Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

I don’t get that feeling at all. It feels like it’s getting closer to Classic with small isolated fights rather than all out war. Shadowlands also interests me, two years of sandbox RP on Azeroth? Count me in.

Please elucidate me on the difference, master scholar

I hope more people feel that way.

It’d be sad if everything just fizzles out.

You have google, right?

merriam-webster. com/thesaurus/disagree

And yes, I took your comment in the most literal sense possible.

I won’t say something that hasn’t already been done in this thread, so instead I’ll share my story as to how I came to RP or join AD for the RP.

Simply put, I watched Nixxiom’s video. He often talked about his RP years during WoD, the stories crafted and especially how involved the community was.
As a 19 years old deeply seeking something else to do in the game besides Garrison, I was quite interested.

I came here with the specific intent to Roleplay once I got an alt on a high enough level. I tried getting a Tauren Monk, but then I realized I wasn’t resonating that much with that race. Turns out I liked Pandaren, a lot so I made a Mage Pandaren, and once I hit 60 or 70, I dipped my toes in RP.

I was awful, god awful, but I was trying and that’s essentially how you learn and I believe it was obvious enough that I was a newbie so people didn’t gave me sh**s for it. Soon enough I transfered all my alts (All I could afford anyway) to AD from the PvE server I started on.

There you go, a standard story about how one gets to RP in AD. I may not do it as much as I once did Mid-Legion (Drama that essentially killed my ability to desire RP in a guild setting and trust in people.) but I still hop on and off here and there. However there’s that one thing I’ll never do… Griefing, interrupting RP, calling people “nerds, geeks, losers” for doing essentially what the server is specifically created for and did myself.

Coming here just for the ‘atmosphere’ is a pretty weak reason. You may not come here to cause mayhem with OOC stuff but understand that… You can do the same elsewhere. This atmosphere was created by RPers, not OOCers, you’re pretty much enjoying the products and efforts of other people without having put any investment in it yourself or having tried to.

Go away, we do not want you as much you wouldn’t want us in a PvE or PvP raid if we were to ask for en masse shift of the main activity in there.


I’m aware of the definition of ‘disagree’ (and also how to format links on this forum).

please continue

Still waiting for a comprehensive faction war expansion :pensive:

Then you should know that they’re not synonyms, of course in the most literal sense possible.

Took me a few tries to even send the reply, I truthfully don’t know how to do this.

If I think you are wrong and you think I am wrong, then we…


what’s the word



I have one question.
If you’re not going to RP, why are you on AD?

Your guild is part of that minority that disrupts rp, I dont know what you mean with this thread, but we don’t need guilds like yours on AD.


If I think you’re wrong, then yes, I disagree. If I say I disagree with you, it could mean that I think you’re entirely wrong, if you take my reply in bad faith. In the previous context it meant that I have a differing opinion, not that I think you’re wrong. Semantics, right?
Also, still not a synonym.

It must be incredibly sad to be a full time OOC’er and in a raiding guild but have less acomplishments in PVE and PVP than some RPers

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I don’t think you’re alone in having came from a PvE/PvP server here. I myself came from a PvE server back in wrath, having been a fairly hardcore raider since vanilla. Got burned out in the end and came to AD – First thing I did when I got here was familiarized myself with the RP realm policy, and since then I’ve primarily been roleplaying.

Oh, that was a fun conversation.


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Pretty much. Most RPers are people who indeed did nothing else but PvE or PvP or others… It’s out of interest and genuine desire to try out RP and see if we like it.

I don’t get this attitude of just coming here for the ‘Atmosphere’. That’s like going on an PvP server and not expecting people who PvP to attack and gank you while playing because you just like the server’s environnement…

Semantics are important!

That’s why I know what a synonym is - a word or phrase that can be substituted into a sentence without a change of meaning - and also why ‘Amy disagreed with Susan’s view of the situation’ and 'Amy thought Susan’s view of the situation was incorrect/wrong (incorrect and wrong being synonymous in this context) are synonymous!

I did a degree in this, boss.


(dɪsəgriː )

  1. verb

If you disagree with someone or disagree with what they say, you do not accept that what they say is true or correct.

What did they mean by this ?


Hm. I see. I submit!

I’m bookmarking this post, for when OP comes back, I’m going to throw it at them.

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