It’s interesting that Blizzard originally said they would use Allied Races as a force to balance the populations, when actually they have made them more imbalanced than ever. Factions were fairly even in Legion, and in WoD and earlier Allies had more numbers, now they are letting it go beyond control.
Nightborne > Void Elves.
Highmountain = Lightforged.
Dark Iron Dwarves = Mag’har.
Zandalari > Kul’Tirans.
Vulpera > Mechagnomes.
So Horde basically get the better choice in every front.
Personally, I think Mechagnomes are kinda cool and Vulpera can be catapulted into the sun. But it’s obvious the playerbase in general prefer Vulpera and haven’t taken to the Mechagnomes.
We warned them about this, but they did it anyway.
Nightborne are an actual race with lore which many players asked for (despite having abysmal player models). Void Elves were pulled from their arrse. Literally nobody asked for them to be playable, because they did not exist.
And yes, they did. Several times. On community posts and at Blizzcon 2017. You can remove your head from the sand.
There is plenty of opportunity created by Blizz itself.
What about other Alliance races, that are less human-like in their looks, culture,…? Night elves, Worgen (well those are humans, but you know) and Draenei?
NE: get always smashed to the ground. Blizz says they do not know what to do with them, but they do not have problems with their cousins, other elven races.
W: many times NPCs are in their humanoid form, which kinda sucks (sometimes it is understandable, but seems overused)
Draenei and LFD do not function as their own force, always just following someone, especially LFD are used just as innkeepers, even the NPCs mention that they should do much more, great touch Blizz, now if only you would do that? XD
Alliance mains expressed it so many times, there is no way that the devs did not gather this feedback over the years.
If many Horde mains think the same and they hate Alliance, I honestly do not know what other incentives the devs need to understand/do something.
The most requested Alliance races are High Elf and Vrykul - those races would have been cool, actually…but no, we got Void Elf and Fat Human instead. Meanwhile, the Horde wanted Brown Orcs and Zandalari Trolls…they did not get Shadow Orcs and Fat Goblins.
Worgen would be one of the most played races in the game if they were allowed to use their Worgen form as their Druid Feral form. I never understood what Blizzard thought about this one…the Worgen IS a Druid Feral Form. That’s just what it is…that’s what it was created to be. There is absolutely no question about it. All of the propper Worgen NPCs - no matter what their “main class” is supposed to be - at some point simply start to claw it using their Worgen Form as a Feral Form. Most importantly: GENN does this, and he is anything but a Druid.
Yet, as an actual Worgen Druid you are not allowed to use your Worgen Form for Feral.
May i ask why? Is there ONE reason for this besides “It would be far too cool to give something like this to the Alliance?”
Because, honestly, i cannot think of another reason. Worgen should have ALWAYS used their Worgen Form for Feral combat.
It is always obstacles and excuses for the Alliance but everything for the Horde right?
H:You want Zandalari, Mag’har, straight back for orcs, no problem, Forsaken withouth sticking bones (soon to be added), oh you do not want Nightborne, well does not matter, here you have them.
A: Maybe we can… Blizz: NO!
It would be awesome to use the form (the only bad thing is that I’d have to level another druid, well, that is not really bad though XD )
I can speak for myself, but I believe many, not just Alliance, players feel the same, that the Horde is simply Blizzard’s favourite and they are not trying to hide that at all anymore.
I did the same and I’m leveling a vulpera time to time, not worth to waste my time in “those” gnomes, it’s like I don’t have any gnome because I DON’T like gnomes. It’s not a race that worries me.
New races for Horde that are NEW: Nightborne (but the fake skin), zandalari, vulperas.
New races for Alliance that are NEW: Kultiran humans.
Void elves(Bring back high elves) , dark iron dwarves, lf draenei, maghar orcs, hm taurens and those gnomeaids could be added with a stupid questline like they did with the night warrior.
Disgusting gnomes still have very low player count. Maybe a year later there will be 200 of them all regions included.
We will be waiting for a compensation for this out of season April fools joke race. Blizzard Alliance players have really few reasons to play and look forward since they know you will always come out with a crap. If they don’t wanna feel obligated to merge factions because of low Alliance population they better work on new good Alliance stuff.
I am creeped out by that aswel it looks like gnome and t-1000 had a lovechild which is an even more disturbing thought I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I like Vulperas more.