Non Rp player guild?

i know QUITE a few people who would be very interested in a guild concept like that + u dont have to have 300 separate raiding teams in the guild

if people want to get cutting edge and also focus on rp, they will find a way to do it


this is similar to an argument of people who focus a lot on rp can’t get elite pvp gear when i know a surprising amount of people in the pcu, at least, who are rping consistently + getting elite sets consistently


We had 300+ pulls on Mythic Ghuun and Jaina by the time we killed them, with Ghuun being 2 weeks before deadline. It’s simply not feasible to have that amount of pulls and AP and ALSO focus on roleplay as a guild. At that point you’re asking your players to raid for 8-12 hours a week and then RP for another 6+.

Getting 2.1K rating can take you as little as a week. I pugged to 2.1K with random people I found in LFG. Mythic raiding takes you months.

for you, maybe


No, I’m one of the few who are Cutting Edge while also maintaining several roleplaying characters, but it’s unrealistic as hell to expect a whole guild to be able to do that. And I’ve missed plenty events because I had to raid. You can’t play WoW every day 4+ hours.

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I don’t see your logic here. Just because you’re based out of a discord or something instead of an in-game guild doesn’t mean you are capped on number of hours per week raided.

There isn’t one right now but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t make one.

If you ask me, I suspect there just isn’t enough interest among the roleplayer community to get CE. You don’t really gain anything meaningful from it and you give up a ton of RP hours.

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The idea is that the people who are on the level required to get CE are already in a guild. That’s why I said that it’s theoretically possible if they’re all some Top 100 dudes that don’t need a raid leader to tell them what to do and when. But it’s unlikely.

And that’s fine. It’s why it’s fine for non RP guilds to exist, provided they aren’t harming the server.

ngl bit of a weirdchamp that the possibility of a guild existing is based only off ur own obviously very godly skills


Kelduril doing some amazing running backwards and forwards with those goalposts to get a checkmate on a really stupid point.


Raiding communities do have raid leaders. At least, the one I am in has a fixed raid leader who organises things, and I believe that works fine since he doesn’t have to lead the RP guild he’s in at the same time.

Honestly, why don’t you just create an alt on another realm to raid mythic and RP on your AD characters?


bc he rps like once a month


Because then you’d have to split your gold and time between 2 different realms.

It just seems so weird to push an entire OOC-only raiding scene onto AD just because there’s one or two people who actually care about CE and RP at the same time. If roleplayers don’t want CE the solution isn’t to invite more OOC only players to keep deteriorating the realm.

Just cut the Gordian knot and raid offrealm.

Your AD characters won’t need much gold if they’re just RPing, yes?


You can raid and you can RP without a guild tag. It’s just that the former is infinitely harder.

Constant Mogging, language pots, and maybe you want to do RP PVP, case in which you’re better off not being lvl 100 with 30K hp.

Restricted RP-PvP is the standard so you’ll be ok. As for mogging and language pots, honestly, you’re not going to need millions for that. You can support it just from follower missions pretty much.

As long as you do world quests on your RP char one day a week you will have all you need. This is BFA, you don’t really need effort for gear.

just because something is harder doesn’t mean it isn’t possible

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What about unrestricted? I find that way more fun, and I’ve participated in that before. I wouldn’t be able to on a lvl 100.

Also I’ve seen plenty people blown up in restricted, too.

I’ve burned through all my pots on my Alliance character and since I don’t play him I don’t have any way to give him gold.

Right, so you’re assuming I have lvl 120 on that char, and that I play it constantly. At which point why wouldn’t I just use my raid char for both raiding AND RP.

You’re approaching the problem from the wrong angle. Instead of yelling at the windmills ( aka " Stop joining our server!!! " ) which doesn’t work, why aren’t you asking Blizzard to allow cross realm guilds?

Nobody is forcing you to stay at level 100 on your RP alt. If you think that is the only option to CE raiding, I can see where all this misunderstanding began.

Twenty minutes of world quests a week is ‘playing constantly’? And you’re a CE raider?

Because blizzard doesn’t listen to players.

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people only get blown up in restricted when ur fighting pink gamers

because it’s what, i at least, idk abt chieun, believe in and will continue to shill it

It just seems like you’re over thinking it all.

Also you can get gold for those things without dedicating much time into whatever it is. Having moved a lot of my stuff over to alliance at one point I had very little gold horde side and managed to pay for mogs/pots and the sorts for roleplay by just toying with the AH now and again. I’m pretty bad with the AH, if I can do it. You can do it too.