Non Rp player guild?

Stop coughing.


If I wanted to do serious PvP or PvE content I can freely do them on one of the bazillion non-RP realms where the local communities also have a healthier roster of decent players (unlike AD which is always a cesspit in comparison)

Otherwise all the PvE content I do atm can also be done with offrealmers and I have been doing M+ with RL friends who will never ever roll on AD as they respect the realm rules / know they wouldn’t be interested in it

I"ve also pugged RBGs and HC raids with not a single AD-er in tow

Sounds like a lot of hogwash and laziness when someone claims you need to have some raiding or pvp-focused guilds on the realm if you want to do that content


How is your thread going Angelus Engelus Bangelus Gangelus Hangelus Langelus


I feel like I’m watch a game of table tennis, except Angelus is playing with himself. I don’t think anyone (at least from my understanding) is saying that the guilds are wrong. It’s the people that just come onto the server without any intentions to participate in roleplay which the server has been made for. Often times they might not be a problem, but as it attracts more and more people you get the sorts that just spam and harass roleplay events because ‘epic memes’. Which isn’t nice at all.


No one claims you have to, question comes down to if a bunch of RP’ers wish to do raiding serious are they considered bad because their guild is not a RP guild?

The point isn’t the hundreds of OOC raiding guilds, I agree they would’ve been better off shipeed to a proper PVE realm but now we are talking about roleplayers who wish to actively do another type of content and create guild for that specific purpose WHILE RPing.


I don’t think anyone (at least from my understanding) is saying that the guilds are wrong
[/quote] Trust me it is a big subject and already two people in here argued over that non-RP guilds shouldn’t be here.

But in the end they are quite minority but still a subject to discuss.

if their main focus is raiding while doing RP on the side they can make an RP guild and do raids

On that note where are these mythical Roleplayer-only guilds that focus on raiding primarily and do RP on the side

Note: We aren’t talking about hypotheticals, the ToS is eternally on my side in these discussions and I’ll always use myself as an example for why we need 0 raiding/pvp centric guilds (with some RPers in them) when it’s about doing current content


Stop posting. Christ.


Let me thi- No.

This kind of attitude killed the Sha’tar.

EDIT: If it wasn’t clear i meant the; “you need to have raid focused guilds on the realm” etc.

Sadly I think they all disbanded, or just doesn’t post on the forum anymore.

Used to be quite a few around Cataclysm and Warlords of Draenor if I remember correctly?

Not a huge problem, if they are all roleplayers, great! However, can you name me a single raiding guild that has only rpers on this server? I can not.

And even if they all were rpers, there is the fact that their guild is not there to contribute to the rp community.

I don’t get this, roleplayers have interest in doing content but also does not do content? Well, seems they do not talk about doing content then and that is on them. You do not always get spoon fed content, same for you do not always get spoon fed RP.


You don’t remember correctly

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Nah, I was just explaining what Angelus meant.

You’re arguing against a point nobody made, Angelus. As a matter of fact, I believe the very first response to you - which was from me - directly stated that partaking in the game’s content is not a problem whatsoever, and from what I can gather, nobody has actually said that either.

The problem is when the person that does content - which almost every other roleplayer on Argent Dawn actively participates in - doesn’t roleplay, as is intended for the realm.

What exactly are you trying to argue here?


It’s simple really.

Are you coming here to roleplay? No. There are other servers much more suited to you!

Yes? Welcome aboard.

Guild tag doesn’t neccessarily mean much to me. Just the players intentions.

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I agree with you completely.

Then what’s your argument here?


Fantastic so what was that all about


That there are those who are against non-RP guilds, which serves no purpose if they do no harm?

Majority do not mind them so not a big issue.

That’s wrong