Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

OOCels are critical to the health of the realm


Did you delete the post that contained links to said doxxing?

I’d scroll up and quote my whole “not good with words” but it’s lost in this mess.

thanks for contributing to our comfy atmosphere, OOCers. You’re really helping to keep it alive! :slight_smile:

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I don’t think you need a PHD in english to not doxx people or to type “sorry”

Sadly you don’t reply with an apology and instead defend your actions hehe

It got removed didn’t it?

Here’s your chance, then.

I’ll even write it for you.

“I didn’t pay attention to the content of the Tumblr blog and didn’t realise it was complicit in doxxing. I am sorry for sharing it.”

“I’m sorry for linking a blog where people were doxxed. That was all my fault. It won’t happen again.”

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I wonder why (maybe because of the doxxing :flushed:)


I said it in the other thread. That is enough for me and knowing the fact people like to nitpick and harass me it is only leading me to not want to post it again if I’m entirely honest. Said what is needed, know my mistake. Again, if people can’t accept that then it’s their problem, not mine.

maybe :flushed:

I wasn’t sure personally. I was checking.

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Maybe you should consider not posting at all if doxing people is all you got to post on these forums.

Alright Doxxir is refusing to apologize

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Honestly? Don’t dance around with this; “innocent people getting doxxed”

Just say what both Stonetower and Lotheridan have typed.

Maybe it wasn’t clear in the other thread and its why they are bringing it up?

You literally didn’t. You instead said that “you’re sorry if any innocent victims were caught in the crossfire” or something to that effect. That post is still there for people to look at, even

You’re not sorry you did it, Doxir. You’re sorry that people are telling you off for it and 100% consider yourself the wounded party here

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Said I was wrong a million times but again, if people can’t accept it then it really isn’t my problem if they want to hold a grudge over a mistake.

I didn’t say you weren’t allowed to post, I asked you if you’d considered not posting a reply to something when, by your own admission, you express yourself poorly, and by my observation, don’t spend a lot of time thinking about your points before you post them. At the very least, you could at least take more time to think about a post before you respond.

This reply is the perfect example. You didn’t read or understand my post properly, and just slung off a reply without bothering to engage the old brain first.

It just seems like an exercise in masochism. You post something ill-considered, immediately get swamped by criticism, and then offer some vague, irrelevant non-defence like “muh free speech”.

It’s sort of like somebody who can’t play an instrument signing up to join an orchestra. Yes, you can do it - but should you? Ultimately, when people give you grief for not playing your instrument properly, it’s your own fault for signing up to the orchestra.

If you were in the wrong, how could you not get why people might object to your recent posting?

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I think it’s time to unleash the pack.

you said you were wrong but that’s not an apology. at no point did you say you were sorry :frowning: