Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Just take a good hard look at what you just wrote & then the problems that players that grief RPers bring with them.


You know exactly what I mean when I make the PvP server comparison. Just because they’re gone doesn’t mean you don’t know what they are.

And yes, you do make what about comments. “What about my friend!? He never griefed anyone!?”


Ive experienced it yes, but I’m also not the only one by a mile-shot who’s spoken up about this being a fairly common sight and occurance neither now or before.

You’re getting kinda close to Athramus-posting with this response (Claiming that because you yourself hasnt seen the super common thing everyone else has, then its wrong/misstaken)


Interesting dichotomy with this guy.

You experience griefing and negative interactions with OOCers? “That’s just, like, your experience man.”

“My friend never griefed anyone.” Is his experience, but we should just take that at face value and accept that OOCers are good and welcome.


This is why I called/call it Athramus posting, since when litterally the same topic was discussed a while ago, said person said that he personally had never been griefed when RPing, and therefore the logical conclusion was that people who told about it happening to them from DB and Sha’tar were either lying or misremembering/overexaggerating.


“My experience is to be taken as gospel, but your experience is discounted even with evidence.”

I’ve seen that level of entitlement across the internet and it’s certainly not welcome here either.


people who say they’ve never experienced griefing or nasty oocers on his server clearly only erp in garrisons or dungeons


at the end of the day, broadblade, just because you and your friends joined the server for unknown reasons and just happened to get into roleplay eventually - does not suddenly mean that all OOC-exclusive players are suddenly part of the solution

you, and people like you, are exceptions to the rule - shouldn’t have even been on a server designed for roleplay in the first place, but adapted for whatever reason


To be fair and this is only my ‘bad’ experience, I’ve encountered an equal amount of trolling and disrupting from RPers with some grudge, as I have from pure OOCers.

That said mounts are just obnoxious as are the folks who park or pose with them in RP hubs.

Yeah those should get booted off also i say shruggingly


yeah thats true and they’re also counted as griefers and should be booted out


Griefing just isn’t okay at all, I don’t think anyone is denying this(Except certain OOCers)

There are people who fill in their TRPs with information, create a background for the character and so on while never actually roleplaying.

One statement I’ve seen come up/be made several times now seems like such a non-point to me. If you’re ignorant about RP (as in, you have no idea what it is – I personally didn’t since I was very young when I first played WoW), you’re not really part of the “problem” as far as OOCers go. If you don’t know what it is, simply say so and I’m sure the majority will be willing to teach you how to RP or explain what RP actually means. Nobody’s excluding new players by telling them to leave if they’re simply unaware, as long as they’re willing to learn.

The issue, however, arises when people aren’t ignorant and still don’t care about or want to try RP. At that point they’re just deliberately choosing to ignore what this server was made for, and should just change to a different one.


The funny thing about this is, while their gross overreactions and slurs are obviously not warranted, this made me think of a perfect example of the very problem at hand, except in reverse, and it makes it very clear.

Being full on IC in a BG, that is walking around and emoting and stuff, is just as silly as coming to an RP realm while not doing the above.

It’s like a mirror.

Some of you need to take chill pill, like seriously.

No one will boot OOC players, accept it or not that is a fact, its amazing that some of you think that Blizzard will go on OOC player purge lol…

I never said anything about walking around and emoting.

No-one will stop people posting that OOC players should go either so it looks like neither party will get what they want =P


I know, I know. I didn’t accuse you of doing so. It just made me think of the comparison.

IC chatter in BG chat is no more harmful than OOC chatter in party chat on AD.

Fixed wording.

woah its almost as if this is a public forum and we can post our opinions freely

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