Nobody is raiding

Dont say things like that dude, it will hurt peoples feelings when its pointed out that scheduling things doesnt mean its a job… :grimacing:


Its really a double edged sword since, as it was pointed out in a recent interview with Ion, you can thank addons. Addons make the game easier and so they design encounters with addons in mind. However, seeing as how many WF guilds are stepping down you do have a valid point.

I stand to be corrected but the only difference between now and then is that you got a gear tier lvl in MoP for flex. Today the raids still flex depending on how many players you have. i.o.w the bosses health scales accordingly to either 10, 15 or 20 man raids.

you are on a differnt server then me and you are horde

its not - its amazing thing

and its showing beyond resonale doubt that its time to get rid of raiding from game

it woul be muhc more benefitial to get like 20 dungeons during expansion then 3 raids that next to nobody wants to do

thats not why flex was wild popular

the main reason was

a) raid was split nicely so it was more like dungeon then raid - 20-30 minutes and oyu are done
b) you could que for it making is so convinient.

but ofc they went backwards because they seen that people had fun

raid finder is cross server and yeah i relalise less people do that type of content on alliance for whatver reason

I Get better gear by doing m+ on my alts. It only take 20 to 30 min compare to 3 hours of painfull raid with pugs and with mayde 2 peices of loot i cant use anyway

I assume you mean the capital cities here.

Both capitals had good themes that fit the expansion.

Boralus was really well designed and compact on top of it too.

Dazar’alor however, only looked nice. Maneuvering in the city was a genuine pain. I think everyone can remember the 2 minute flight paths you had to take just to get down to do your table missions.

Oribos isn’t the best capital we had however, that is true.

Who do you want people to make raids if the game is unplayable now?

WoW raids are big investments that are not worth the time they take to organize and clear.
No one is doing it cause there is no point. It’s a better use of your time to mythic+ or PvP.
Only mythic is worthwhile, but that is out of reach for most players.

I honestly hope they revamp the way they bring out raids or place the resources elsewhere. We don’t need these monolithic unrewarding raids anymore.

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There are epic transmogs to be gained. And truth be told… and this might sound radicall… I’ve done both raiding and m+ and the toxicity you experience in a raiding guild is way less than you’d ever experience in a m+ pug group grinding your way trough the keys and ilvls.

Your a guild and friends in it together. unlike m+ rando generator and all the vomit they spew and their attitudes. I can very much see the appeal for raiding.

The question is more; why do you raid in a guild but go M+ for pugs? Why not also M+ with your friends and guild?

In a perfect world i’d do that. And thats something i need to get better on, On my part…

Truthfully? It’s because they are my guildmates. And I feel a certain responsibilty comes with that to my preformance when i do m+ with them.

Its not that I dont do that when I pug too. The toxicity is even worse then if I don’t.
But if i make mistakes with my friends and guildies… oofh… They might not be as toxic about it. But damn do I still feel it xD Even worse in fact.

And obviously the same applies to raiding too. But the difference is you just dont feel as judged and discouraged and hated as you would in a pug. You feel like you need to get better… And its not just because someone spewed some toxic hate messages at you in grp chat. But because their your guild and friends. And you don’t want to let anyone down.

Think many stopped raiding when:

  • raiding became work. (too much additional stuff to do before you can raid).
  • raiding demanded voice. (very few likes to use voice).
  • raiding became over-complicated. (raid have to use weakauras to even kill a boss).
  • droprate of loot was lowered in the whole game. (feels unrewarding)
  • removal of warforged items. (the thrill of a suprise is gone)
  • too hard to swap to alts to play on high level. (everything should be accountwide)

Thats just a few of the problems.

The way this reads to me : You getting carried in raids. Not so noticeable given the size of the group. M+ They will spot you instantly.

One main reason I stopped. Imagine spending 2hrs and only getting one to two drops. Worse you can’t even use the items as they all wrong. No thanks. If the upped the drop rates or brought back coins. I might and it’s a big MIGHT reconsider. M+ is just quicker easier and less ppl to worry about. Drop rates still suck but you can at least try again.

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You will always have DmG meeters and addons telling you if your the one carrying or being carried or not>.<

Still with enough gear and ilvl you would still be on par with your peers in the rest of your raid. And it pretty much boils down to knowing tactics and mechanics.

And there are no addons that will gauge that.

Yes there is.

If you look in LFG Tool you will see that “Guild Group” are Raiding every 15 minutes to get your Jailer HC kill.

Maybe it’s about time that Blizz realised when someone says “Guild Group” without naming their Guild, it’s probably just another Boosting community trying to bypass the rules.

I mean… you can solo them 2 expansions later for the mogs. :wink:

Very simple solution to all these problems. Make raid loot 13 ilevels higher when inside the raid. Problem solved.