Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

You will notice that Meg did delete the link once he realised what the newest post on the blog was.


I will notice, because I asked him to. But you guys then turning it around, making fun of it, and (hmm) not offering apology for it, just makes this whole effort come off as disingenuous.

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Meg apologized to Stormbinder, the post’s subject.

Shame to see Vaxir has yet to apologize to Perroy meanwhile


I’m thinking that beyond being able to delete his post once you mentioned it, Megnarosh isn’t involved in tumblr’s moderation. In fact I’m pretty sure it’s a site that doesn’t allow that kind of content so should (at a glance / without checking the posts) be safe to link. Furthermore he was just relinking what the person in question has already so generously treated this forum to - so I think when you make your next post you should @ in Doxir for the telling off along with Megnarosh

If people want to make references to Adam Sandler’s Uncut Gems at Stormbinder after an apology / him saying he doesn’t care I don’t know what you’re really asking for. Maybe you should go file a report with the website as I have since you are very invested in righting this wrong

Weirdly enough Doxir always says this but never posts anything to substantiate the accusation. It’s a cool little PR move to say “uh, well, despite being a famous doxxing enthusiast actually someone did it first so it’s OK” - which is a whack statement even if there was even one grain of truth in it

In fact, the closest to this happening in my knowledge (ie. someone referencing their employment status) had the person doing it gkicked. Basically you’re chatting absolute breeze as usual Doxir and we can have this conversation in every thread until the end of time


Megnarosh himself joking around (or genuinely denying his involvement) in the incident, comes across as very unapologetic and doesn’t raise confidence that the incident won’t be repeated by the same offenders.

I have reported it, and I’m glad to hear you have too, but given these very same individuals’ engagement in righting similar wrongs when committed by others, I would expect a different sort of behavior from them.

In fact, the whole thing makes it seem (to me at least) that the outrage over Vaxir’s doxxing, isn’t as much an outrage over what was done, but rather who did it. That’s my gripe with it.

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OOCer are not good for the realm.
They treat us like a sideshow, or put things on the AH for extortionate prices because they’re odious cretins.
Some of them are fine, but many aren’t. I’d rather get rid of them all than have to suffer their toys/mounts/spam. I’d also like to freely walk through any part of Org/Sw/other without being swamped by absolute mongs who are bored waiting for a dungeon.
If you are advocating for more OOCers on this realm you are part of the problem and should listen to the people who left the now dead RP other realms.


Is your confidence specifically important in this case? You are kind of an uninvolved bystander and pretty tertiary to this conversation. In fact if I hadn’t replied to you you would fade into the background instantly - but I quite like having a go with you Moody and I know you have a fast reply tempo so I’m willing to invest

Thank you, that is genuinely based (because the report form is actually extremely annoying)

There’s an element of truth in that - I think I would be less eager to post on the topic if it wasn’t somebody who made their forum shtick being the victim of everything ever doing it. I’m not actually too worried about my personal information (for example, I wasn’t the only one) being dropped - it is absolutely more about the principle

Weirdly or perhaps not so weirdly enough the main proponents of more OOC players are a. OOC players b. unsubbed players c. personal info enthusiasts like Doxir


Because Taure-… Hamburgers are god darn delicious.

I think it’s big of you to admit this, and I understand the sentiment, and can relate to it.
I also support the principle of no tolerance against doxxing.

I don’t see how this pertains to anything, except trying to perhaps discredit my character to downplay the impact of the episode?

D. ERPers who need to lure in more smutty victims.


I’m a big guy

It’s just part of my forum patter. In fact I compliment you at the end

There’s also nothing to downplay in my eyes - if you want to invest time in telling off both Vaxir and Megnarosh for linking that Tumblr, I am more or less with you on that one. I don’t think people should do that


Thank you for this exchange, let’s do this again sometime :handshake:

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You look pretty scrawny to me, deadman. :<

do u even lift

A forum discussion with you is always an Uncut Gem in my eyes, Moody

Okay so you have zero idea what that is or means?

Why are you on a roleplay server without the intention to roleplay then?

Because apparantly if she wasn’t here, our server would collapse and get closed down the second she left?

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Hmm. I generally tend to take the OOC issue pretty lightly, though reading people’s arguments, I do agree with a lot of the “no OOCers” here. Coming from two dead RP realms does this.

I myself was interested in RP in Wow from the very moment I first subbed, but I was scared of joining an RP realm and being a noob in the middle of what I expected to be very serious people always in character! So I rolled on a PVE realm first to get a feeling for the game and the current lore of the world. Then I made my little RP alt after I felt more certain of what I was doing.

Of course then I learned RP realms are a lot more casual and welcoming than I thought, and I had a good time.

I’ve seen many other topics where people argue how wow RP could use a more positive PR spin outside of our realms, in how most youtube videos and the like are about Goldshire and memeing, and I think this is somewhat relevant. If this was more of a thing, people could get lured in without having to roll here with a non-rp attitude first.

Your entire argument is a strawman, why do you think I have issues with people who raid and role play ? Even if someone raids 99% of their time but role plays for 1% of it they are welcome


It’s easier to own someone in an argument they didn’t make + aren’t participating because the actual position of “Argent Dawn needs more OOCers” is basically indefensible


During the Stormwind Riot roleplay, various OOCers decided to join in to scream racist slurs, OOC-laced dialogue and barrage of swear words.

People who were critical of the event noted that it was filled with these types of things, directing their criticism of the event towards these types of people. OOCers.

But they totally are critical for the health of the server.