Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

I apologised alright now get lost because I don’t care

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I would like it on record Mr. Moody that this is entirely intentional

Consider it my pound of flesh

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And you should probably just reiterate your apology and admit to your mistake and stop posting for the night, if you don’t want this bashing to continue.


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I know they can’t go back in time and undo, all I’m saying is please be more careful in the future when linking stuff in the forums.

Probably; “I’m sorry for doxxing you Perroy”

no ifs or buts or maybes.


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No, you said you were sorry to any innocent victims caught in the crossfire.

Please tell me exactly you are referring to when you say that some people deserve to be doxxed.

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No popcorn posting. Please.


laying down the LAW…

Funnily enough years and years ago my first step on an RP server was when I wanted to play with a friend on The Venture Co, I had no idea what an RP realm was nor what RP meant. I was about 13 and just wanted to play with my friend.

A few days in and I noticed people acting IC and all that, asked my friend about it, he said it was something people do on RP servers. “Neat, I wanna try that” I said, and soon enough I was dipping my toes into RP, and ten plus years later it’s all I really play the game for.

To an extent I think it is worth showing people the best side of the RP community and leading by example, that’s how I got into it, and most of my friends can probably tell a similar story. Sure plenty probably rolled on an RP realm specifically to RP, but when you’re a dumb teenager or kid you likely won’t know what that means (or care) until you see it happening, and then decide whether or not it’s something you want to do.

And I do fear that the overly hostile approach to everyone who doesn’t have TRP installed is only going to generate animosity rather than curiosity, and incite further trolling from people who were already not fond of us for whatever reason. Or outright drive people away who may have been actively interested in RP from day one, before they might even have rolled on the realm.

That being said I think it is a bit arrogant to suggest we need non-RPers or it’s all over for the server. We’re not a raiding or PvP realm. In fact it takes ages for a single guild on this realm to clear mythic modes on the latest raids or reach the higher rankings in PvP. Yet popwise we’re doing alright as far as I am aware.

I do also think it’s a bit daft to come to an RP realm with the intention of never roleplaying at all, so long as someone respects the activity and shows some casual interest in a “tell me more” fashion, I think that can be tolerated. But the people that never intend to RP, and make it impossible to RP seriously in 2/3rds of Org or 1/4th of Stormwind need to consider rolling on a non-RP realm.


I don’t mind people arguing against me. Used to it now. They have their right to post after all.

I know my mistakes and will check more indepth in future, aye.

Just out of interest, as a person who has frequently admitted that they aren’t good with words, have you ever considered not posting on a public forum where your words will be subject to intense scrutiny?

I tried to translate for you in a thread a couple of weeks ago because I felt like you were being wilfully misinterpreted, but given your recent posting history I feel like its your fault you left yourself open to misinterpretation. If I had to translate for you, it was because you didn’t put enough thought and effort into your writing before you posted it.

It sort of seems like that’s the problem you’re having with Doxir-gate. You posted a link without bothering to read or understand its contents. Ignorance isn’t an excuse if you had the opportunity to educate yourself.

The problem is you keep adding conditions to it. “IF that blog does doxx.” “IF anyone was doxxed.”
People are telling you it IS a doxx blog and some people have been doxxed, or had doxxes reblogged to it. Aerilen gave you a personal example, even, and Perroy similarly has been pretty open about his address having once been spread around.


Perhaps they believe that once someone disagrees with any number of their contrarian umming and ahhhing takes on various issues, they are turning on internet warmode and are now enemy combatants

:ear: [would listen for an apology]


I’m not denying it has doxxing. I just haven’t checked it myself personally.

inb4 “shouldn’t have posted it” - Read my past few posts about that e_e

I’m pressing the point because there is one instance where releasing someone’s personal information is warranted.

That’s if they’re a fascist or a predator.

I’m interested to see who exactly Vaxir considers either.

I don’t think there’s an outright hostility, it’s just when people make threads and go “yo I wanna raid here, don’t RP tho, not interested in it.” There are better realms for raiding.

I, like you, didn’t RP originally (quite the opposite) but I took it up v. quickly and had people help me out. If people are genuinely interested in roleplaying I imagine everyone will welcome them with open arms. God knows new roleplayers warm my frozen heart up because they’ll have an enthusiasm that’s on life support for me.

yo check out this cool link to a roleplaying guild

oh its not about roleplay? ah well, not my fault that i didnt check - just wanted to share

So, about that apology … haha … wouldn’t it be crazy if you stopped giving insincere “IF …” “HOWEVER” core non-apologies and actually just said you’re sorry … just kidding :flushed:

… unless ? :ear:


I think we’re all allowed to post here. Just… Some of us didn’t do well in our own language’s class :L I never did well in English albeit it being my first language and it’s only 'cause of AD that I learned a loooot of grammar and words.

I don’t get this since all I do is reply to people and recently try to clear out I was in the wrong.