No Random dungeon Finder?

Life was hard for me - and I loved it this way. I returned to Classic to have this back and I don’t want easy mode now or ever.

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Yes, because its the fastest and easiest way to get into a dungeon group. Some will queue with 1 or 2 friends, some will queue full premade and some will queue alone. Everyone (with enough gear to queue up) will use the tool even full premade ones.

I dont think I get your reason what will increase the LFD queue times. Compared to now, the time to get into a dungeon group will drop significantly. Therefore most players will win.

Some groups will be made manually and walk to dungeon, since you cannot queue up if someone has a medicore itemlevel. I dont see a problem with that either.

LFG-search does take a significant amount of time now. More time than many players are willing to invest on a regular basis. If in wotlk you are unable to find a full premade group by using the LFG-channel, then maybe there is a reason players dont want to use it over the LFD-tool.
Most people will just queue up using LFD and these people (the vast majority) only win. The ones left are like you looking for a balanced group and being overly social, so they might win too, since they are alright with long time group building.

Do you think if there was no dungeon browser in Shadowlands, the game would be highly more social and an overall better game, comparable with vanilla, tbc, wotlk? Does the reason that mythic+ dungeons have to be visited by walking there make people more social and friendships building up, more than random people having fun in a casual LFD run?
The overall expansions are too different to compare and having or not having LFD in wotlk wont have a noticeable impact on the social activity of players in the game. Just like removing the LFD in Shadowlands wouldnt give it a vanilla feeling.

What will we be missing with LFD: the LFG-search, maybe a spec/gear check, 2 players traveling and the summoning. 3 players of that group will only be missing the part of searching the LFG-channel, because they get ported there either way. They might not know how to get to the dungeon either way, since they get ported every time. Should we remove summoning stones/warlock ports, so players go there themselves to know where the dungeon is? Doesnt make much sense tbh. Once players wipe, they will open the minimap and see “oh, the dungeon is here on the map” and thats it. Those players, who had no idea where the dungeon is, would be the ones getting a summon anyway, so there is nothing different lost adventure-wise.

I might agree if it was classic vanilla, but with the introduction of flying mounts, world pvp already died. The only place you are speaking of is the two guys who fly to the summoning stone and getting ganked there. Nothing more. If we would want to change that, we would first have to remove all flying mounts to revive world pvp. But that wont happen and wont be a faithful recreation of the game. It would be a completely different game and that is not what anyone wants, because we know how bad Blizzard at making good decisions.

I would agree, if you are talking about the social aspects of the game. While pain bounds together, it would be a completely different game and the playerbase changed too. We play the classic games because we want the classic versions of the games and not what Blizzard thinks is best. If they wanted they could just release a good mmo, but they cant. They are even having troubles bringing the quality of 15 years ago back.

Again, I dont think that BFA/Shadowlands would be much greater games if LFD and LFR would be removed and would make me want to play there again. Its many other things that make the game feel less social and less captivating.


As much as I don’t want to, I have to agree with most of what you have said.

It is, and I wouldn’t mind having this function if only it didn’t add too much convenience. I may have been overdemanding about this function. But at the very least it should display nicknames of group members before the group is fully formed and it should not teleport to the dungeon. This is the minimum acceptable changes so that the function would not damage the game.

As of now, the options to get into a dungeon group are to either create it yourself or to join an already existing one. One of the major pros of LFD is that it has an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interface, so it is less difficult to find a group. And that leads to a downside that is not being mentioned for some reason: a person no longer needs to create a group, the process of creating a group is hidden and done automatically. It has a profoundly different feeling. There is no objective leader of the group.

The majority will win, that is true. However, this logic has lead WoW to where it is now (with the exception of mythic raiding, that is where Blizzard listens only to the minority). It just makes me sad that when the minority was begging for Vanilla WoW, the majority was laughing and telling that this can never happen. And when it actually happened, the majority is asking for QoL features and/or not removing the features that poisoned the game.

I’m afraid you are absolutely correct here. I wish flying mounts weren’t introduced, but it is impossible to get rid of them now. And that would be too big of a scope of changes for Blizzard classic team to handle even at the time of TBC. However, if we know that automated tools made the game feel like a conveyor belt, why don’t we at least give it a try without them?

I can sign under your every single word.

Have to agree. Their best try at creating a new direction was during Legion. Alas, after that they failed to deliver enough content and their power level systems were getting even worse.

Guys I just re-started playing WoW out of nostalgia after many years and instead of playing I am hurting my eyes in a chat trying to read between spam rows in order to find a group for a dungeon. Sorry, but as much as I love the game I will not do this anymore. I tried it in TBC, I am not doing it again in WotLK.

