Anyway they use one base model to create all the others, at least that is what they said, does that mean that Pandaren, Night elf and orc are the same species/race, because they used the same base model, but altered it so heavily you cannot see it anymore?
Obvious answer: No. They are using animation elements, skeletons, models of current un/playable races and then ALTER them to look and be an actual different species/race, from the Vanilla, well even in Warcraft RTS games, as well as every other freaking game ever!
I am all for keeping the factions as they are. One of the key feature of any MMORPG is still the lore, story etc. Remove them for gameplay reasons, ignore all the stuff that happened throughout 15 years and this game would be soon dead, well not entirely dead, but do you really think that the gameplay, the systems are the only things what keep the players in this game?
Maybe for PvE … raids and dungeons, just like Blood elves, Night elves and High elves/Kirin Tor could get along at Suramar, because that was not, let’s say, “faction based” content.
Edit: One thing though, no more full out faction wars! That I can agree on
Think you and I are a great minority here. And that’s okay… I’ve seen that the few of us in here that actually are MG fans love them. I’ve personally been waiting months for them to be playable!
Funnily enough I used to be on the mechagnome hate train, I unlocked them because I had the rep for the essences anyways but since then they really grew on me.
In the end I don’t really care if others don’t like them, I am not in High School anymore so I grew past the need for confirmations of my choices and tastes by others.
It’s quicker/easier to get exalted rep with Vulpera than it is for Mechagnomes right now. More rep rewards per day from world quests compared to the paltry reward you get from those daily quests.
That could be a factor as well. 8.2 faction stuff needs a buff here to gain reputation I feel.
No one is trying to ruin your fun, I’d love to play as Broken Draenei, which are usually not perceived as cute or physically nice. But we have LFD instead, yay! Literally equal to Night Warrior NE.
The thing is would you have less fun if Mechagnomes were customisation option for Gnomes (core race), would that take anything away from you, do you feel that they are not just customisation option?
Now compare it to Ankoan, completely new species, that could have been AR, but they are not and they will never be nor they could be a customisation option for any other race.
I would rather play a tortolan than roll a mechgone or a vulpera. Come to think of it yeah i would actually like to play a tortolan XD.
But yeah on topic most people saw this coming , gnomes are to my knowledge the least played race on the alliance (maybe the game idk) so the idea of handicaped gnomes would seem even less apealing imo. For me i dont like the gnome and goblin sceletons (too short and i cant find a decent mog that i like on those rigs) so thats a hard pass. Another thing i dont like is that they are futury mech based and maybe its just me but im rly not a fan of sci-fi stuff gets mixed up with medieval fantasy , and i know they have done that multiple times heck even the Drenei are space travelers and what not but i can easily ignore that but with MG i cant. And the last thing is i like my class/race combo to make some sence and while looking at MK i cant put them in any class that makes sense to me , maybe if thinckers are a thing at somepoint the future.
As for vulpera- same hight/skeleton problem i have with the MG and they are too cute for my liking and i rly cant take them serious and thats saying when you take in to consideration that we are palying a game with werewolves , cow people , space goats and 3 different types of junkie elves.
PS- i did try to create a mechagnome just for the shiz but it turns out my very original name that i came up with (Suboptimus) was taken so my last insentive was gone.
6% of the people online on my server right now are Mechagnomes. It’s not done scanning though. Scanning a second time atm as Census+ was updated 2 days ago(and I haven’t scanned since late summer I think…) None of the Mechagnome mains in the guild are online atm though, so they missed the scan! Silly people!
Gonna be running it more often again now that it has been updated, but only running the servers I am on.
They are still fresh, and numbers not stabilized yet anyways.
Races currently below Mechagnomes on this scan are;
Kul Tiran
Dark Iron Dwarf
Void Elves are topping the charts with 16%. Followed by worgen and Draenei, then humans and nightelves(these 4 are very close on % though), but yeah, this is one scan at this hour. Will continue scanning, and add it to the rest of the server data.