Blizzard should not nerf their racials so fast and wait few weeks to make “hotfix”. High damage with clones and 20%HP heal could convince any min-maxer to race change
I say cheers for that handful of people who like them and play them, lets all be happy that they enjoy their gnome-cyborgs, congratulate them and move on?
Just go back during Shadowlands and do the daily 700 rep quest on an alt for the Mechagnomes and the 1500 ones for Vulperas when it pops up. I haven’t done anything else but this and the required quests to unlock them. Was a breeze.
Look buddy I am not going to argue for weeks with you because we are going in circles, the vast majority of AR only have a few tweaks to their original race appart from the NB, the vulpera and the KT (only because of their unique model), if you think having a king instead of a chieftain makes them completly different and unique feel free to do so but when I look at a Zandalari I see same old troll stuff, same with the Maghar. Even if we admit (which I don’t) that VE, NB, Zandalari, Vulpera and KT which are the races you listed as really distinct, with the caviat on KT that what makes they unique is more a gameplay thing than lore thing, that’s not even half the AR, being similar to the original race is the norm, not the exception, so picking on the Mechagnomes for that comes out as hypocritical for me. That’s the whole concept of an AR.
Cybernetics are far from being the norm with the vanilla Gnomes, the only case of a gnome with a mechanical limb you showed so far is from an ennemy described by another Gnome as “not easy on the eyes” which is further confirmed by the Mechagnome short cominc where the Gnomeregan explorer who found Mechagnome is at first shocked by the mechanization and describes the machine used for it as a “torture instrument”. Normal Gnomes don’t mechanise themselves and see it as repulisve while it is a center point of the Mechagnome culture which makes a big difference between the two. And the fact that we are in a fantasy world doesn’t invalidate cybernetic status as a fondement of sci-fi, not does it invalidates all the questions it ask which were a center point of the Mechagnome storyline.
When it comes to Vulpera we all new they were going to be an AR since forever, their ability to wear armor and their more advanced animations have been datamined since forever, we knew they were native to Zandalar and we knew blizzard didn’t want anymore neutral races so anyone who was surprised by blizz annoncing them as Horde AR is lost to me. They were Always going to be a massive hit, I don’t think any races we had on alliance or could have maybe to the exception of High-Elf could have competed. People pointed out Sethrak but we also knew it couldn’t happen since they don’t have a rep associated to them and a rather tenuous link to the Alliance. So picking on the mechagnome because they are less popular than vulperas is also kind of hypocrit, Vulperas were Always going to be a massive hit that would make the Alliance AR paired with it look bad in comparaison and we knew it since BFA was annonced.
I would probably not even look at it after unlocking it and I Believe many people who actually play Mechagnomes would have do the same. AR are a lead feature of the expansion and so draw much more attention then unlockable customization options, people make videos to show the early PTR builds, discuss the impact of their racials on the game, make lore videos on their history and why they join their faction. Gnomes were always a niche race so they are deserving of all the attention they are getting for once by having their cousins being an AR instead of a customization option no one would have cared about. When Blizz pitched us AR they explained they were variations of a core race (again with a few exceptions), but what one understand as a variation is vastly subjective. I would argue that if a Zandalari or a Dark Iron is worthy of being an AR so would an Amani or a Wildhammer but they are going to be customization options. An AR is an upgraded customization option, an AR gets more personnalization, racials, heritage armor, mounts, storyline, and characters to represent it in the story. In the end that’s all that matter, with a few exceptions (Vulperas, NB and Kul Tiran) an AR is a more advanced customization options with more shiny stuff both in lore and ingame.
It would have been easy to give the Velfs a “normal” Helf-form, like the Worgen have a human-form out of combat. It’s the only thing they need to do. No new race, just a change and everyone would be happy. It is their fault anyway for the constant teasing with blue-eyed elves at every inGame event.
Greatest fiasco race of all times alongside the Kul’Tiran. Hordizzard’s master plan was getting those race and faction change money by pairing these ugliness incarnates with Vulpera and it worked for sure.
Greed will be your undoing Blizzard, now report to your shareholders “In the first quarter of 2020 we made bla bla profit but screwed %40 of our playerbase for that profit”
Lol, so they spent the most resources and developement time of all the AR on a horde transfer bait as they are the only AR with a completly unique rig ? Take off the tinfoil hat buddy.