Nobody is raiding

technicaly it has been this since vanilla - only difference is we dont have to spam in trade - we spam click join group in lfg

but principle is the same.

i honestly see 0 difference bettwen pressing /join in lfg and spaming "lfm dungeon X " in trade. but thats just me

and just like in past nothign is stopping you from doing content in game only with your guild if you find one you fit in . i personaly didnt have that luck since MoP because every guild i join sooner or later dies and people dissaper . so i kinda stopped even trying.

i would love to have stable team for mythic + but from my experience unless you are core of raiding group nobody in guilds want todo m+ with you. people rather use lfgeven when in guilds.

Still have to organize it like you have to in WoW.

Regardless of whether you do raids with a guild or pug, you have to organize it.

And if you’re unable to set up a schedule, then do pugs. You can just jump into them whenever if there are any up and going.

You don’t pug mythic.

I reckon you’ve done avid raiding in the lower difficulties already then?

I see absolutely no reason to be doing anything below mythic when the rewards are worse than what I get from doing m+.

So that’s you not seeing a reason.

Reasons many others have for raiding, is:

  • A different experience
  • More challenging
  • The rewards feels better because of hard boss fights.
  • Items you can only get by raiding, I.E weapons, trinkets, rings, etc.

You first said you had no time to raid because of schedules, so that sounded like your life situation.

Then you said you have no reason to be doing raids.

Sounds like you’re just tired of raiding? Which is completely fine.

The point is: people have the option to choose between two different lanes within the PvE aspect of WoW to obtain gear - dungeons and raids. That freedom is something people who only like to do dungs have asked for since… who knows?

And now that you got it, you complain about it.

I am not envious about M+ runners getting just as good gear as me at all. They do their thing, I do mine by raiding. I do what I enjoy, which is sort of the point of it all in the end anyways.

I have no reason to be doing raids that give me less than what I’ve already got in gear. It’s the same reason I don’t do normal, heroic dungeons or normal mythic dungeons. I get absolutely nothing from it.

Okay so you geared up doing M+ then and acquired your tier set that way.

Which is something people have asked for a long time.

Why is that a bad thing?

I don’t know what posts of mine you’ve been reading but your response is nonsense.

Because I maybe have a good point? xD

The OP didn’t mention mythic raiding difficulty specifically. They actually mentioned NORMAL raiding.

You geared up by doing M+. Other people are gearing up doing raiding because that is the content they prefer.

What about that is difficult to understand?

Perhaps those doing M+ instead of raiding are simply tired of raiding? If you actually wanted to do raids, you’d make the time for it in one way or another.

You first wrote “I can’t make raids due to schedules” and then you said “I see no reason to be doing raids”.

Which is it?

No, I’d raid if it was possible to play it without having to schedule it. I no longer do this thing that’s about scheduling my fun.

That’s normal and heroic raids, I can do normal and heroic raids no problem but there’s no reason for me to be doing them, because the reward sucks. Mythic can’t be pugged, so you need to play on a schedule.

“Don’t schedule my fun”

So you’ve never scheduled heading out an evening to bowl with friends, drink, or anything like that?

Schedule = a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.

If you don’t ever schedule your fun in life, you can’t be doing much that is fun.

Do raids on alts? A new character gives you a reason to do raids. If you can’t absolutely ever do mythic raiding then I am not sure how reasonable it is to demand that Blizz shall adjust to your situation.

And by your own admission, you also said you do not schedule fun. That’s a you issue, really, not a Blizz or game issue.

Does it look like I can get anything worthwhile from normal or heroic raids?

I said “do raids on alts.”

I didn’t say “Continue to do raid on your main that’s already geared.”

That’s an alt though.

So what’s the issue here exactly? xD You said it yourself. You don’t schedule your fun.

That must mean you don’t ever head out to bowl, drink, be social, whatever, with your friends.

We schedule almost everything in our lives, you realize that, right? To some extent at least.

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The issue is that mythic raiding requires 20 people and as such it requires scheduling to actually be able to do it. If it was only 10 people, I’d have people I could be like “Hey, wanna do some raiding?” to and not have to schedule and we could just do it when we feel like it.

WoW was objectively better when you could do 10-man raiding.

10 people is still quite a lot to be able to have it that open “could just do it when we feel like it.”

Are you saying that those 10 people are available absolutely every day for raiding? So that when you ask them if they want to raid, they happen to be readily available to just jump in with you absolutely every day of every week?

I doubt it.

I said nothing about any 10 people being available every day for raiding.

Since you just continue to misrepresent what I’m saying, I’m just gonna ignore you. Bye.

Except you are contradicting yourself. I am just pointing that out. Don’t get hurt because I am just pointing out a fact, lol.

People who put others on ignore usually do that when they are too proud to admit that they have made no sense in an argument.

You said: I don’t schedule my fun.
Then you said: I’d have time to do mythic raiding if we could be 10 people because then we could do it whenever we feel like it.
Then you said: Those 10 people aren’t necessarily always readily available to raid, so scheduling the raid is necessary either way.

Conclusion: you have to schedule the raid run irrespective of how many you are. In other words, being 10 or 20 won’t make that much of a difference anyways, in terms of setting up a raid.

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