Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Like, we totes get that nothing will happen.
But, it’s like, in our right to like, state our opinions.

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Well, no, there isn’t a rule in place that inherently means you’re forced to RP on a RP server. But if you don’t ever have the intention to then common sense dictates that you should see if the grass is greener elsewhere. There’s honestly nothing here that a PvE or PvP realm can’t give you.

Silence OOCel


It’s so cool to do content in a raid of 20+ people and everyone has TRP.

OOCers, please. :door:


Think you just butted in the finalizing blow! If anyone would argue with that statement, they might be going trough massive brain farts.

This! This is exactly one of the thousand reasons there is this ‘hostile’ ( there isn’t but lets just go with it) approach to the thread, typing OOCers are crucial for Roleplaying servers whilst the majority disrupts RP won’t sit well with people, for obvious reasons.

Actually there is hostility and there’s nothing wrong with that because simply but epicly put: it is self defense against people who either from denseness or sheer malice would prefer to see this realm turn into yet another Defias Brotherhood. Not a single griefer/oocel will change their opinion and accept any flaw in their behavior just because “those weird nolife roleplayers” asked them nicely to. If it’s the hostility that keeps at least a number them away from Argent Dawn and therefore this last bastion of RP alive a little longer, I support it 100%

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Very interesting topic, but I fail to find anyone who actually asked


People seem to have a hard time understanding that you can do both.

Who, exactly?

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Nobody objects to people who RP and do content - and I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a roleplayer on Argent Dawn who doesn’t do content outside of roleplaying peak hours. The point of contention is the people who come here and never intend to roleplay/gawk at roleplayers like animals in a zoo/actively disrupt roleplay.

If you fall into that category, you need to book a plane out of Argent Dawn posthaste.

Never is a long time, how do you know they will NEVER roleplay?

Because they flat out admit it.

“People who don’t intend to RP shouldn’t be on an RP realm”

“Aha, but what about those who do RP?”

…buddy, friend, my dude.

They can come back when they decide they do want to roleplay. Until then, there are over 200 other servers that can cater far better to their desired gameplay.

Another issue is that there is hardly any RP outside Stormwind at the moment. All hubs are empty and dead. This makes it rather easy for OOCers to move in.

If people were more active we’d not have that problem.

edit yes, I know it’s friday


Yes. It is. I’m disagreeing with your view on this situation because I don’t have the same experiences as you.

Speaking of assumptions… Your point being?

I’m well aware of what I wrote. You can /ignore another player and the only thing a griefer can do is annoy you with toys and mounts. He can’t corpse camp you, preventing you from getting from point a to point b, nor can he kill your quest giver. While I hate when something like this happens and I most certainly oppose it, it’s incomparable.

Literally not what I wrote, either you’re intentionally misrepresenting my comments or you’re simply misunderstanding them.

I haven’t claimed that you’re wrong. I’ve said that I disagree with you from my own experience, there’s a vast difference.

What evidence?

I’m not usually one to throw every problem under the sun at Blizzard, but the latest patch was quite underwhelming from a narrative position. Not to mention the truce we had foisted upon us, which I’m aware undid several planned initiatives between a few groups.

I’m not saying a disappointing main plot ruins RP. It does tend to stab at people’s desire to remain engaged with the setting however. :roll_eyes:

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y’all realise that ‘I disagree with you’ and ‘I think you’re wrong’ are synonyms, right

In this thread. go check it, I’m not google

I know, I used to be an advocate of getting rid of the faction war, but now that it is gone it feels a little bit as if the game is finished. I guess more people feel that way.

I also know there are some people working hard to keep RP alive (=PCU folks) but I feel the future or RP is looking a little bleak at the moment.

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No. They aren’t. At all.

Other than you and a few others telling me it is that way, I haven’t seen it so far. Granted, I did skip the comments between 450-600, so I might have missed it there. But hey, burden of proof and all, you know?