Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Showing disagreement is merely the act of being in disagreement. Posting for the sake of disagreement implies that disagreement for disagreement’s sake is the cause.

The difference, as I said, is huge.

I’m still looking forward to that day in which you will display a small bit of maturity.

Tbh you won’t get an apology for me. You can get empathy, but you tend to misrepresent to the point where an apology would nullify what happened. Rather, I prefer to keep it this way, so that you can think about your attitude as a whole. And if that makes me look like the bad guy, so be it.

But yes; I said that you don’t deserve to be mistreated because you make things up. As I always did.

same tbh, atm if I wanted to do any content I can just hit up group finder, pump one of my achievements in a whisper and do said content

Only thing I’d have to wait for is mythic raids, but frankly so does 95% of the rest of the realm anyway with all the OOCers who don’t even touch Mythic raids

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Vixi you keep saying you dont want to have anything to do with draconic oocel yet you keep getting into any single discussion with him. I dislike this tool myself but its not healthy

edit: missclicked twice

showing disagreement is the act of disagreeing, and your cause is to disagree
posting for the sake of disagreement is the act of disagreeing, and your cause is to disagree

i knew you twisted the english language around to try and prove your (pretty much always wrong) point but i didn’t think you’d go as far as to just make stuff up

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Yes it does, because that’s exactly what you are. Let’s examine your personality:

You attack me with ad hominem attacks for nearly an entire thread(that had nothing to do with the subject) under the false pretense that it’s to teach me lesson, when in the thread you in the same wave also openly admitted that it all stemmed back from an argument nearly a year prior where I didnt agree with you that SJW’s were conspiring to destroy western culture(This was your belief) and you got really offended when I told you it wasn’t pure fact.
You also admitted that I deserved it all because I had the time joined a PCU guild.

You also admit that this is not a nice thing to do to someone, but refuse to apologise. You really are a tool.

Edit: Since you refuse to say it never happened, I might as well also link the thread before trying to leave it at this since I know what comes out of your hands/fingers is pure trash:

I know I got an issue with it, but I get geniuenly bothered by how a man can be so purposly vicious towards people in general+myself and then try to smug it off as being some being of superiour intellect who is just always right.


My dude it seems like you arguing with a sophist and that’s never gonna end well cause they aren’t arguing from a position of an actual point but rather in an attempt to make people think they are wrong about something in effect you are debating the troll’s pseudo intellectual cousin

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You are better than him


thats very true and it never ends productively but i’ll be honest with you miz i love arguing

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extremely relatable though the unsubbed dragon erper manages to make it intensely boring when he isn’t going on about epic 7am BBQs

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Vixi I know we don’t always agree but listen to me now the dude isn’t worth the time or energy please you owe it to yourself to not raise your blood pressure for no reason.

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I’ll just try to leave it at this, because he already admitted now that he is a bad guy for the sake of being it. I just wish he would stop posting honestly at this point.

But yeah, catch you in other threads!


I mean dude if that makes you happy then more power to you I ain’t gonna stop you from enjoying yourself

love u vixi stray strong xoxo

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Very true, i must admit that the unsubbed dragon erper is starting to be slightly boring to argue at sadly, as he seems unable to ever do any intellectual thinking and say something that makes a little sense or make any good replies.

It’s a typical mistake to confuse a correlation with the cause, namely one that anti-OOCers love doing.

I have not. Imo, my posts are for your own sake too. If you’d get out of the mindset that I’m the vicious guy trying to get you, my pov would open up a new perspective to you.

If you admit that I was right (=that people should not be bullied even if their opinion is wrong), I will apologize. Otherwise it would be hypocritical to ask an apology.

I have no issue engaging with people in-game, when I play. The fact that one social circle who has a massive presence on the forums has some hivemind ideas doesn’t mean that everyone else must be on the same page.

his wackiness has also toned down lately, and instead just degraded into

  1. see what people in the thread are agreeing on
  2. disagree with it
  3. huff gaseous output of the body

it’s not rlly an interesting gamer hour anymore

lol are you an actual 7 year old


You are constantly smug and dismissive.
People’s good faith ran out with you a long time ago. I’m quite patient but I can see why they act the way they do towards you.
You’re so self righteous and aloof with your posts, it just stinks of incredible arrogance and is horrible to read.

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last i checked athramus was an eldritch horror story who hasn’t subbed for the last million years

ur such a vaxir


mate having different views is one thing hell I hold different views than some people on the forums but note most people here don’t actively attack me whenever I post anything you wonder why that is?