Exactly what the topic says, I have no way of making gold. Every overworld farm and herbing/mining is overran by bots, cant sell services like tanks can and cant solo farm instances like a mage.
As it stands now I have no way of making gold other than fishing in azshara hoping to get super lucky
Look in 2019 we had only one spec and had to pay 100g after every raid night to farm anything. You have now a dual spec and still complain?
Because respeccing to shadow doesnt actually solve the issue
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Level a mage then and support your priest with this farming machine. No on is going to alter a Classic re-release by drastically messing with class “balance”. You have SoD for that.
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I refuse to become another degenerate mage player. Too many losers with main character syndrome playing that class already
In 2019 I desided to honor my old 2006 vanilla main a feral druid. The plan was simple I would off tank everything that needed 3rd or 4th tank, while playing as a cat on the rest encounters. Long story short meta exists for a reason and that is people always want best from the best. I was promised and off tank slot, but got shuffled into second grade emergency healer replacement, transfered off PvP realm to PvE started leveling mage, but along side players I played found out I have a lvl 60 druid and invited me as cat dps/4th tank. However over 4 months playing with their loot council and leading second split ZG 20 raid I barely got any meaningful loot to combat bad itrmisation of a cat in Classic and suffered on 6-7% out of needed 9% of hit however was denied of accuria, DFT and any other hi grade gear.
I rage quitted and returned only in March 2021 and finished my mage and oh boy I was wrong to pick druid on the first place in Classic. Mages are especially good in TBC till Sunwell, where they become A tier instead of S tier, so I recommend you not trying to proove something proved over and over on constant private and official realms, that Classic is and will be disbalanced. At least ferals in fresh have their dots now…
Check wool prices. You can dot/holy nova hapies in for example Barrens for mass cloth.
Small flame sac from lower level whelps.
Other than that trying fish/herb/alch.
Professions outside of instances are dead because of bots
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Bots go mainstream, while alchemy can sell on wide range of pots. Still rough though
Cool story, I still refuse to play a class I dont enjoy and dont respect. I will just buy gold instead, no wonder people would rather swipe than deal with this.
Also for every mage sitting afk in instances all day printing gold the economy inflates more and more. This means that every other class who cant farm gets screwed even harder because the little gold they can get is worth even less
Get leatherworking+tailoring. CDs every 3/4 days + crafts, many of them profits 50g+ per craft if sell on ah (such as black dragonscale set, robe of winter night and some others), it can take some time to sell but thats not hard to restock 2-3 times per day and in some moment it will be sold.
If you have time, can also level 35lvl alts for extra cured rugged hide/mooncloth cooldowns.
Wait! What?..
You can do jump runs, dm solos, princess etc. You can do badlands elemental farm better than any mage (just dot all and wand). You can do almost anything better than most of the other classes actually.
But you refuse all and prefer to continue crying?
L2P Issues
You don’t even have to leave a city to make gold.
Too much Mastercard Warrior here
My highest char is 38 and got 200 g almost only with fishing despite I spent almost the same amount for the professions, class trainers and better gear for my lower chars since I don’t do instances. And I haven’t yet fished in Tanaris/Feralas/Azshara. Fishing, as long as one doesen’t have recipes for raid gear or raid consumables is one of the best moneymakers while being a very much chill profession.
Mage detected opinion rejected.
Shadow priest could easily solo farm DM east+ mining 2 to 3 rich thorium nodes after the final boss
Jump runs are not viable yet due to gear maybe once BWL is out. Lasher farm also requires A LOT of gear to hit the unbuffed 6k+ mana required, not to mention the gold from that is bad regardless. DM and mara solo are barely doable and so slow you will struggle to make any meaningful gold per hour
Fishing and cooking Can be very easy money. But it Can be very boring
Every class is bad at making gold outside mages. Hunters/Warlocks are okay. You could manipulate the AH or, like a stock-market guy; Buy low, sell high!