Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Sadly that’s not true, but why not make it one million and one if it is?

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How many times do I have to tell you that your original ‘apology’ implies that there are people who deserve to be doxxed before you get a clue and try again?

Either tell me which victims of COAD and friends’ doxxing were deserving or actually apologise.

“I’m sorry, Perroy” is just three words i.e infinitely less than what you’ve written up trying to indirectly defend your doxxing attempt

I know for a fact they love dragging it out because of my bad history in RP and so forth the bad rumours, clinging to all that. If I had joined the server and knew how to RP I’d be much better off all in all. But back then if you were new and made mistakes people were rather harsh and I do recall after two or three months of RP I got invited to a chat channel. I accepted and got relentlessly mocked for being a bad RPer. Ever since then it just blew up. What I mean to say is that people can’t let go of the past.

thanks for getting my nan blown up doxxir hate u


Come on mate come on

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Rlly hard when you’re the same persona still, tbh.

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enough’s enough really. come on

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And how many times do I have to explain that my wording isn’t great, I almost failed English and that I am sorry for what I did?

Vaxir, seriously. Take it from someone who is in the PCU, we don’t care about when you were bad at roleplaying, there’s much bigger problems.

I don’t care about your past RP, I care that you post personal information


Then without bringing rumour into it and ignoring BS, instead bringing actualproof, can you tell me what I did wrong back in the day 'cause I’d love to know.

That was, in fact, the first time you actually did.

christ, like getting blood from a stone that just donated blood

bruh in 10 characters

Nobody cares about what you did back in the day.

First time I apologised? If you scroll up you’d see I apologised many times.

And yes, getting blood from a stone can go both ways.

“I am sorry to any innocent victims caught up in this”

“wait this implies that there are non-innocent victims”

“I worded this badly”

“would you like to rephrase?”


Your doxxing move is literally just days ago, i wouldnt call it “the past” personally.

You have apologized 0 times.

Sorry BUT

Those aren’t apologies, that’s a snake’s hissing

truly an uncut gem


Have you blocked Perroy and all content related to him Vaxir? Because you stop responding to anything that even mentions him.

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