No Random dungeon Finder?

This literally means that he is extremely good at reading what you wrote LOL

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Not implementing LFD in WOTLK Classic was the best decision ever made by Blizzard.

LFD and its following iterations turned WoW into a de facto single player game. MMO’s are social games, where human interactions matters. LFD, and LFR are the main reason that Retail is more or less, a single player game, with a multiplayer lobby.

I am all for #NoChange, but getting rid of obvious mistakes not going against that.


The game pace just changed. In 3.3 wotlk every group could rush through dungeons in full action without having to drink/wait for cooldowns all the time. The gameplay became much different from vanilla. If a group is constantly in action, there is less time for communication, but that has nothing to do with the LFD-tool. Those who wanted to communicate during downtimes still did, even when queued up with random players.

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No wonder, you didn’t make it past level 20 then.

Hehe, funny. This is my Forum troll. I’m not posting on any of my mains, I think I would not like people like you to know who I am in-game.

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haha gonna hide behind my alt too, noone will know who I am …

I don’t play on Firemaw so I wo’n bother you, promise!

RDF is not what killed WoW, and back in WotLK it was a very good addition for quality of life. The social aspect was still there, I recall people in RDF groups were chatting all the time in Wrath. RDF was a good addition both for max level and for leveling new characters and alts. You could choose to level up as a healing spec and spam dungeons all the time, which was great. Without RDF if you choose to level up as a healing spec you are pretty much doomed.

If someone leaves a dungeon group you struggled to create manually, there are less chances for a replacement player to join in. Via RDF you have more chances to finish your dungeon.

If Blizzard only added RDF and kept it there without adding LFR later on, WoW would have been in a much better state, since again, RDF is a very good quality of life addition.

I think not adding RDF in WotLK Classic is a big mistake. At least consider adding realms with and without RDF. To be honest, I’d rather play on a private WotLK server that has RDF active rather than Classic WotLK without RDF. And I don’t even have to spend money on a monthly subscription for that.

What killed WoW IMO:

  • LFR
  • All the stupid changes to PvP, especially the removal of Resilience
  • Removal of stats like Hit, Expertise, MP5, etc (back when these stats existed you had to balance out more things therefore if you took time to tweak your character you were better rewarded than others who didn’t).
  • Timelock + Grindfest systems such as Renown
  • Not being able to buy flying with gold but rather having to spend your life to earn an achievement rather than having fun
  • Professions being made obsolete
  • Class changes that gave every class a heal, stun, etc
  • Classes not having their own identity via specific buffs, Bloodlust, etc
  • Removal of old school buffs that added a lot of flavor to creating groups

What didn’t kill WoW:

  • RDF

What killed WoW:

YES! and one way playing. Linear questlines. Just kill 10 bugbears instead of 5 red and 5 green bugbears. Map and Questhelper integrated. Questhelper on mouseover mobs and many many more things.

In short all these thing where the game thinks for you instead of you using your own brains!

Impåelment LFD soon, but not al launch.

But thats the thing, I would like LFG earlier, you can look at state of classic servers and see that it needs all the help it can get, but I wont mind if it comes later … but instead blizzard comes out of nowhere and says they are not going to add it because they listened to community …

Not only its absolute BS but they also had to go out of their way to remove something that was part of the game to begin with …

Its blizz yet again doing their “you thing you do” and getting away with it, while losing even more credibility …

If they didnt say that part, there would be few posts lamenting missed opportunity to improve the game, but most people would just wait for later for it to be released …

Forgot to include linear quests, that’s among the biggest killers.

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You see that I’m not against this :wink: I say on several occasions “people should first learn where the entrance to the dungeon is” I am a big, ugly #NoChanger, so I do not want it at laucnch. But as neither of us know how long (or short) Blizz is going to make Wrath last, I would say a month or two in would be fine :wink:

I am on the PvE servers, and they’re doing just fine. I can see the PvP players are scraming murder, but I think more than LFD is needed to help out here - read what Kristanna said. WOTLK Dungeon Finder - Tool - #6 by Kristanna-dun-modr

I will never understand why Blizzard listen to the people that moan and cry about LFD Finder being part of the game and actually listening to them…

Take a look at the number of people playing the game then count the amount of the people crying if 90% of people ain’t asking for it to be removed and 10% of the players are Ignore it.

If 90% of the players are here crying and moaning and want it removed then and only then listen to the player base… Don’t just start wildly listening to everything people say now that the business is going down the tubes because you ignored people completely for years.

Fair enough about making people not tele to dungs I guess, but no group finder? like c’mon spamming LFG ain’t content and there is no meaningful interactions in it either.
LFG helps cut out hours of pointless spam its that simple… and for a game to take a feature out especially this feature is laughable.

It was implemented over 10 year ago for a reason.

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I would be ok with LFD only with three conditions:

  1. User should be able to restrict roster to a certain amount of classes with 0 also being an option.
  2. User should not be teleported to a dungeon.
  3. User should be able to blacklist unlimited number of players from matchmaking with him/her.

Without it, it is better to remove LFD entirely, just like they did.

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Your average “muh sohcual apzegt” fan

Let me just ban everyone that wont carry me through this stuff xD … also name checks out …


The tool should provide the exact same flexibility that manual search for group has. Current issue with LFG chat is that it requires an addon to effectively use it. However, LFD function adds way too much convenience and takes away control over who you get into a group. For example, in TBC I would definitely not want to have a second rogue in a group. And some people wouldn’t want to have even one and that is their right. I have no idea what are you dissatisfied with. You have to either contribute to the group, or you will not get invited the second time. If you contribute nothing, you get nothing. That is only fair.

This would make sense if Wotlk heroics were at least half as hard as the Tbc ones. But fact is from phase 2 onwards ( which is when I think they should add LFD ) the Wotlk heroics are so easy that I am pretty sure you can beat them with 5 rogues in the grp. So there is very little reason to add options to gatekeep the ‘‘bad’’ specs for such easy content.

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If you dont like having a random group setup, you can still queue premade and have the control. Noone is forced to play with random groups. Its up to you if you want to use it or not. If you have a full premade group, you can still use LFD to port to your desired dungeon. Its a quality of life change for everyone - no exception.


This is a clear example of sophistry. While there indeed will be a technical possibility to create premade groups to clear dungeons, the vast majority (if not everyone) will be using LFD. Trying to create a premade group will take significant time and may also insignificantly increase LFD queue times, so it is a lose-lose. I agree that LFD is a quality of life change for everyone, but this is exactly why Retail is not a good MMO. Is it more convenient? It sure is. However, you no longer have to deal with people, instead you deal with function. You no longer need to actually go to the dungeon. Most of the playerbase will not even know where those dungeons are located until they go to heroics. World PvP will decrease even further, world will become even more barren with people teleporting to dungeons instead of walking. This is an example of how convenience destroys an MMO game. While it is not yet of an LFR level, but they are essentially the two tools with identical concept in mind, but different in scale.

Life was hard for me, so it has to be hard for you too…classic grandfather argument