No one playing Mecha gnomes?

prob the ugliest race in the game so no wonder kek

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You are wrong on so many levels … Just a question do you care only about the models purely and not about their background, if they give sense etc?

No. There are some that could be, there are also new races of certain species, that you cannot become e.g.:

DI Dwarves - if you are Bronzebeard you are just a different race (also clan) of Dwarves.
Zandalari - different race of Trolls, again there are biological differencies between other Troll races.

compare it to Mechagnomes - no biological differencies so far, having prosthesis does not change you biologically, that is like saying that a man without leg is no longer human.

LFD - are Draenei that goes through Lightforging, very similar to Night Warrior Night elves.

You get the point.

And where am I saying anything good about Kul Tirans as AR? :smiley:

Problem is that Zandalari exist in the lore.

But I cannot stress enough that KTs are not biogically different from other humans (confirmed by the devs, they wanted to give the models to players), it is purely for gameplay reasons, that is just bad design. Even in the game you can see how KT look, they use three models, the regular one is the most common but AR use just the bulky one.

I have never seen bigger sh*t in the game in my life.

So I have never said anything good about KT AR, frankly Mechagnomes give at least more sense than KTs.

Gnomes are unpopular, yeah, many also find the concept of cyborgs disgusting + the interation in WoW is not really good either. They would be amazing and fitting for Tinkerer class though.

It is just that the Alliance got rekt so many times in BfA, that some players are just fed up with this.

Edit: corrected typos, sry I am just really mad about ARs in general X)

Personally I’m bored out of my mind of the faction war. I’ve been bored by it since Blizzard pushed Garrosh down our throats in WotLK and butchered his character to justify a conflict that made no sense.
They go round and round destroying the characters of racial leaders with decisions and behaviours that wouldn’t feel coherent to a 8 year old story-teller. They slingshot from “death to the alliance” to “Anduin is my best pal ever” faster than a manic-depressive ADHD rodent. It’s just all so forced and unrealistic, as far as writing goes.
My Alliance character had Saurfang say “Our home is Azeroth. We are breaking the cycle”. I just thought “wanna bet?”
We’ve been here before. After killing Archimonde at the World Tree. After Arthas. After Death Wing. After Garrosh. And now again, in a moronic pointless roundabout. I bet you 1000€ the next conflict will come right after Shadowlands, when Tyrande goes full retard somehow.

I understand factions being a core gameplay concept. But it sure isn’t doing the game any favours from a story and content perspective.


I never felt that having two factions in MMOs worked particularly well. There will always be a dominant side and a minor side, and it’s bound to cause both social and gameplay problems, especially if there is no dynamic system in place that balances the factions.

Dark Ages of Camelot did factions (more than two) fairly well, but all other MMOs with two factions faced the same issues (queues, world PvP, unhappy customers, one side being seen as superior that the core gamers flock to and the casuals eventually migrate to because it feels more lively and vibrant, etc). It is a concept that does not work, especially not once MMOs age and start losing players.

Very early on, in 2004 and 2005, Blizzard made attempts to balance the factions by locking factions on servers where one side became dominant, but they very quickly abandoned this practice and eventually we got paid server transfers and faction changes that accelerated the problems on imbalanced realms. These same problems now show on the larger scale as well.

I don’t care much about the “versus” aspects in lore. I don’t play MMOs for the usually flimsy or cliche story, I play them to play with people, for the community aspects. Factions that artificially separate an already shrinking player base means fewer people to play and interact with, which weakens the MMO experience and make the game (and paying for it monthly) much less attractive to me.


To me they don’t appeal at all, so not going to make one. There is something in their looks that makes me feel just sad and pity towards them and it’s not really a feeling i am looking for when gaming. :man_shrugging:

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I still will get them but there is very few customisation options, and the transmog limitation makes me worry that i will look the same as any other mechagnome.
EDIT: I also worry my equipment will feel incomplete.

Honestly it was very obvious from the moment they announced them as the allied race for 8.3, that they would be extremely unpopular. Gnomes in general are the least played core race in the Game. Mechagnomes wouldn’t be any different. Especially when paired with the highly requested and actually new race that is the Vulpera.

Mechagnomes are literally just gnomes with less transmog options, nothing exciting or original about them. Nothing appealing about them. No one even wanted or asked for them to be playable. Most people even thought they would be a customization option back when they first showed them in Blizzcon 2018 lol. It’s just a waste of an allied race slot.

I’m more disappointed that Blizz couldn’t think of any other race to give us other than Mechagnomes, despite the many requests for High Elves, Broken or even Ethereals. Meanwhile the Horde gets yet another highly requested race.

I need to kill king Mechawhatsit. I’ll get round to it. I’ll also need to delete a few very low level chars too.

I’m glad there’s going to be no more Allied races; it bores me now.

Mechagnome is bland and i like gnomes.

They should have like made sethrak, ethereals or something like that an allied race in horde instead. -_-

This just proves how bad faction imbalance has gone. Nobody even cares to switch overpowered race/class atm due to faction imbalance F up

I think normal gnomes are better (Pink hair above all else!) but I’m gonna still level this lady when I get bored of the grindy 8.3 content

The faction swings have usually followed PvP but now with a separate bracket for horde and alliance and Blizz killing PvP with their PvE gear meta and boring gameplay there’s no benefit in going back to alliance.

There is nothing wrong with Mechagnomes…

…as a customization option for existing Gnomes. Even the recruitment quest EXPLICITLY tells you as a player that Mechangomes are just a certain state of existing Gnomes. They simply are not a race.

If Blizzard had added the visual as new Options for the existing Gnome player population, i think all 5 of them in the entire EU would have been totally going to use them.

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Yes, both horde and alliance have had races pulled out of their as sses. The difference is that horde allied races tend to have rich lore together with entire zones and continents for their races. Then there’s alliance with LFD, void elves, mechagnomes. Poor suckers.

I’d care for them if they had any substance, or something like Suramar, Highmountain, or the entire Xpacs in zones (Draenor, Zuldazar). Some horde races have rich history like the zandalari empire. Suramar is magnificent and a part of the most interesting lore in the game (Azshara, Legion, night elves).

The only worthwhile allied race for alliance is dark iron. I’d love the kul tirans as well if they had more than one face option. The rest is trash.

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while levelling i have seen around the same ammount of mechagnomes as I have vulpera.
Tbh the race ive seen most of levelling is blood elves, then tauren, then pandaren.

I still wonder what to lvl up atm, having a hunter of it atm, but, the thing you can make with a mage tho…

Mage image = 3 extra “whatever you look like”.
Mechgnome skill = 2 extra.
I belive there are 2-3 toys ingame that make copy of you aswell, futureself, hologram ect.
You can then use some mirror toy’s on your pet, to either make you look like the pet, or, the pet look like you :stuck_out_tongue:

Still, with all this in mind, a mechagnome mage can make a “pug” army of proberly 20 pug’s out of nowhere (adding in the toy from MoP timewalker vendor) and the MoP Rare in the north zone (some trinket).

Me: Error, error, fun not detected, adding fun to stormwind’s street…boom, 20 pugs setting in the street outside AH :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think anyone is ready to see that many mechagnomes in the same spot.

You get a fox race and we get a … Mecha gnome, which is pretty much the same as a normal gnome >_<

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A mage Mechagnome with that racial, adds more Mechagnomes in the game than there are Mechagnome players lol.


:flushed: :slightly_frowning_face: :cry: :sob:

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