I am 40, I just started playing the game again, I don’t know anybody online and at the end of the day I wanna get home and do some quests or dungeons not hang around in the chat room hoping I get a group going. It is SOOOOOO dumb


Oh and btw classic argument against LFD: it takes out the social aspect. Are you kidding me? is whispering “inv me, DPS” what you guys call “socializing” in this game?
Because that is the real difference between LFG and chat. It’s still with random ppl, it’s still not talking to anybody

If you only do LFD and no other content, and just refuse to join or play with your guild, then that is not the fault of the LFD tool. Just join a guild.

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Yes please

lol please dont bring dungeon finder back

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I hope there is no LFG


Any reasons, or do you just generally not like the features after vanilla/tbc, because you find to to retail-like already?

this may have already been suggested. but, how about making some realms have the RDF tool and some not?

this way we can all get what we want without getting chocolate in our peanut butter.

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It came with ICC, but that was still like half of wotlks lifespawn … considering how hard they are butchering classics, doing it in same timeline would mean its in the game for like two weeks …

They will 100% add it in cause levling alts spamming in a DEAD LFG / Trade channel is not the way we wanna play Wrath. We want to play how it originally was. If people say " good change" they are just high on copium

It’s strange that you know how I and everybody else want to play Wrath. Those sweeping statements are … [censored]!

This is such a good change. How can people not realize how this feature was one of the most damaging aspects of the MMORPG genre. You shouldnt be able to afk in ogrimmar from 70-80 spamming dungeons, that doesnt belong to classic. They added the feature around the time Blizzard merged with activision and after that it went downhill for the game. If they are going to keep giving us classic content we need to perserve what made it classic to begin with and they should build upon that.

Keep on reiterating this lie if you want, but a quick research will tell you that the people who developed WoW Vanilla were still around when LFD was introduced, and many of them strongly defended its introduction, too. Why don’t you go look up what Vanilla game director Rob Pardo had to say about LFD, back in 2009? You’d be surprised.

This whole “belong to classic” stuff is just stupid revisionism from people who kept on playing WoW on retail and keep on projecting their misguided nostalgia over the game as it was, without understanding that they can’t compare flying, dailies or LFD as they were in TBC/WotLK to how they are on retail.

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Groupfinder was never an issue. The issue is cross realm grouping. If you que with people from your server chances are you stay a group. Cross realm was the killing blow by completely killing server identity and community. When you have an unlimited pool of random players they become nothing more than grey blobs.


Its intressting that we have the history and facts of what exacly ledd to WoW’s decline yet your instant gratification brain cant see what the long term damaging effect of the RPG genre this was. You mention, " Many of the people who worked on vanilla wow defended this". This is pure hearsay and there were hundreds of people working at blizzard at this time and if we are gonna name someone i can name atleast one vanilla developer that didnt like the change “Kevin Jordan”.
What do you mean misguided nostalgia? I havent played retail since legion. Do you really think classic is being played for nostalgia or the fact that some people actually think classic is a better game even tho its 15 years old?

It is not. I quoted verbatim what Rob Pardo said in an interview about LFD back in 2009 in another post. I’ll report it here again for you:

htt ps://ww w.escapistmagazine . com/five-years-of-warcraft-speaking-with-blizzards-rob-pardo/

By that I mean this:

You’re basing your opinion of a game’s features on the grounds of later versions of the game, uncaring of the context in which said features existed. Unlike you, I haven’t even played past WotLK, so I can tell and remember how LFD worked in WotLK. You sound largely like those people who, before TBC, clamored for flying and even dailies to be excluded because of what those features did to “Retail”. Nobody cares about Retail but people who played or play Retail. This isn’t about “going down the same history again” because this is WotLK classic, not Cataclysm/MOP/WOD Classic or w/e.

I think people are playing the Classic versions of WoW because they like them more than others (including Retail), but I also think that the audience for, say, Vanilla Classic isn’t the same as TBC Classic or WotLK Classic. Therefore, attempts like this to “Vanillize” WotLK are stupid and indeed misguided. If you don’t want LFD you should simply play TBCC or Classic Era, much like people who didn’t like Flying and other related stuff stayed on Classic Era or played SoM.


You are too narrow minded, think forward. All you do is speculate on what kind of player i sound like, it doesnt matter. What matter is i got the facts on what happened in the future expansions because of some of the features that were implemented. I dont know if you have missed out but after wotlk they might expand to cata if people want that but without the unwanted features. So thats why i like this change because now we have the opportunity to build a new foundation of the older expansion the way classic players want. Do you understand? Build back better.

" If you dont like LFD you could play TBC or classic era". Well then you can go and play retail because they have it there. But im up to compromise. We can add the LFD feature but like in classic wotlk at the end of the expansion and without cross realm, would you agree with that propose?