I tell Nintendo the same thing whenever they release yet another Pokémon game that’s overly childish and simplistic.
But then again, lots of people seem to enjoy those games, so maybe I’m just not the audience the Pokémon games are primarily made for.
So then I go and play a game that I do like, and which does seem to be made for me. Like Barbie Pet Rescue.
Anyway, on topic:
Do a 2-4-6 PvP set bonus that increases damage done to other players by 5/10/15%, or alternatively decreases damage taken from other players by 5/10/15%.
Add a tertiary stat to every item on the PvP vendor that increases damage done to other players by 1%, or alternatively decreases damage taken from other players by 1%.
I think you can get around that fear of a PvP stat by just having a somewhat minor PvP relevant bonus. The problem with Resilience and PvP Power was that the difference between having it and not having it was huge.
There’s no need to revisit that again. Less can solve the issue without screwing anyone over in the process.
Or how about instead of spitballing random ideas that are clearly biased and self-serving, we can just agree on a common goal first of all?
The common goal should obviously be for PvP gear to at the very least be equal in EVERYTHING of PvE gear, while in PvP. That’s the BARE MINIMUM. Right?
The time/grind required to get it can then get adjusted to things like if it’ll only be good in PvP, because if it’s only good in PvP then it allows for faster grind requirements. But if it’s just as good as PvE gear in everything WoW has to offer, then it’d need to at the very least take the same average amount of time as the PvE equivalents. Right?
Says who? I know guys standing the whole day in the auction house, counting their gold they have made with it. It is their passion, it is the reason why the bought the game and they decided to spend their time exclusively to it.
Who are you to tell me or them or anybody how to play the game and where to spend our time to? We paid the same price, we have any right to decide for our owns and we can expect from Blizzard to support our decision!
So dear Blizzard, please please bring a pvp stat back to the game. It is the only realistic way to fix the pvp gearing. If you do not bring it back, there will always be the pressure to do pve instead. Alternative options are to remove mythic plus so you cannot farm dungeons and to remove broken items from pvp. But that is probably not a viable option I think. Why should people who enjoy m+ suffer from the pvp gearing system? Right, they should not!
And by the way @Felvengeance, I am really curious why someone who barely does any pvp or pve has an opinion about it. Are you maybe writing from an alt account while selling pve boosts on your main account? I really think the only people who support the current pvp gearing system are people who get paid for pve boosts, or real idiots who like when other people do not have fun.
What a pointless thread. While there’s no specific pvp stat there’s in reality still pve gear and pvp gear. The stats required between the two are for many players different.
Actually, there’s raid gear, m+ gear and pvp gear.
I do not see any problem with PvP stat. Give it to PvP items which have same stats and same range of choices like in PVE.
Something like this item will add you 500 versa in PVP or take away 500 versa in PvE.
Or just add back armor penetration/resilence.
Or do different ilvls on gear (for PvE from 100 to 200 and for PvP from 400 to 500), stats will be on both same, this is maybe the best, it just do not let you in bg/arena or dungeon/raids bcs your ilvl is not in needed range
Both camps will be happy. And if players want to do both, they have that possibility anytime they want.
Apart from PvE trinkets usually being strictly better, if we get items with proper stats on the vendor, then I agree that a PvP stat is completely unneeded.
If the game isn’t filled with daily chores like 8.3, I personally don’t mind doing few M+ runs and few raid boss kills every week, just to get some extra options in the weekly vault.
However, there was ONE thing I liked about some of the PvP gear in BFA.
That one of the secondary stats on the items was heavily favoured.
For example:
Haste/Vers ring with the highest versa in the game.
Mastery/Haste legs with the highest haste.
Crit/Haste wrists with the highest haste.
Basically the two secondaries on some PvP items were split 30%/70% or 40%/60%, while on most PvE items, it’s between 40%/60% and 45%/55%.
With few exceptions like workshop mastery/haste rings 25%/75%.
Edit: One thing I missed! Last 2 mythic raid bosses giving higher ilvl gear than it’s obtainable through PvP.
THIS, I don’t think is fair. Perhaps if you reach 2.7k rating, you get access to few pieces at the same ilvl as mythic last 2 bosses gear.
Can you pls shut up with this bullsh*t. Its not true. Only pvpers have to do pve thats all. Yeah there is essence that like 2% of pvers need for minmaxing…its annoying and lame especially with state of bgs in BFA.
So you thing you have to play all parts of the game? Ok then then you will got new piece of gear after you done all achievements in game and being rank 1 pet battles champ whatever. So stupid that you can work for activision instanly.
I dont get this “this is their game so their vision is only what is relevant” thing. Never will. Why?
Wow isnt a game like other games are. It is one in gaming history. It started so many years ago. We grew into it and it grew cause of us. Players. We PAID FOR IT ONCE. We paid for product we recieved. This product evolved. Changed. Playerbase always whine bout changes but when we Pay for product and it is completely different from what we originaly had? Do we have right to complain? Concern? Suggest? EXPECT?
And i know. “Terms of use”. Wonder what happened if blizzard decided that or mobs are gone. Only pvp remains. And they Say “it is their game vision”. Or if blizz f. eg. started to delete characters with to much ilvl. So it will be funnier for new players and easier to lower the gap…
I know it is nonsense what i write here i know. But what i want to say is that blizzard cannot make whatever they like with their game. Even if by law they can. They will lose players. And they are losing players. Pvpers especially. And why is so? Where is the reason? Cause they have some vision? And this vision is stronger than common sense? There must be something else.
They could make arena servers completely separated. And many players would come back and play it. Only arenas. Even 120 instant servers. Only arenas. Only arena gear progression. They will not do this. But in legion they took back part of the wow game. Legit arena/pvp aspect of the game. And they took it back only cause some pvers were envy. Envy of something they Just didnt want to achieve.
No pvp stats - PvP vendor has all, totaly all stat combinations.
Pvp itemlevels are the same as in pve - locked behind rating - devided into normal, heroic, mythic and mythic last bosses.
You can target specific items in pvp thats a disadvantage for pve, their drops are rnd.
Balance this by time gating. You can the specific item from the pvp vendor, but you need to collect conquest equal to two or more weeks depending on itemlvl.
So a minimum of 32 weeks to get a full pvp set? (16 items, 2 weeks per item). I guess one is a legendary so lets call it 30 weeks… also known as, over half a year.
that would still make you grinding pve in the early weeks as u want full gear asap. why not just add the WoD scaling? pvp gear has a base itemlvl that is lower than pve gear but still usable for normal/heroic raids while it gets scaled up to BiS ilvl in pvp situations. this system was absolutly perfect