The Farraki had a city, there is an entire dungeon about it. The Frost Trolls had an Empire, the forrest trolls had an empire. No different, just different skins of trolls.
Clans that did exist, some of even still do, with the original orcs so again Nothing new to the tables.
One ruler is higher than 0.
Which is true for pretty much 2/3 of the AR. Trolls still do Loa, Orcs still do shamanism, Elves are still stuck up and wearing dresses.
Funny how you point out Gerenzo, if you made 2 sec on gnome lore you would know that he actually support my point. He is a pariah and a traitor that his felow Gnomeregan Gnomes describe as ugly and repulsive, showing that theire a clear division between the two gnomish groups on the matter of cybernetics.
I Don’t know why a specific magic is more important thematically than cybernetic, you are the one making a tier list of what is important based your opinion.
Again, standard AR stuff.
Never said anything about NB. Also hate to break it to you but more than half the playerbase already plays some shade of elf, so no going for what most people want isn’t the best solution unless you want every AR spot to be filled by a color of the Rainbow variant of elf. Behold, the sea elves; they were almost turned into Naga, nevermind the very attractive standard Elven model, their thing ? They do water and stuff.
I Don’t like elves, when we had an army of elves shades released as AR I didn’t went around creating threads on why elf = poo poo or tried to explain to elf fans why their allied race of choice shouldn’t exist. Unpopular yes, so what ? Everything has to be popular and people who aren’t into what’s popular can eat it ? If anything it’s quite brave of blizz not to go the easy way and give to niches what they are interested in. Mechagnomes are an allied race, they took one of your precious AR spots. You will survive.