Non Rp player guild?

You’d be better off writing Blizzard very long and very many posts about how they should allow cross realm guilds. I’ll even sign your petition.

yeah not to mention the 2k easy gold from emissaries


well the thing is, kelduril, we do complain at blizzard, pretty frequently, and when nothing is done about it, we shill our own opinions onto a public forum

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Ask a friend to swap some gold. I do that all the time since all my gold is on A side.

I believe OOCers do not really belong here, yes (which is why I have wasted half an hour of my life in this discussion).

That sure worked well for account wide essences, didn’t it?


Then mass unsub and say that’s why you’re doing it. Fight with your wallets.

very lame idea


If Blizzard sees you’re upset but keep paying them they have no reason to change my dude.

if i have to tell all my friends to unsub from blizzard to get 1 single change then that is truly the definition of desperate and that’s not something i should have to do, so i won’t


Good luck getting the same amount of support for crossrealm guilds as there is for accountwide essences, considering everywhere from reddit to MMOchampion to youtube to these very forums do nothing but shout demands for it en masse.

And you’d need more support than that because the above is evidently not enough.

Go ahead and try.

It should really just come naturally with the given realm tags. Shouldn’t really have to be forced to boycott something because someone else has seen the words ‘RP’ and re-shaped it in someway to read as ‘PvE’.

It took us quite a while to even get a way of being able to communicate with the opposite faction. Imagine bringing this issue forwards.


what’s the point of me even playing the game if i have to bring myself to unsubbing just to get a change? it’s not my responsibility to force blizzard into being better, they should just be better

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Really it should just be something that’s already being put into play, considering they designed the realms with presumably the intentions to be used as they’re labeled.


They still have realms because that sweet realm transfer $$ keeps flowing

If someone geniuenly believes that you can’t by default clear any AotC or high-end content for simply being in a roleplay guild, then that person should probably stop playing online games all together. Because it’s a level of delusional that probably needs immediate medical attention.


Sassy Vixi

Question isn’t that you can’t but if you are a person who really loves PVP or PVE while doing RP… Why try to stop them from being in a guild?

Makes no sense.

They can still do PvP or PvE while in a RP guild. Or guildless. I know quite alot of RP guilds that also have raiding nights and stuff.

There’s little point on making a guild entierly dedicated to only OOC activity on a RP server, that will also mostly just gather up OOC players.


Speaking about that as well, I’ve seen quite alot of roleplayers around in WM in current content zones, like a couple of weeks ago I saw the Grim Gest gang in Uldum.

Then procceeded to gank them on my rogue :stuck_out_tongue:

My point being, RPers activly do quite alot of content. And it’s a complete Myth made by people who like to smell their own farts that we don’t or are worse at it.

Because you can do PvP and PvE whilst in an RP guild. I’m living proof. Gaze upon my dwarvish magnificence. Sure, I’m not an avid PvPer as I’m trash, but I still like to raid - albeit a bit more casually than in the past as I too came from raiding guilds and a PvE realm when I was a bit more ‘hardcore’. I’m fairly sure most RPers don’t give a crap about CE because CE raiders are like what… 1% or less of the playerbase?

Just stop posting Angelus, it’s alright. We get it. You’re confused and you don’t understand simple logic that a toddler would be able to understand.

People that are in an OOC guild and have no incentive to RP don’t belong on a RP realm meant for R O L E P L A Y. and it’d be better if they all went away. I don’t really have issues with RPers that are in an OOC guild, however, the OOC guilds are often prone to inviting people that don’t want to RP because it’s an OOC guild.


I ran into Hungaro near a world quest in Vol’dun the other day. I steered clear at first as I expected he’d be aggressive, but turns out he wasn’t.

I was happy with that, as I was kinda tired and just wanted to get my AP grind for the day done. But I do love running into other roleplayers while questing. My dream is an AD-only shard, balance be damned.