Non Rp player guild?

Alright let me be specific.

Non-RP guilds who are RP’ers who just interested in serious non-RP content*

I am selling unicorn catching nets, made from real leprechaun, if you’re interested.


A greyer area if the members do actively roleplay outside of their guild’s purpose but I’m still not sure why you’d decide to found a guild that has no roleplay aspirations whatsoever on a roleplaying realm


If you mean they’re only interested in non-rp content, it’s an oxymoron

If you mean they’re roleplayers who do non-rp content together as a guild - then they’re not a problem, are they?

it is a particular brand of neurodiversity

Subject here is that few people (let me be clear, VERY FEW) are against the idea of OOC guilds ran by roleplayers such as PVE and PVP guilds but who also RP actively (I have several friends in such guilds)

No one arguing over that PVE and PVP guilds who are filled with just non-RPers are bad for the server that wasn’t my point.

So in short your explanation is correct.

Pro Tip: Theses AD threads make it easy to get TL3

Who, exactly?

I have a dilemma. So I walked into a restaurant but I wasn’t really hungry for anything they served. But, for some strange reason, people got mad at me for gawking at people there? It was soooooo cozy and I just feel like it’s unfair! They said that they serve food and if I don’t want any, I should get out. But… it’s cozy bros.

Someone please help me!


damn i feel bad for your guildies, not only do you hardly organize any IC events but instead just dump them in Duskwood, but you also do nothing OOC?


Man, reminds me of the time me and my biker gang went on a comic book convention where most of my guys were just driving their motorbikes around really loudly and jumping on booths while shouting about how Marvel and DC suck and are for nerds (I had a stern talk with them afterwards and apparently they were kinda sorry but not really) while two of us including myself checked out some fine spiderman literature

God I really don’t understand why the organizers were angry, why can’t they understand that to have an efficient motorbike gang you need at least a dozen mooks who are into motorbikes, they should have been happy for the extra bodies we brought to the convention!


How can you check your trust level again…?

go to your forum profile and add .json to the end of the url, then ctrl F for trust. Highest one you find is your level.

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What have you done!

The rpers are coming for you!

Oh wait they already have

Damn im late

You’re TL 2 :slight_smile:

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Cheers you two!


this is some new tier of briganteposting

Angelus, you managed to argue against an invisible argument AND end up disagreeing with yourself lol. I’m actually not sure how you can’t see that but everyone else can


Argument here was that people find non-RP guilds, no matter if they are RPers or not bad.

They are a tiny minority that thinks that way but they still exist and most people in here do not mind RP’ers doing non-RP content so yeah I was arguing with mostly wrong crowd yet several examples in the thread was given where people find OOC guilds waste of space which I disagree with.

In the end I find myself having solid point, I do not disagree with myself as I kept arguing over something people clearly tried to turn into something else but go ahead and believe so.

4 examples of trying to say non-RP guilds serves no purpose, if they are RP’ers or not.

In the end they are a minority opinion mostly on the forum but still I just wanted to know why they thought as they did.

I’ve asked twice for reasons why they allegedly do serve a purpose, only for you to continue to insist I made the point that, yes, I did in fact make - I’m aware of my own posts. You even quoted both instances in which I asked, Angelus

Maybe you should explain your apparent reasoning rather than pointing at me saying I doubt there’s a necessity for these guilds on Argent Dawn, and then screaming “he doubts there’s a necessity for these guilds on Argent Dawn!” as if it’s some great revelation


And I already explained that some people want to do serious PVP and PVE while RPing.

Being on Argent Dawn doesn’t mean you want to be in a RP guild.

Plenty of people who are actively RPing without a guild.