Non Rp player guild?

i’m glad me giving you the same answer a second time brought the subject to a close :slight_smile:

why are you even trying to make a point in the first place that can not be compared to the OP. But weird to be honest

Glad you agree

no one is talking down about other aspects yet… but telling oocers this is not the server for them is 100% the correct thing to do. Problem is, they rarely listen. So far i only seen 1 person who is an oocer actually say “yeah that makes sense i am moving server”

If only no non-rp guilds existed on this RP server…
What a good day that would be.


Just to clear things up a little. I said im no Rper but that does not mean I am not open to it. I was just stating that I have never rpd. No need to get so defensive.

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Member that one from the last thread who started giving out death threats to us?


I brought out a point that was mentioned in the thread, while it isn’t relevant to the OP as much I felt like it is a point often brought up including yourself right now.

But yeah no point to arguing further with it really agree to disagree.

I’m sure Engelus agrees with you :slight_smile:


Then why not come explore the option and see how role-play works before you decide to seek out purely OOC guilds?


Maybe he won’t throw himself into a full rp guild before knowing if he can commit or even likes it. That’s perfectly fair. Let him dip his toes!


I was just typing that lol, but yes thats mainly the reason.

Yeah :slight_smile: Rping while not in an rp guild is valid as well.

Also don’t let the instant arguing in this thread scare you off. People are generally nicer in-game than they are on this forum.



Only thing he can dip are chips in dill dip.

none of your replies before now has shown you being open to the idea of actually RPing. And one of the first things being someone suggesting you perhaps give RP a try, which you did not reply to either.
However, if you are open to it i think you should try it! No need to throw yourself into a guild immediately, but simply lightly RP in a city hub to get a feel for it.

I do, but last i remember he has come around and said he was also willing to give RP a try later on yes?

You are doing it yourself now hahaaa!!
My example actually 100% relates to how the OP was writing his first posts, coming around to stand somewhere, not taking part in the activity and therefore just taking space and not contributing.
So infact, no i am not.

Yeah ok fair, please don’t post again now with your not relevant input.


I mean I’ve been doing that for years.

You’re super lame tho.

Yet you are pushing wrong subject into me.

I didn’t argue over if you should come here as a OOC’er or not, my point was why are OOC guilds bad as long as they are filled with RP’ers?

I agree completely that if you have no intention on roleplaying then don’t come here but to not have OOC guilds is just a weird fantasy that will never happen and to be honest I think the server would be severely lacking if we didn’t have them.

The point you are arguing over I completely agree with, if you have no intention on RPing then Argent Dawn or any RP realm isn’t the choice for you.

ok ill bite, lacking what?


How exactly does OOC guilds enhance my roleplay?

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If the Guild has 30 members, all roleplayers, but the Guild is only for raiding?

Is that a problem to you?

PVE and PVP is still part of the game, even if it is a RP realm or not and there are big interest in those aspects by roleplayers and as you have experience in as well most RP guilds do not really do any serious PVP or Raiding within the guild so they fulfill their purpose by that.

But guilds there are purely here for Raiding, PVP and other stuff are indeed not really bringing much to the server and that is a different problem.

To clarify. No one arguing over that pure OOC people are negative for the server, the point here is that if roleplayers enjoy PVE or PVP why can’t they have a non-RP guild for that as long as they respect the server rules?

Maybe if your guild is boring they don’t.