No, we don't want RDF! We really don't want that 🤯

It’s all very confusing.

I am just happy for as long as Classic is not ruined by any cross realm grouping and teleportation to dungeons. I am pretty sure the vast majority agrees with that.

If by Classic you mean Classic Era then yes, if you mean Wrath Classic, I’m split as stated previously. I could absolutely live without the crossrealm to put it mildly :wink: but the teleport to, and mainly back from, the dungeons is actually a feature, I like - and the reson why I would like RDF at a later date and not at launch for Wrath Classic.
As you see I’m in several minds about RDF.

Its that S2 tinfoil had, its confusing people … the issue with this “camp” of people is, that blizz stated no RDF at all, so its more like people against blizz stupid decisions vs people for blizz stupid decisions …

If they said they are deciding and waiting for feedback, there would be much better discussion, instead its just people who think RDF is responsible for death of dinosaurs vs the rest …


I don’t think we can say for sure one way or the other but it doesn’t really matter. Whether the “majority” is for or against the RDF is not really what we should be discussing. The “why” the Dungeon Finder is excluded from WLK is what’s interesting.

Many in the vocal pro-RDF camp on these forums will make the argument that there are zero reasons to not implement the RDF, and if you try to give them a reason they’ll just dismiss it. They’ll come up with a thousand explanations as to why you have interpreted your own individual experience wrongly, and they’ll invoke the “majority”-argument whenever they can to justify their own righteousness in this question.

[Edit] Please note that I said “many” and not “all”. Certain individuals who are pro-RDF still understand that the tool does damage, but prefer to play the game with it rather than without for many valid reasons. And that I can respect, even if I disagree with them.

Same as the pro group tends to not see the negative aspects, the con group tends to not see the positive aspects.

There are concerns, primarily related to crossfaction and the “lobby feeling”. While these should of course be considered, the reason it was introduced should not be forgotten either. And it seems they are forgotten, because Blizzard applauds themselves that the new/improved group finder tool will fix the problems that RDF was meant for, but actually fixes non of these, since it doesnt have more functionality than the current tool.

The new LFG-tool doesnt address:

  • low pop servers waiting times (solution: crossfaction)
  • low level pop waiting times (solution: crossfaction)
  • the reason most low level dungeons are not being run (solution: teleport)
  • the need actively stare at the tool/chat as a group leader (solution: auto-finder)
  • the concentration and endurance required as a dps staring at chat/tool to look for a group (solution: auto-finder)
  • the gatekeeping culture (solution: auto-finder)
  • the problem that specific daily heroic quests prevent geared players to mix with players gearing up (solution: random heroic reward)

It doesnt even change the social experience for players listing in the tool and waiting for an invite, other than maybe asking for a port. RDF fixes all these problems, while the new LFG-tool doesnt address anything.

On the other hand, crossfaction of RDF is inherently problematic because:

  • unable to put players on friendlist
  • reduced social liability that can result in toxic/ninja behavior
  • a greater player pool means meeting new people all the time and meeting others again is less likely, resulting in less social bounding opportunities

Because of this, I would prefer to prioritize matching players of one realm over mixing all together and additionally a checkbox to enable crossfaction as a choice. This way only players who dont get queues due to low pop or those who want the fastest queues possible can enable it.

The teleportation is another aspect that criticized for making the game feel like a lobby game and taking the adventure experience of the travel away. In my opinion the teleportation part of the RDF is required for low level, since otherwise most dungeons wont be visited at all. If RDF was introduced earlier, I would understand delaying the teleportation on max level to a later patch (3.1/3.2), so players actually can make memories of traveling, while I myself am convinced that 2 people afk flying there and 3 getting teleported isnt the most special adventure out there, especially when its done for the 100th time.

Not adding RDF would actively hurt the casual players the tool was designed for and adding RDF would have little effect on the vanilla fanbase, since those are preferring premade groups to begin with. Overall they would feel forced to use the teleport option and might have less players to choose from while forming groups.

In the end it comes down to one question: who is the target audience? Is it the vanilla fans that are fed up with vanilla, or the wotlk fans, that the expansion was designed for originally?


See here my post All anti-RDF arguments are outdated - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

And again, ofc you report ppl you dont agree with for trolling. That is your signature move.

See my reply to you here:

1 Like

I couldn’t say better.

yes why want it better spam city hours at day

I do, but not to the RDF crowd. You dont even understand the arguments being posted so you dismiss it as trolling. It is kind of watching a Dunning-Kruger trainwreck in real time.

LMAO what arguments? All you keep repeating is “Oh no, RDF ruined the game”… :rofl:


lol yeah big argument to say “In my memories RDF killed the game”
Compared with me with my post and with Jazem or Krutoj, it’s kind of hilarious.


Dont respond to it. They are just trying to lure you with no arguments for no reason.

Fruit is bad. Why is fruit bad? I dont know, because fruit is bad!


I totally remember 12 years ago somebody ate this fruit and was later found stabbed to death. So the fruit must be bad!!!


How many vegetables i didn’t liked when i was a kid and now i eat everything

Cool story Barry. Now show me the stats.

Yea a huge minority on the forums. The forums are mostly people who’re angry about stuff. People who’re happy about no RDF aren’t on the forums complaining. They’re playing the game. You should try it.

Rofl. I haven’t even seen a poll about it in these forums… nice try smartypants.


Which ones? The 85% more people that liked my post than the OP? You have to be delusional if you think people are mostly in favour of this change.