Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Different from their main server? I doubt that, you can see some advertisement in Trade Chat. Boosting services and completely Non-RP guilds.

I’ll chime in about some of my opinions and experience with OOCers.

First and foremost, this point keeps coming. The idea that “Oh, you should let the OOCers in! They MIGHT become interested in RP later!”

This always infuriates me. WoW isn’t everything that makes a person. This idea that these OOCers should be welcomed and then praying that they get interested ignores everything outside the game. What are their interests outside WoW? Do they play TTRPGs? Any games with roleplaying elements? How about books? Do they care about stories with sprawling narratives? Are they creative? Artistic? Any interest in hobbies that combine any number of these things?

I’ll be honest.
I wouldn’t bother with trying to get someone uninterested in anything related to the above involved in roleplaying. They simply don’t GET IT. They get BORED in TTRPGs and start fights. They don’t care about the story in games. They don’t CARE about any of it. They aren’t roleplayers. They spam through quest text and charge in for the mad loot, brah.

People like these are as alien to me as I am to them. I don’t care about raids, PvP or gearscore. I care about what pants combine the best with my SHIRT and what I might get up to in-character that night. There’s NOTHING in there to draw in someone who doesn’t ALREADY have an interest in roleplaying, immersion and creativity.

“Oh, but MAYBE they’ll get interested later!”

Cool. They can come over when they DO form that interest in roleplay, lore and storytelling. Until then, they can stay out. It is beyond foolish to give OOCers the benefit of the doubt. At the least, they make vast areas of cities unuasable for RP. At WORST, they can ruin the immersion of roleplayers because they can’t STAND not being the center of attention. So yeah. All I see is negatives when it comes to OOC presence. And the idea of these people becoming roleplayers later isn’t worth their presence here NOW. They can come back, if at some point outside the game they realize that they kind of like the world and lore. Until then. :point_right: :door:

As for my own experience with OOCers.

When I started roleplaying, I joined an orcish warband with my first character. (Orc warrior, go figure)
To get into Thousand needles, we had to plunge down into the waters from the high cliff faces where the lift from the Barrens used to be. Foolish? Yeah. You might bash your head on the rocks! And one of our members did. Through some efforts, we managed to drag this unconscious orc to the nearby beach and we all huddled around him to try to give him some first aid.

A group of stripped down, soaking wet orcs, huddled around one laying down.

At this point, a swarm of blood elves came swimming around the canyon. Leaping out of the water like salmon. I wonder what these fine elves might-


Ah. :slightly_smiling_face:

It is still my most vivid memory of OOCers. Swarmed by this group of griefers on their way to god knows where. Jumping, dancing, shouting.
Our GM luckily warned us to not acknowledge them and they got bored in minutes, continuing their way down the canyon. It did take some of the urgency out of the performing of first aid on our unconscious friend, however.

Another event was with this same guild, as our warband was in the middle of formation drills, an OOCer rocked up and decided to… Join in.

This person then joined the lines and mockingly copied any formation positions we would take at the commanders words. That is, until he got bored and just parked a mammoth on us. Great fun.

This is what I mean. The OOCers that don’t grief aren’t this magical resource of players that will one day bloom and turn into roleplayers. They are a bored, grey mass that is just looking for something to do. Not roleplay, mind you. That takes thinking and creativity. They want something to amuse themselves for ten minutes. And unfortunately, seeing people who aren’t bored and actually seem to be enjoying themselves, is the biggest offense to people like that there can be.


I think it’s fine to have a balance of non-RPers to provide PvE/PvP activities for RPers.

I haven’t RP’d in… seven years now? I still keep my TRP up to date I just don’t RP, I mostly like to AFK near RP hotspots just to see other people populating the area and making it feel more lively. I’ll get back into it one day but for now I’ve got other stuff to do. But I wouldn’t dream of playing on another type of server.

rpers tend to be able to provide themselves with pve and pvp all on their own

a certain duskfather in pcu takes it upon himself to organise raid nights for the community every so often


I thought you’ve never RPd.

Hi there. :slight_smile:


Except they don’t.

Unless you mean inviting roleplayers for raiding or BGs.

I mean things like forming high end raiding guilds and the like, offering RPers the chance to both RP and do high end content without moving servers.

high end raiding always seems to be the f l a w l e s s example people note just because the time commitments are tough to handle

you can’t note one difficult to manage activity and say that’s a perfect reason for oocers to be on the realm when rpers are capable of everything else content wise

argent dawn wasn’t made for high end raiding. if they want to high end raid, they can go on a realm that isn’t for rp, and still rp on argent dawn, on a character made for rp


First of all, high-end raiding guilds wouldn’t even be on AD as the vast, vast majority of high end guilds aren’t. Why is that? They chose a PvE realm because they can read and have a brain larger than that of a goldfish, it provides them with many more like-minded players that would rather do PvE and raid / push high M+ keystones and so forth. Source: was in a semi-high end guild before I came to AD

Secondly, oh for gods sake… here we go again with this meme that apparently RPers can only do high-end content if they are in an OOC raid guild.

Thirdly, this whole server meme is also irrelevant because CRZ was introduced many expansions ago.

There is literally zero, nada, niente, null, 0 reasons for OOC guilds and non-RPers to exist on AD.

Perhaps if this thread continues, I shall try and explain this in hand gestures and binary language. Perhaps I shall also draw pictures and symbols for the lesser educated ones so they too can comprehend this really simple logic.


Okay I want to see that

yeah but I’m really bad at paint

Do you really find it so hard to imagine that people want to also raid on the characters they RP on? I hate leveling characters, I want to RP my main too. I’m not alone in that, plenty of people do.

Anyway the whole discussion is pointless, because at the end of the day, Blizzard does not mind non-RPers on the server and there’s no rules stating you must partake in RP. Non-RPers aren’t going anywhere.

then get in a rp community that raids. my rp community hosts raids now and then

woah oh my god it’s almost like we’re allowed to state our opinion just like you’re allowed to state yours


If there was a RP community out there that actually could progress at the pace I’d like to progress at, I would join such a guild or community in a heartbeat.

I raid on my main, this is my only character pretty much aside from one other that I just use for the sole reason of RP.

Sainur has always been the content-dwarf and all the time I was on AD, whether that was briefly in MoP or during BfA, I have always been in a RP guild and NEVER struggled to do content.

In the end, I think the reason why there are raid guilds on a RP server is to show that they can be at the top, because lets be honest if those guilds were on actual high-end PvE realms, they wouldn’t be anywhere near it.

OK thanks for the begrudging threat.

Names thread ‘Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server’. After being shown that no, they’re not, ends up saying:



but instead you’re in a grief guild :pensive: