LOL? The whole sentence doesn’t make a tiny bit of sense?
It is a fantasy game so ANYTHING can be
Tauren makes sense but these do not. Vulpera fits the fantasy theme but Mechagnomes do not. Technology freaks 30 centimeter height humans are not fitting to this magical world or fat belly humans.
And who decides that? You?
Make your own game with your own fantasy and play that
If I didnt swap to Horde a few months ago, I would totally roll mechagnome.
The only sad part is the crappy hairstyles for the males
Well, here is your answer, “We” decide that by not preferring to play as one, all regions combined.
Fine and since noone is forcing you I do not see what your freaking problem is
Problem derives from here, only 1 faction is getting screwed because of such stupid decisions.
Just pointing out how dumb your point is, if Blizz wanted us to all faction switch to horde why would they care enough for their horde transfer bait AR to give it so much time and resource in its developpement ?
As I customer I don’t care about the creation process of a product, I care about the final product. Whether it is made in 10 years or 1 years doesn’t matter to me, if the product sucks then it is a failure, doesn’t matter how much effort or time was spent on it.
Plugging your ears wont change that your horde faction swaps conspiracy theory doesn’t make sense. Just a butthurt Elf fan it seems.
Why should make it me happy? The only noteworthy Alliance-races we got so far were the Dark Iron Dwarves and Kul Tiran. Everything else wasn’t really asked for. The Alliance-players begged for Helves and what they got was just a quick patch-in which ties to the NB-storyline with Alleria to explain how they found these belves in the first place. There was no lore before that.
Actually it does. The main story of the dwarves is about the lost ancient technology and everything is connected through in some prominent cultures, namely the dwarves, mogus, the true mechagnomes and the augmented playable gnome-race.
It’s one of the big “mystery”-storylines on a grander scheme.
Why did you swap in the first place? Just make another character.
The Mechagnomes use assets from former enemies and npcs, therefore they were more like a low-effort race to some degree.
Just a spoiled guy throwing a tantrum “waaaah I don’t like this AR, waaah I wanted something else.”
I was talking about Kul Tiran here.
Hahah, this Void Elf is a proof of that “You don’t need to create a new fat rig for a new race to be success”. This Void Elf is the most popular allied race on Alliance side, low effort just a reskin right? Same animations with Blood Elf.
I’m a Satyr fan.
But you are arguing that Blizz is giving “bad” AR to the Alliance on purpose to make us faction swap, but they spend by far the most resources on one of those “faction swap bait” AR.
If you don’t see the problem here you might need some head mechanization.
I said that for this pair, they were just stupid to begin with related to Kul’Tiran. I said this before a month ago perhaps "I can say perhaps they really tried doing something good with Kul’Tiran but this pair is certainly a bait for race and faction change (Vulpera-Mechagnome).
Open your launcher now there is faction change advertisement there, that image has an arrow mark starting from Mechagnome and showing Vulpera in the end. What does this mean? Mechagnomes are disgusting and we want you to spend your money for Vulpera.
If their intention was good that arrow would show Mechagnomes in the end, its whole purpose is directing people to Vulpera, don’t underestimate the launcher and advertisements. There is always some indications of hidden intentions in those.
Why would anyone create a mechagnome then just pay for a faction transfer ? Everyone has at least one 120 toon on both faction, if not several, just pay for a race change which is much cheaper or create a Vulpera and level. You also can get a free 120 boost from preordering SL that you can them use a Vulpera one. You are describing the least convenient way to get a 120 Vulpera, if anyone is dumb enough to do that they are already lost anyways.
Let’s not pretend that there is not scheme behind the whole sale event. You actually just need a race-change but for reasons you also have a faction-change on sale. Given how popular Vulpera are on both sides, it’s obvious that Blizzard wants to cash in on the hype, regardless how bad the faction imbalance is. In their mind, they can always do something against it any time given.
It’s all about maxing the revenue. Nothing more, nothing else. I don’t think that Mechagnomes are this desirable compared to the Vulpera.
If anyone is dumb enough to pay for a faction transfer when we all have a legion of alts on both factions with all the free boosts from expansion and Korrak leveling machine they deserve to get their wallet drained at this point.
Believe me they know their customers better than customers know themselves.