No Wrath Era, No TBC Era... One server is all we needed

one is fine for me, a PVE server. No era servers, I’d rather have a reboot every 6 years or so. Keep the vanilla era and hc servers. TBC hc won’t work anyway, heroics, maggy and gruul are progression blockers

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I don’t know man, I enjoyed 40 man raids a lot in vanilla and again in classic

Fine with me, but

Current Classic has taught me one thing. I want to keep my characters, be it as trophies or as some I actually play … so without Era servers to all three iterations, I just stay in Era.

HC for quite a lot of us is reaching max level, and then see how far we can make it from there.

Sure, but the question is if we truly can enjoy this, when we know that TBC including talent tree changes is around the corner, with better gear from questing and heroic dungeons.

Thoughts like “Why bother with 60 content, if i can run through outlands?” are valid and imo the biggest issue if Blizzard doesn’t delay TBC release for at least 6 month.

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If that is your mentality why even play wow at all, you know that every expansion comes to an end and there will always be better gear

You are missing the point, it’s about release timing. The majority of players will not waste their time with level 60 content as soon TBC is out. So it totally makes no sense to release TBC to fast. It has nothing todo with mentality of players, it’s common sense.

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When I said progress through vanilla, tbc and wotlk I ment at the original release timings

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Not sure this aged that well…

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Yesss, it’s happening. Fresh next week confirmed with progress to TBC next year. :muscle:

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… and one server is all we need … and all you’ll get. Welcome to a super layered mega crowded server!

Don’t get how a mega server is a bad thing but hey, you do you.

I can’t do me, sadly, as there is going to be only one mega server of each kind.
We are some who like the small village feel of a tiny server, we like to know that for instance Tysrogue …? Wasn’t it him who saved my behind last spring in UBRS, yeah, accept him for the group. And Ironhorns, that’s the big flathoof running around helping out and buffing all and sundry, but always declining a dungeon. And Erddderf - That’s the bank alt of that suspect Hunter, I won’t buy that auction.
Also no layers make for no sudden layer-shifts or strange hyperspawns on HC. Even fewer layers are helping.

How do you possibly know that this isn’t it? A progression server for Vanilla all the way up to Wrath?

Let it play out.

I don’t get it, how can you say that Era is dead?

Because no matter what Blizzard does some people will always find a reason to complain about something.

It’s the way it is, it’s like those that love private servers and that say that those are the best, they criticize Blizzard for selling a token meanwhile on forums posts on some of those private servers people are asking, actually begging for level boosts and they have 3rd party websites that sell gold for many private servers.

The hypocrisy is huge and funny at the same time.

I’m getting that impression aswell. There is no downside to mega servers, quite the opposite actually. Having 2 servers per region makes sure there won’t be any dead servers after bwl.
Really looking forward to it. Only hope they actually listen and patch in dual spec or heavily reduced respec costs.

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We darned well start at L1 with no stupid boosts, no ‘catch up mechanics’ of any kind, and definitely no MTX. I’d also massively nerf all XP when grouped with a player at least five levels higher than you, and flat-out ban GDKP.

We’ve all seen the results when Blizz allow players to be instantly zoomed to L58 - it creates a shortened shelf life for the expansion, kills the old world, and contributes to the culture of ‘GOGOGOGO.’

They made that fatal mistake in TBC Classic, I don’t want to see it repeated.

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