, they also learnt the ways of nature taught by Cenarius. Druid masters didn’t live on Hyjal, wild gods did though ( in a sense ), the Night elves are the ones who considered it sacred, after dealigns with Cenarius, they also consider the Well of Etenrity sacred.
Azshara, later on, when she came to power indeed dint’ conquer it but she also shied away from it. WotA tells us even up to the leigon invasion era there were still druid-type about, but most of society, wasn’t aware of them - similar to how people sorta consider wise women types who live in the forest close to nature, when Malfurion meets cenarius he also sees other night elves -but we get to find out they are no where near as talented as he, some of them have shapeshifted into treants and stayed there for so long they’ve forgotten how to change back.
IT is the Ancients - the tree men, and the highborne that build the cities… tbh, while a few liek the valewalkers actually studied nature themselves, to be the earlier form of druidism, i get the impression night elves just let the Ancients do most of the nature related work, while they focused on the arcane… but htis is more towards the legion invasion period when that harmony and balnace had gone and replaced by reckless arrogance primarily form the Highborne - dispalying none of the reverence for the arcane …or nature, that were part of the reasons why they had got so far.
many peoplel think the nighte lven civilzaition is some horrible thing to night elves, they never think these things through - their only basis for this thought is because night elves in the north build no cities andappear ot live without it, hten off course they hear about the mis-use of magic and blame the civilzation.
no, youd on’t get htat godo without doing EVERYTHING right, tthe ngiht elves loved their civilziaiton, their cities and their forests, and this si why their destruction was so devastating to them. The remorse they felt was at their arrogance that came later. Now they say pride goes before a fall, and that is exactly what happens here.
By the time hte highborne get reckless and arrogant, the civizliation is long since built, the original splendour in it comes from a more harmonious and balnaced time when they weren’t so arcane crazy - it’s typical in civlziations today, where the people tended to have been far better in character when they built, but they fel when they got corrupt, greedy and arrogant.
so to think it’s somehow arrogance and greed that built thee cities and therefore night elves won’t build cities is wrong and the opposite.
Now they are back to being harmonious, and free - this brings out the best creative. now they really reverence the arcane and nature both, they are not arrogant and reckless. They should be building some of the most beautiful night elven stuff they’ve ever done.
Just like the grean dragon temple and structures sat looking so good amidst the pure nature scene. I THINK AN IN CREDIBLE NIGHT ELF CITYRISING ON ISLAND PLATORMS OR ON THE MOUNTAINS ACROSS THE ZONE WOULD BE INCREIDBLE. THEN bEL’AMETH WOULD HAVE A TEMPLE .
Oops, pardon the caps, I touch type, and wasn’t looking till I was done.
Hahaha, aw the feels overtook you! But it’s understandable. It would be an amazing sight. With the souls of fallen Kaldorei roaming the city at night as ethereal citizens. Maybe even the ghost of Ysera having a NAP somewhere on a moonlit glade. You could do so much with that design.
Well, you should have to support my terraform Darnassus efforts.
You see that ist he level of WOW you expect to be blown away with - this zone -shift like tree, a magical city, a galvanising night elf race . determined to shine, restore themselves and protect their world.
i would have had Amirdrassil enhancements, the Well of eternity and Elune all playing a role to make this happen.
Sadly, I might just be another of the felt 100 cases of lost potential. And I’m tired of getting disappointed.
Where’s Elly anyways. Hasn’t said a word during all this after her unbelievably bad and failed plot to funnel Kaldorei souls to Ardenweald. A goddess embarrassed?
Nope, it did not
Same here.
During shadowlands I always said, I’ll rather sit in my garden watching my zuchinni’s grow then play the game, and so I did.
Iast two years was horrible in my garden.
Nothing grow except green beans… Ugly cold and et weather
Not that much of a vegetable grower but big on herbs, co2-active plants and cultivating indoor jungles.
Almost have an entire apothecary garden growing here on my roof garden. Fruits, berry fruits in particular would be interesting, too though I don’t have the space as of yet.
I think we have to remember the exact Highborne that we have. The Shen’dralar have always been very “forest-dwelling” Highborne, which works because their name literally means “those that remain hidden.”
Eldre’Thalas built in a dense woodland and being kept almost hidden within the forest also works with the “Those that remain hidden” Highborne.
So, Bel’ameth can work in this regard; build up and around Edgy Tower with Highborne Building and make that the place for new night elf magi and night elf warlocks. The Illidari are their to ensure that no night elf warlock gets reckless and Darkfallen are just there because, why not…?
Darkfallen Rangers could serve as the “Sentinel Guards” who can tolerate being around such magics that the regular Sentinels and Guards might not want to be around.
Vegetable only for me in my garden and some plums, pears and cherrys.
Hey, a nelf have to eat
True, true. Am on the carnivorous side of druidism there though. However, probably cook with more fresh vegetables than some vegans I’ve encountered.