Nobody is raiding

Please no. People complaining about chores, then you come up with this… Killing bosses feels rewarding because it’s difficult. If you add a weekly loot pinata, then you just add another todo item to the weekly checklist.

You can summon with the stones at the entrance of the raid. This is not a lobby-like game, where you go lobby to lobby, teleporting to rooms, killing bosses then teleporting to other places.

I mean 11 bosses for 6-8 months is not much. I think they shouldn’t really increase the boss count up from 11-12, but apart from that you have more than half a year to progress through it.

For harder bosses if you want to get CE, you have more than a month progress time. That’s pretty decent I think.

What do you mean pointless? What if you like raiding because you enjoy killing hard bosses?

If you just raid for the gear, then sure. But what’s the point of the gear then?

How do I tell you this… WoW is in fact a lobby game these days. Trust me as someone who has played on Ragnaros since the first day they opened the server.

Look at the abomination that is Oribos. How sterile the design is. What an absolute abomination it is and tell me, that the current expansion is not just a giant lobby game.

Can’t argue with that. I mean your reasoning was so perfect literally nothing I can counter.

Well, the current expansion is not just a giant lobby game. See?

I´m sorry you are in denial, and that you think you are a superior person for playing a game that isn´t just a veiled lobby game.

You are playing a lobby game. You are not better than someone who plays CS:GO or Dota.

WoW is a lobby game, has been for a while.

Sorry you had to find out this way.

To be fair… Boralus and Zul’dazar had excelent design. Kul’tiras and Zandalar did too.

…But okey its pretty hard to come up with a counter point against how lame oribos is. And singular looking our shadowlands zones look like. But still.

The counter point is that we basically are never in oribos. We are at our covenant sanctum, if we are at a hub at all.

This is more what you make of it yourself, though.

Actually you have nothing to show, thinking all this crap when someone not agreeing immediately with you. Overthinking much?

Why we can’t get a sanctum portal from oribos to our sanctum… But we get a portal from our sanctums to oribos… Just why?

Why can’t we fly in Oribos too?

Oribos is literally a soul tube… Tampoon for souls. made a city.
And our pre order mount where a (Word is apperently cencored by Blizzard. But you know if you know)
Wearing armor.

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My hearthstone is to my sanctum. I do not have a hearthstone to oribos, so i am basically never there. Unless i want to go to ZM, then i have to travel through.

…You make allot of sense. And everyone should of course do this…

But they still made a Cúm mount for our collectors edition reward and a whole expansion taxi ride out of oribos. And I will complain just for the sake of complaining for this mount alone.

Also Oribios is just a grey plain tube.

If the idea was to make less hassle and hussle with enviorment like with Zuldazar and Boralus. At least let us mount the hell out of here while we’re in this lame tube.

I mean all of this is true, but I just don’t really think you understand.

What’s happening in Normal and Heroic raids is perfectly fine, but what’s happening in Mythic is not. People are wiping hundreds upon hundreds of times on every boss. Imagine doing a raid and what you need to get to the end is 3000+ wipes. When does it get old?

There’s a line between what’s satisfyingly difficult but fair and things that are just total over-the-top stomp-your-face-into-the-ground BS, you know?

I mean when you make the game so difficult the top of the top, the best of the best, simply can’t compete, nobody is really having fun. I mean is it reasonable to make a whole difficulty level with dozens of extra mechanics which only 2000 people in the world can actually complete?

I mean… I’ve said this in the past and I’ll say it again: There should always be a next step, but this is just… like, 80% of the time these people have no next step because they’re not raiding, and when they are it’s just so overwhelmingly difficult compared to everything else that there’s just so much frustration. It’s like… 80% of the time is boredom and 20% of the time is frustrating difficulty.

I have to be honest, I think Sepulcher of the First Ones is too hard across the board, especially Mythic, and I think it’s a shame that something like that comes right after what can only be described as the most gruesome grind in the game’s history, aka Korthia.

According to the statistics, the raid is not really harder than previous tiers. (also keep in mind we’re at the middle of the tier, so most likely there will be other nerfs making the pull count even lower later)

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Well, that data is quite a bit out of date. It says 44 people have killed The Jailer which is plain not true, it’s double that.

But yeah, it’s true, the pull counts look the same, which of course poses the question of: Why is this happening?! Where are they all?! I mean even Vigilant Guardian being killed 1541 times - that’s really low! And yes, we are in the middle of the tier - the middle. At this rate I would expect around 400 people to kill the last boss and yet there are no more tries than normal? What’s up with that?

I suppose it could just be that people have completely lost interest, but from my personal experience of trying it it definitely felt harder.

i agree 100% its a nonsense.

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I think it can only fetch the public kill logs (so if your team killed jailer but privatly logged it won’t add it to the staticstics)

I think with how gearing works now mythic+ seems desirable end-game pve activity for a lot of peeps. It requires less time investment and only 5 people instead of 20.

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Yup, exactly this.

Whether that is a bad thing or not can be debated, but people still have the choice to do raiding if they prefer that.

Even if M+ grants powerful gear which can be gained in raids as well, raids and dungeons are very different experiences. I can imagine that those who find the stress of timing M+ dungs tiresome to favor raiding, and also because of the extra challenge.

I do not agree that Sepulcher is harder than any raids i’ve done previously. And I really am not hardcore, lol. I haven’t raided this entire xpac before Sepulcher came out, so if people claim Sepulcher to be harder than Domination and Nathria, then that means those two previous raids must be a piece of cake.

I am disinclined to believe that the Sylvanas fight was that much easier than the Jailer fight though (Tried her via LFR. People struggled a lot). It only took our guild 2-3 wipes before we had the Jailer in NM.

Don’t know what he is like in Mythic mode, but isn’t every boss supposed to be harder in that difficulty…? Nothing new about that?

LFR was great in Cata after that it got worst and worst to the point its not worth the time.

It’s that I can’t do it whenever I feel like it, I have to play by a schedule at specific hours to raid. M+ I can just jump in and do whenever I want to.

And how would they change this? Raiding is literally about coordination with your fellow WoW players to overcome huge challenges.

It’s only been like this with the concept of raiding since forever.

It’s the same in FF and I imagine it’s the same in pretty much all MMOs. Raids require organising a meetup.

I’ve never scheduled any raids I’ve done in FFXIV, lol.