I think that’s just a common thing regardless of such. I rarely dabble into BGs now a days, but the times that I do. Oh boy.
Saying that back on subject, the amount of times I’ve been put off Stormwind Roleplay because there are people about purposely provoking roleplayers through some idiotic means. I’ve touched Stormwind in a month or so because of it, went to quieter areas and well more fun, less disruptive roleplay to be had.
I have more civilian leaning concepts I’d like to do. But it’s boring being shoe horned into Cath Square and Old Town. I want to have a baker who has a shop in the Trade District damn it!
If non RP people leave my RP will remain the same if not improve on the basis that I’m not getting laughed at by some stinky guys.
If anything AH will improve because all the tmog sets won’t be insanely overpriced because some OOCer likes to play the AH and easily swindle some RPers.
I’ll still be able to do PvP and PvE thanks to the fact that the RP community I’m in has some epic tier gamers who do content and RP.
Why and how would the population die out. Noone is dependant on OOCers for anything and having a server full tag is not really necessary to better the server.
Most OOCers typically come from the likes of Outland where they couldn’t cut it as PvPers and then proceed to go to Argent Dawn. It’s literally a case of the kid that was recently bullied picking on the new guy in class.
I never understood why you’d go to a RP server if you never have the intention to RP. Those people shouldn’t be welcomed either, as Defias Brotherhood was eventually full of more OOCers than roleplayers.
Blizzard also has a habit of not cracking down on those people hard enough. You grief RP with an oversized mount and with enough reports you’re given a 3 hour suspension, maybe a day at most assuming enough reports have come in for the automated system to wrench its “banhammer” down.
I started playing WoW because of a friend of mine allowed me to play on his account for a while back in Wrath. Decided to get my own acc and rolled his server, while he was a non-rper he was playing on Moonglade (rp server).
It took me a few months of pure PvE and PvP before I went to the main hubs and found some people roleplaying, which piqued my interest. Eventually I delved into it myself, of course I was terrible at it since it was my first time trying it out and got a lot of flack for writing in brackets or posting emotes in /s, but it grew on me, and nowadays I enjoy raiding/pvping while I also am part of a roleplaying guild. Point being, if I wasn’t playing the game as a non-rper on an rp-realm, I very much doubt I would have ever engaged in roleplay.
On a side-note… Holy fk guys, I’m glad I discovered the forums years after I started roleplaying, or I would have stayed as far away as possible. This thread… Christ.
Yes, it being the case that you fancied roleplaying because you were curious about it. The point of contention is that if you’re an OOCer and never have any interest in roleplaying, or even worse that you come here looking to grief those that do, then it’s best you stay away from AD or any other RP server and stay where you belong. Every year it’s far too common that the Outland, Kazzak and Tarren Mill zoomers come here to ruin the experience of others.
It isn’t a toxic viewpoint to think that way. It’s called common sense and it’s best for both us and the other players.