Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Sephuz’s secret is only on Argent Dawn because they would be a nonamer guild on any other realm and fills the void by griefing RP campaigns so they feel sepcial.


Quite the hot take.

I’ve always heard the joke the “Mythic” guilds of AD were mostly here for the ease of getting Realm First Mythic Y or X.

It’s no lie that they’re also rife with ERPers and P*** commissioners.

And enjoy the ability of selling boosts without much competition compared to other servers in a population that has most of its gold income going to Tmogs and RP friendly items.

In my experience… All above are true.

Completely wrong, the guilds on AD who cleared mythic have always been pretty high ranked since Legion.

The realm is rife with ERPers and P*** commissioners, let’s no pretend that its raiders only.

Boosts are sold across servers usually, so I don’t see how that makes any difference. The price for a boost is not realm specific.

Irrelevant, this is a RP server. For RP. I will keep saying this until you get it into your head that RP servers are for RP. If they were not for RP, they wouldn’t be RP servers, they would be Normal Servers.

And they’re also not wanted. All of them can kindly :point_right: :airplane:. Just because they’re here, doesn’t mean OOCers are not also a problem.


I’d like to see that chart showing that and I cba seeking that out. Thanks.

Still doesn’t change my point. We want them all out for that stain is really not something we want.

Money boosts sure. Gold ones are still fairly present.

On the one hand you have purely OOC players tell us we need them and without them the economy would collapse. We simply cannot exist and flourish with what they offer they say.

On the other you have them promoting Argent Dawn on places like Facebook to other OOC players saying we are a server for the plucking. We are to be abused, cheated out of gold on the auction house, and an opportunity for easy world firsts with little competition. The need to promote this kind of rhetoric in the first place is unsurprisingly because of the difficultly to recruit for raiding guilds on Argent Dawn.

For example:

I feel it’s fairly obvious why soley PvE players come here, the curiosity of having the world feel more ‘alive’ with zoo animals is just an after thought.


I’ve seen that post but couldn’t be bothered reading it but now…

This is absolutely… It’s hard to define. It’s not negative in a way, but it’s just gonna make an existing problem already worse kinda like misguided altruism.

The issue doesn’t change. Stop bringing in and enticing people whom first intention is not to RP.


That Facebook snip is just sad. Advertising the realm for all the wrong things and RP is an afterthought.

‘Is not by any means obligatory.’ May not be but it’s expected if you’re coming to a Roleplaying Realm.

Good god.


It’s just 100% nuts to me that the so-called “precautions” provided in point #3 by the individual in Pullo’s link are apparently the only requirements on Argent Dawn. They aren’t. Simply respecting the existence of other roleplayers - and then proceeding to not roleplay for a minute of your time on the server - isn’t acceptable.

I quite liked the comparison made earlier in the thread by Meruru, in which anybody who played on a PvP server (when they still existed) would absolutely be expected to PvP, and as such, there would be very little - if any - sympathy for those that were slain in PvP, nor those that complained about the PvP aspect of their realm. In spite of this, roleplayers find themselves repeatedly beset and lectured by many players that haven’t as much as touched roleplay before, insisting that they have as much right to play on Argent Dawn as anybody else.

Where is the difference, exactly? You must PvP on a PvP realm, but RP on a RP realm is optional?

It’s a senseless - and frankly idiotic - double standard that only exists because OOC players believe that they can worm themselves out of the constant points made against them being here through hollow arguments, senseless technicalities and the pushing of a narrative that, in truth, no roleplayer worth their salt actually has any care for.

The repeated rise of this type of thread - and the fact it grows increasingly more common - should say more than enough to any OOC player on the server, as well as any OOC player that chooses to read this post.

We don’t require your existence here so that you might reap the benefits that are unique to a roleplaying server, and no, you aren’t welcome.


Non RPers leave, simple as. We don’t want you here.


It’s true tbh. There have been countless examples of guilds over the years made up by PvP outcasts that feel empowered here whereas they couldn’t cut it on PvP realms, such as Path of Destruction back in the day.

I wonder how many RPers would be left after you kick anyone out that ever ERPed ever, but okay. Can’t argue with it, it’s against the TOS.

No, money boosts are illegal. They’re gold boosts, people just make a character on a different server, accept the gold and then usually either transfer it once it has amassed enough gold or buy tokens from it.

I don’t think anyone is doing that, other than groups who have malicious intent, but no amount of rules would stop them anyway and you know it.

Cool, but Sephuz’s Secret isn’t a PvP guild and the officers do not take kindly to people who disrupt RP. Perhaps you should show them some screenshots and it’ll be dealt with swiftly.

Considering members of your guild are infamous for doing it I’m not sure what this is supposed to prove. You can’t wash off your reputation.


Sephuz’s Secret’s is not only a guild steeped in RP griefing but also ERP.

The RP griefing is never truly dealt with because players are needed for progression thus punishment is never really a thing. “We can’t kick him because he’s our tank” etc.


i remember there was once an entire situation about sephuzs secret because one person found an rppvp event and invited others FROM sephuzs secret to grief the rppvp

if i remember right it was during the bfa prepatch rppvp events?

Even if only 1 out of 10 non-RPers are disruptive to RP, they are here because of the other 9 “benevolent” non-RPers so I just want all 10 gone, ez

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I say Sephuzs Secret you say griefing ERPers

:mega: Sephuzs Secret


:mega: Griefing ERPers


:mega: griefing erpers