Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

I guess I can sleep easy now knowing that even as a “cutting edge mythic progress raider” you have had 0 mythic progress so far.


It could be as many as…80!

It’d be anarchy in the streets I tell you


how will ad survive the loss of nickbigger the human death knight who jumps onto his firehawk and stands in the middle of cathedral square


I wake up and check the forums to see the usual OOCer rage thread. They’ve decided enough is enough.
We’ll abandon AD! that’ll show em! Stupid rpers enjoy your dead server!!

I log in to find Dazar’lor deserted, not a single OOCer in sight. All the empty buildings now open to be rpd in.
Stormwind is completely devoid of players outside of cathedral and mage, leaving me able to actually write emotes in more than one block without a message limit and also have no chat lag whatsoever.
In shock, I run-out into Elwynn and stop halfway down the path, realising that in actual fact literally nobody has followed me on an obnoxiously large mount.

Sounds based to me


Oh, I’m really sorry! I’m so sorry, I was actually not around for the last few mythic raids, I had obligations in real life. Don’t worry, next sunday I should have the achievements to earn your stamp of approval.

Just seems a bit weird to say “nooooo! without the oocers how will cutting-edge mythic raiders like me survive” when you…arent


I really like it when they bang out the “I have a real life” card as if to imply that we RPers have no life because we spend all our time RPing.

Only to state you are about to spend all your time Mythic Raiding.

lol in ten characters


At least the guild traits are there to give you that little bit of a boost

It’ll be something like this, I think…

“nooo when will players get rank 1 if they dont play on ad!!!”

Well yeah, the tier just started?

When did I ever say that? You are projecting.

Actually, only 9 hours of the week.

So, are you an RPer or a Mythic raider?

Because, seemingly, you cannot be both because “you have a life”

If you’re an RPer, then you don’t need cutting edge then do you?

if you’re a mythic raider, then you don’t need to be this server, do you?


you’re PROJECTING rynore


And you had great success with the previous tiers?

Looking at your current BFA achievements I’d say it’s unlikely

Did you care to read the topic I’ve linked you?
I think is important, you could see why the community thinks those types of guilds are not welcome (well, you can see it here on your own topic) …and, I dare to say, with what type of players you’re playing with.

It’s the same guild, the person who posted it’s part of the guild roster.

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[insert le epic meme arrows] imblying xxDDD

Wanna know something cool? If you go near the BFA mission table, your character model is hidden from everyone else.

This means that, even in the dream scenario where the OOCers quit and areas like Tradewinds Market are reclaimed for RP, we would still have a place to AFK in between dungeon queues during our non-RP time where we cannot possibly be a disruption to the people currently RPing there.

(I wish all the OOCers started AFKing exactly there anyway. That alone would do much to reclaim those areas.)



What? This is such a ridiculous argument, you must be trolling. The tier just started and I happened to miss out on the first few mythic kills because I wasn’t present in the raids because I had real life obligations. I’m sorry if you are reading implications into that, but I really wasn’t implying anything.

You guys taking such offense to it just smells of projection. Why wouldn’t RPers have real life obligations?

I’ve unfortunately not achieved cutting edge in a long time, but I’ve come pretty close every single time. The guilds I’ve been in unfortunately always come just shy of such an achievement.


So this is a purity test now? I must prove myself to be a real raider now? That’s silly.

I skimmed the topic. I don’t think it’s flattering towards your side of the argument.

Fruit Basket is full of lovely people. Unfortunately, there aren’t many RPers as they transferred here. Hopefully I can convince some to give it a shot.

simply does not reply to my post therefore i am right + i win