Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

A hard truth.

Bit of a self insert then


Just want to ICly kill both factions everywhere, pls.


I think what they don’t realising they’re saying when they come up with this reason, is that PvE/PvP servers - in contrast - are massively uncomfortable. Is this the root of the problem Argent Dawn, are all the other servers too toxic?

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I’m not connected.

I just occasionally (rarely, tbh) muster the courage to go into cities and try some RP. And some experiences are more memorable than others.

You tempt me.

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Hard truth: youre a whackjob

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Oh I haven’t. I don’t know anybody’s IRL info myself except perhaps friend’s names and one person’s type of employment. I’m not one to doxx people like some have done me on here, who of which got a nice, hefty forum ban for.

Ahhh well I think that’s not true Doxxir


Is this gonna be one of those rumours now lol

Ain’t a rumour if it’s true.


Uhnish shuul.


You linked a blog that is in the business of doxxing, it also reposts things from another blog which doxxes pictures of people from twitter and belittles their appearance.


Uhnish Vwah.


If you can link me to me to a post where I post someone’s IRL name / info / whatever about them then sure. But linking to a blog =/= doxxing where I saw naff all of people’s IRL. I already said, if there IS doxxing on there then I am sorry to the innocent individuals caught up in it.

Actually you used to contribute to “WarcraftSues” and also advertise other tumblrs you contribute to that have a great deal of personal information so sadly this is a lie


Implying that doxxing is ok when aimed at those you deem not innnocent. Doxxir reaffirms their hypocrisy.


non-RPers need to leave


That’s not how it works. I’ve been here for many years now but I remember exactly the thought process when I was a newbie.

When I started WoW, my friends got me to roll on the PvP server Sylvanas (the irony). After a while I got tired of it, read about roleplaying on the WoW forums, and wanted to try it. Seeing that AD was the largest roleplaying realm, I chose it. Simple.

When I looked at the realms initially, I noticed that the RP realms are set apart and have a description saying what they are for. This was very obvious and easy to see. If I am not interested in RP, and the server description says it’s for silly RPing nerds, then why would I join? Either I am a griefer or I don’t have all the garden gnomes in sight, so to speak, and in either case it would be justified to tell me to leave.


Not quite but if you want to twist my words then sure.