Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

I really don’t care that you emoted having your willy out in the biggest city on Azeroth in the past but I care about your doxxing really that needs to stop

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In the early days of COAD there was a gotcha post about screenshots from the AD Discord and one of the screenshots was literally just singling out the fact that I like Thai food split into its own snippet in the imgur album

since when does ur weird rp past excuse u posting a doxxing blog and only going ''sorry, but"

just say


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For shame, for shame.

to be fair coad man is probably just looking out for you there, that stuff goes straight to your hips

10 cm damn R.I.P.

Setting aside that first post (WTF, eye bleach please)

Is… Is the blog bashing both PCU and Frozen Paw?

Is this some r/enlightenedcentrism thing?

Dude just own up to the fact you doxxed and made yourself look like a dork instead of playing the victim card

It’s exactly like when kakio went ahead and said “sorry you feel that way but i will not stop griefing RP with my trolling”
Vaxir does not seem like he wants to change his ways

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It is very, very hard at times to maintain myself from not arguing properly against people as they do me, aka succumbing to repetitive posting and trying to put someone down. If this is about my mistake then I can’t repeat it again. It’s running dry. I already said sorry and admitted my mistake.

I grew from my mistakes. I used to be a terrible RPer. I had commissions done I probably should’ve hid. That would’ve kept a LOT off my back. But I also do lack care what people think of my personal life outside of WoW no matter how much they try to drag it in (hence the images and doxxing).

Guess I’m just getting tired of the usual being attacked for merely posting my personal beliefs in the end. For example posting in past threads, nothing bad mind you, just results in some people saying to get lost and whatever else. I mean still, half of me doesn’t care but some of me is rather tired that after ten years people still dislike me over petty business.

I would ignore the posts but when it comes down to it I rather not people think I’m just ignoring it because I’m guilty or whatever.

You are so stuck in this victim martyr loop holy :poop:

Seriously just say “i am sorry”
No if or but
Don’t say “i already said it”, you didn’t
Don’t say “i didn’t know”, it’s not an excuse
Don’t say “i will grow from this”, you won’t if you can’t deliver a straight 3 word apology without crucifying yourself as though you are the messiah dying for our sins.

Yeah and now you’ve developed new mistakes ie. doxxing people you don’t like

Also nobody has ever posted any information about you - that’s just something you mention randomly without any basis in reality as a flimsy justification

Your personal belief that “some people deserve it” ? Yeah nice one mate

You are 100% guilty


Don’t think doxing is petty business to care about at all mate.

You are guilty and should maybe consider stop posting on these forums.

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I’m not talking about this apparent me trying to doxx people. I’m talking about something else entirely.


no one cares about your rp past

vaxir, it is not hard to write “sorry”
you will not get called out if you just take the fall and say “sorry”. not “sorry, but”. not “sorry, except”. not “sorry to the innocent people”. just, sorry.
it will save you in the long run to rephrase your “apology” and say sorry.

I think thing is, you’re doing nothing in order to convince people that you regret your past actions.

I give you an example, I like Necromancer RP and I joined a Discord because I wanted to be informed.
Last meeting my RP was horrible (I know it was poor), I apologized to the RPer who RPed with me and I’ll try to do better next time.

With your posts I don’t get any sign of improvement.


Yeah i noticed that you are not talking about it at all except for when saying you wont say sorry for what you did.

Yeah but we aren’t

We’re still just waiting for a few simple words

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it’s no use, scrappy. it’s no use, no matter what we say she will continue to bring up the bad rp as a defense mechanism

Why would I regret something as menial as role playing as a lore-****? I have no regrets of being new and clueless. I don’t see the point in that.

IF I had done something terrible in RP I would admit I did. But being new, not knowing lore and RPing a giant san’layn in Stormwind is nothing to actually regret. I moved on from that and improved. Nobody’s RP was ruined. I didn’t screw anybody over. I just RP’d with who wanted to get involved.