No one playing Mecha gnomes?

'Cause Mechagnomes are the better choice!

Are you kidding me?

Part of the reason why I’m liking the Mechagnomes so much, is because of the rich lore background they have. The goblins and gnomes have been doing this stuff since vanilla, and did you ever enter the Gnomeregan or Ulduar instaces?

Mechanical and technological features have been a greater part of this game for as long as I have played. At the top of my head, the races majorly involved in this are the Gnomes, Dwarves, Goblins, Draenei and Lightforged Draenei. And obviously the Mechagnomes.

Maybe if you paid a little more attention to other aspects of the lore, you wouldn’t dislike the Mechagnomes so much. Or you simply don’t enjoy this part of the lore.

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Alliance players feeling like getting the short end of the stick, oh my sides.

I dont see the Alliance having an AR shipped half-done due to time constraints. When the Nightborne get a proper model, then you have a point to stand upon. Until then, you have clearly gotten the most attention and the stronger racials on top of that.

Complaining at this point is just like a spoiled child asking for even more while sitting in a room full of expensive toys and claiming they are bored and have nothing to do.


maybe they are not the toys they wanted :smiley:

Yeah he wanted some more elfish crap. It is so obvious. Look at how he adores his recoloured elf, which was created out of the blue just to make elf fanboys happy

Apparently we will get Mogu, not bad.

No no no… Horde will get Mogu for new neutral Pandaria reputation and Alliance will get hunched brown humans (known wider as thin kultiran) for new neutral Uldir reputation.

easy to do: take a draenei and put on an ugly mogu face :wink:

They are back home, having their diaper changed.

Looks hot to me.

I can’t imagine them being a popular choice ever tbh. Severely lacking in transmog options with not enough customisation to make up for it, lackluster racials and gnomes were never that popular to begin with afaik.

I think that’s kind of an alliance problem, realistically, what is the alliance style?
Generic humanled fantasy alliance of kingdoms

There’s not much room for playing around with that

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I noticed that, too.

I’ve tried to main Alliance multiple times since coming back to WoW because I prefer much more the classic fantasy aesthetic from Alliance buldings and music vs the Spike Valley that is Orgrimmar, yet I always come back to Horde because Alliance feels so one dimensional in its lote/NPC behaviour and races. It gets boring really fast. Horde has a much nicer variety of races and cultures.

As a dwarf female I would not make bold statements about popularity.

That’s BS and you know it

I object to that! It looks more like Im wearing bikini briefs then a diaper!
Or is it just smexy elves and draenei who are allowed to wear revealing mogs??
Just because my legs are made of metal and prone to rust doesnt mean they arent cute!

But I do understand the sour grapes…not every race has an inbuilt GPS or can pick up the shipping forecast on their ears.
nm, my fleshy friends! You can still aspire to being as awesome as a mechagnome!! :wink:

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I don’t think the race I play changes the fact that gnomes generally aren’t a popular race. I could repost on my female night elf hunter alt if you prefer?

Even then, at least dwarf racials are good :smiley:

LOL are you for real? Mechagnomes racials are maybe the best at the moment on ally side

What exactly is good about them? The worse version of cheat death can be an ok safety net for progress but the rest is not very impressive.

If they’re anything like me, we’re out there, but time for levelling is limited due to having to keep up with assaults and visions and such on multiple characters. I expect it to settle down a little once we’re out of the initial “rush to cloak 6” period.