No one playing Mecha gnomes?

The Farraki had a city, there is an entire dungeon about it. The Frost Trolls had an Empire, the forrest trolls had an empire. No different, just different skins of trolls.

Clans that did exist, some of even still do, with the original orcs so again Nothing new to the tables.

One ruler is higher than 0.

Which is true for pretty much 2/3 of the AR. Trolls still do Loa, Orcs still do shamanism, Elves are still stuck up and wearing dresses.

Funny how you point out Gerenzo, if you made 2 sec on gnome lore you would know that he actually support my point. He is a pariah and a traitor that his felow Gnomeregan Gnomes describe as ugly and repulsive, showing that theire a clear division between the two gnomish groups on the matter of cybernetics.

I Don’t know why a specific magic is more important thematically than cybernetic, you are the one making a tier list of what is important based your opinion.

Again, standard AR stuff.


Never said anything about NB. Also hate to break it to you but more than half the playerbase already plays some shade of elf, so no going for what most people want isn’t the best solution unless you want every AR spot to be filled by a color of the Rainbow variant of elf. Behold, the sea elves; they were almost turned into Naga, nevermind the very attractive standard Elven model, their thing ? They do water and stuff.

I Don’t like elves, when we had an army of elves shades released as AR I didn’t went around creating threads on why elf = poo poo or tried to explain to elf fans why their allied race of choice shouldn’t exist. Unpopular yes, so what ? Everything has to be popular and people who aren’t into what’s popular can eat it ? If anything it’s quite brave of blizz not to go the easy way and give to niches what they are interested in. Mechagnomes are an allied race, they took one of your precious AR spots. You will survive.

I never really adored gnomes as it was, been waiting for a exciting race for a long while and then they kinda just rehashed a already playable race.

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Again they are tribalistic clans. The Amani and Gurubashi empires actually resemble one another in design, also the Farraki/Amani/Gurubashi tribes are all either crippled or defunct since Cataclysm. Zandalari is an entire civilization on it’s own, it’s very different than the rest of the Troll clans. It follows a clear monarchy rules with royalty, and the such. It’s also lasted over 16k years.

Clans that no longer exist, with very few of the original ones remaining. Mag’har added some resemblance of the old ways back to the Orcs.

What does that have to do with Mechagnomes and Gnomes sharing one ruler?

It’s partially true for some AR. But it’s very crystal clear with Mechagnomes and Gnomes. Zandalari still do Loa but they also have alot of distinctions from Darkspear trolls. Mag’har revere ancestors and shamanism, but also share a different history, story and universe than the original Orcs.

And if you spent 2 secs on gnome lore you would know he wasn’t always a traitor. " He was one of the head engineers in [Gnomeregan], where he was working on their secret project," Again taken directly from his Wowpedia page. So you see? he was a gnome inventor that has replaced his limbs with mechanical cybernetics since Vanilla wow. Which just proves my point that Mechagnomes should not have been an AR in the first place.

I wasn’t making a tier list. I was replying to you saying “Cybernetics is one of the biggest sci-fi themes ever”. By saying that this is a World of fantasy where magic happens, mythological creatures exist and some races are devolved from machines. So Cybernetics isn’t that big of a deal as you make it sound when it comes to WoW.

Vulpera don’t look exactly the same as Goblins. Kul Tirans don’t look exactly the same as Humans. Zandalari don’t look exactly the same as Darkspear. NB don’t look exactly the same as Night elves.

Shared by a lot of people. Not just on the Forums on both us/eu but also on reddit. In-game too. Don’t believe me that’s fine, you can search up the many threads against their additions.

I don’t like elves either, I actually despise Void elves and I would argue against their addition. And no one is stopping you from explaining why this or that elf allied race shouldn’t exist.

Except Blizz did go the easy way when they gave Vulpera a very highly requested race to the Horde, while we got this version of Gnomes that nobody asked for. Not everything has to be popular, but it speaks volumes when your faction ends up getting an AR that up to that point everyone had expected them to be a customization option. An AR that nobody expected them or thought of them as an AR.

