Non Rp player guild?

There is no necessity on this realm for players or guilds that have 0 intention to engage in roleplay. In fact, the realm will be better if we get rid of them all.

edit sorry, misquoted again.


And we’ve already been through this earlier where we actually asked what you’re trying to argue when these statements 100% agree with what we’re saying

You’re continuing to post as if there’s an argument to be made here but in fact you’ve now just shown a second time that you agree with the majority here, so again, genuinely not quite sure what you’re getting at

Obilot is… BASED…?


to which i had the brilliant response of:


Just stop posting Angelus. Go do something productive for once

There’s non-guild raiding communities for roleplayers. I just joined one on Chieun (after being in it on Kaiyu for a bit) and it’s very nice.

I think basing entire guilds around just content isn’t really right, because that just ends up inviting players who don’t care about RP at all.


Non-guild raidgroups used to be the standard back in classic and TBC, because people understood that non-RP, raid only guilds were disruptive to the realm.

Not sure where that understanding has gone. Besides, communities make it far easier to set up an inter-server raidgroup. You don’t even have to be on AD to be a part of such a group.

It is just a matter a common sense and respect tbh.


What RP guild on AD gets Cutting Edge?

The implication alone that a roleplaying guild flat out couldn’t achieve that is just false


Speaking for myself here at least, I like raiding mythic but I find that it takes too much time away from RP, especially the RP peak hours of ~8-22. It’s simply a question of priorities.

While it was IRL circumstances that made me have to quit an otherwise very pleasant mythic guild back in Legion, the above is why I have not come back.

Who cares, really?


I do. I can roleplay without a guild, I can’t get cutting edge without one.

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He does, apparently. Which is perfectly fine. Cutting Edge isn’t my cup of tea, but if someone decides that they want to pursue it, then I don’t see why not.

Of course an RP guild could achieve Cutting Edge, no doubt. But how many RP guilds (even big ones) that are mainly focused on RPing during the evenings are going to invest the disproportionate amount of time it takes to finish mythic N’Zoth?

They could, but that doesn’t mean the overwhelming majority of RP guilds would.

I didn’t say they can’t. I asked you which RP guild has it.

That to my knowledge no dedicated RP guild on the server has Cutting Edge should show you that you’re wrong. It’s incredibly hard to balance both a raiding team and a roleplaying guild. Both of those are a full time ‘‘job’’. Expecting both is unrealistic and I’d say impossible.

There’s nothing wrong with having a raiding guild as long as you roleplay/don’t hurt roleplay.

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I still think those have a more subtle issue of being inviting even to people who fundamentally do not RP, which furthers the already systemic issue on AD.

Non-guild raiding communities for roleplayers can be just as ‘hardcore’ but have a very different presentation.


That’s like saying Vulperan and Pandaren guilds promote furry fetishes by existing. You can’t blame a guild for what guild members might do.

I call bull. If you know a non guild raiding community that can get N’zoth cutting edge I’m game, though.

A Mythic guild takes a lot of effort to lead and organise. You need to be constantly recruiting, monitor people’s schedules and gear and then you have 20+ people to actually organise during the raid. To do that with a PUG seems nuts. The only way that works is if the content is super easy or the people in the PUG are already Cutting Edge players themselves and don’t need a chaperone to lead them. ( which in a pug is… pretty much unheard of unless it’s spearheaded by some Method offshoots )

if you wanna make a raiding guild, give the guild an ic purpose and act as a band of small-time heroes tackling the current expansion threat

then just raid on raid nights, and rp every other night

not rly hard


As I said before, it is almost impossible to have a guild that aims for both Cutting Edge and actual Roleplaying arcs and events. No guild leader is going to take that workload, managing either of those tasks is already a lot of work and the realistic scenario is that they’ll just burn out.

People that don’t RP regularly often finds themselves running around to “take a look at the rp” when they don’t have anything to do. And that is just really annoying. You are in the middle of a convo and someone runs un and just stands next to you for no reason.


can delegate officers to work on raid management and other officers that focus on rp management

and then have the gm on the top checking and solidifying everything

it would not be an absolutely horrible idea to abandon some rp nights for extra raid time

Even if you could do that, the amount of people who can/are willing to roleplay several events a week AND ALSO Mythic Raid ( which takes 2-3 nights a week ) is extremely low. It’s just not feasible to combine the two.

And let’s not forget that not every player is capable of being Cutting Edge. It’s not exactly faceroll.