No Wrath Era, No TBC Era... One server is all we needed

I would suggest that blizzard takes the classic servers thay have and congest them in to three servers; -vanilla classic, -tbc classic, -wotlk classic and no more autonomous progression into the next expansions, and if cata classic is so damned important it could be on a fourth server.

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Never is a long time, maybe we will see TBC come back on one form or another before never.

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I am pretty sure it will happen. But unfortunately I am afraid it will be as a seasonal server only.-

Dude xxxx off and enjoy yourself you will never have year 2007 back!

TBC SOD when? Wrath SOD when?
Give us perma TBC and Wrath servers and a fresh progressing vanilla server where it progresses to Wrath.


permanent server and progressing server are a bit antithetical, isn’t it?

Some people like yourself love to speak without really knowing much. Like you.

Just like a week ago there was a brief moment with login queue even, era is way beyond the amount of people needed for a server to feel alive and honestly it feels more alive and better than any other current version of wow.

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I like TBC more than any other expansion but OG classic is still better even without Draenei babe’s

The Warcraft Direct is coming blizz. Perfect time to address the TBC / WotlK Demands :wink:


Hmmm. “You” aren’t “we”.

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“you think you do, but you don’t” - Blizzard 2016

Yeah, like they did anwswered Wrath demands giving people fresh 26 09 2022. As a matter of fact they gave 2 PvP and 1 PvE fresh realm. All of them died 3-4 months later with the release of DF.

Allen was proven wrong 2 years later.


Yeee I’m sure the death WotlK had nothing to do with the WoW token release in the middle of a way too long Ulduar phase. :slight_smile:

WOTLK Classic had rise of population in casual ToGC. Everyone anticipated ICC release. But withing 2 months of ICC both hardcore, who had beaten content and casuals were gone. Latter with +30% buff casuals returned briefly to Wrath, killed Lich King in GDKP and went offline.

Not gonna lie I’m ready for a restart to progress through vanilla, tbc and wrath again


Only if we’re given at least two servers (one PvP, one PvE, and preferably a HC too) AND Era servers for all three versions. Else I’m just gonna stay Eraside.

yes. vanilla to ulduar was golden.


The problem with this in mind is the fact, that most of us will skip level 60 content.
Many people will logout with 58 and wait until portal opens. We will face the truth, that TBC in fact devalued Vanilla experience. I love TBC but we all know it has a price.

It just doesn’t feel right. Personally I would like to enjoy playing my main and 60 alts for 3-6 month before moving to TBC. And someone who will join after TBC release will always skip 60 content.

Imo classic will only remain succesful with a regular refresh cycle every 1-2 years.

I agree 2 yeras per expansion - and Era servers, so that you can stop in your golden Era.