Hypothetical question, but if they had become a customization option would you have accepted it? Or been disappointed?

i am to elitist to play with reskined character models, like mechagnomes, dwarf 2.0, space goat reload, etc.

Well there is several reasons you dont see them that much.

  1. Most prominent is that BG win ratio is in favor of Horde if you are not running premades.
    Leveling trough dungeons/questing pays off more for alliance.

  2. Mechagnomes are locked behind non-story reputation grind and few achievements which were doable only in Mechagon, which was long Mythic only dungeon that had few mechanics which were quite unforgiving (dunno how it is now tbh).
    I’we seen and been in so many groups that fell a part on second boss.
    Their reputation was also gated behind daily quests and rares, which was for majority of people, my self included, a chore.
    A lot of ppl went there only to get flying and never looked back due to sheer repetitiveness of the grind, and grind that rep in pure boredom.
    Vulperas reputation was a part of story questline, you hit high Honored or even Revered just by finishing the zone.

  3. Depending on your fraction balance on the server, if there is less Ally’s overall there is less Mechas.

About their look. I can say two things - they have more details put into them than other races, tho i do question visual quality and quality of textures on some of customization options. Some of the textures really look like they are Low ress.

Second is - yea, i must agree with few people here that mecha shorts instead of speedo’s would be waaaay better. But thats personal taste.

Tho its undeniable that Terminator Gnomes are Swiss army knife for professions and quite nice tanks due to their racials.

Vulpera. I do think that their model lacks uniqueness of animation, that female model is too much brawny in shoulders and their posture is a bit odd.
If you play at max zoom out distance, like i do, and dont pay a bit of attention you can easily mistaken them for goblins due to their animations if they have hood/robe armor on them.
In every other situation their tail is a dead giveaway that its Vulpera, tho again - gobos animation.

tbf, we do look more badass, and have a nice racial.

Why would anyone play mechagnome if they can play vulpera? :thinking:

Not appealing and do dislike gnomes!!!

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Heroic mechagon is open

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just my feelings too.

I ike Tauren, Worgen (after the new model), Draenei, Vulpera and Trolls obviously but Kul’tiran and Mechagnomes do not appeal to me at all.

I don’t understand people complaining that mechagnomes are just gnomes.
Yes just like most of the other allied races are just like their main races?
There is a lot more customization diversity in a mechagnome than in LF Draenei for example

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It really is funny reading how people are bending over backwards to justify every other AR as they have lore, backstory, etc and then totally denying that MGs have any of that. Like we all didnt play through an entire zone of MGs and a dungeon, earn rep with them, camp their annoying rares for mounts!
Its just wilfully obtuse to state they are the same as gnomes when the last patch was 50% about MGs! They dont have a unique model but are easily as valid as HM tauren, LF draenei, etc.

Bottom line is that gnomes were never a very popular race so gnomes 2.0 (with added rep grind!) were going to be even less popular.


It’s just people not liking gnomes I think. You’d have to be from a different planet to truly believe HM tauren, void elf or LF draenei are further apart from their core race than mechagnome. Void elves just poofed into existence because valeera found a pool of void and thought “huh, nice”.

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Gnomes have never appealed to me. I prefer to be able to see my character.

I like my mechagnome, but yea during lvling, dungeons/bgs i barely see any other mechagnomes. almost one week in and i have not even seen a single 120 mechagnome.

Vulpera’s however are everywhere.

But then again we knew long ago wich allied race was more populair.

Just saw one in Stormwind, but yeah, so far they don’t seem much popular.

I never liked regular gnomes, always found them rather creepy…Mechagnomes are even more creepy so…no thanks.

I’ve seen a few around stormwind and ironforge but very very few. I don’t think they’re very popular tbh.

Also manny boomers like myself, don’t like to see cyborg crap in A fantasy game about sword and magic.
Wow turning into a asia flavor mmo, with space crap and laser beems

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Tinfoil hat on the same can be said about the kultirans. Fat humans vs even cooler trolls? Horde bias! They get more attention just because there’s more of them" Tinfoil hat off

Ok boomer.

Gnomes always had cyborg-esque stuff since Vanilla, just look at their mounts.

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