No, we don't want RDF! We really don't want that šŸ¤Æ

They also report people that disagree with them for trolling.

Dont say ā€œtheyā€. I never reported anyone unless someone insulted or used derogatory terms ;).

ā€œi donā€™t agree with you but i will defend to the death your right to say itā€


One of them reports you for offending him when you respond to his name calling with calling him a Jerk, funny how what ever poor sod who works with looking on the forums when it comes to reports havent seen fit to give me a time out after that.

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Only if they behave like you though. A proper trollā€¦


Calling people trolls all the time does not make it true.

Nah, I donā€™t call people troll all the timeā€¦ I call you a troll all the time.


You have called others that dont agree with you that too. I dont think that word means what you think it means. If anything it is the pro-RDF ppl that are trolling.

You have nothing to do at this hour right ?
Again, reported for trolling.

Probably think we are okay without rdf .if things do start to go bad and community complains Then we can get rdf .

That will be to late for me. Either I play WotLK from the start or not at all. I wonā€™t play an expansion where I already missed a lot of the content and the few ambitious guilds on my tiny server have their rogue spots filled already.

And TBCC showed me, that I wonā€™t be ok without RDF. And a lot of people also stated theyā€™ve had big problems doing dungeons in TBCC. So maybe you will be fine without. But there are people that need the RDF to play the game as intended.


We have 2 eras of ā€œclassicā€ behind us (I mean tbc is wotlk waiting room rn, so you can call it done) that dont have RDF and they suck ā€¦

Vanilla is bit different, because there isnt that much to do (and it had group finding meeting stones anyway). But TBC clearly showed us that this ā€œretailā€ mentality, has fully infested the community and ruined it for everyone ā€¦

If anyone thinks that people will somehow change from toxic minmaxers, to friendly puppies overnight when wotlk launches, they must be completely lost ā€¦ oh wait there are people who think that wow died overnight when rdf was added ā€¦ well ā€¦ anyway ā€¦


@Flexboss After reading everything that You wrote (which was really painfull), it seems like You dont want wotlk classic to come back. You want 2008 to come back. This sadly wont happen, world changed, people changed, internet culture changed. Those times wont come back, even if Youā€™ll get clear wotlk re-relase with all the Bugs, enormous class unbalance, patch after patch.

I was something like 60:40 toward RDF. The more I read about it and the more I think about it, im 95% sure I want it to be implemented at start. Flying to dungeon and forming group may be fun like, once? Every next time its just sad necessity.

When Im saying 95%, im talking about north zones and rdf. If we are talking about classic+tbc zones, im 110% sure it should be implemented.


And this applies to me as well. Wonder how many moreā€¦


Tens of players.

Maybeā€¦ to begin with.
Iā€™m betting there will be loads more after a few months though. When they realize how bad it is without RDF.


Yeah Wotlk really sucks during Ulduar and if you canā€™t instantly matchmake and teleport to a dungeon what is even the point with WOTLK?

tens of thousands*

Fixed that for You :slight_smile:


Yeah tens of thousand of players will quit WOTLK after a few month during the most epic raid and most popular and loved period that this game ever had. Just because they canā€™t use a tool that wasnā€™t available during that time to begin with. All for the sake of needing to put in minimal effort so facerolling dungeons.

tHaT mAkS sEnSe

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Tens of thousands wont even start WOTLK, or will play on kinky servers :slight_smile:

Look at the state of TBCC and the lowest ever amount of players.


According to what data?

Ironforge pro show more players right now than Classic had during naxx.