Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

That’s easy to understand… Because on a normal server, they are focused on PvEing and all that OOC stuff.
Which means they actually have competition against ACTUAL raiders. So they come to a RP to stroke their ego about how ‘good’ they are.

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yeah and then they get owned by 4x RPers antigriefing the latest campaign

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Oh right, yeah. So she went from one griefer guild to another.

I restored an old 58 Death Knight on The Sha’tar just now who - for some reason - has the epic sword Sul’thraze from Zul’Farrak and still owns one of the old sigils you’d get from the starter quests

There’s 10 people in Stormwind right now (granted it’s very late now, but it’s still a fraction of what AD currently has) and five aren’t even from the same realm, and not a soul is roleplaying into the night like I remember the way they used to, and the way they thankfully still do on AD

OOC players feed upon the body of a roleplaying server to reap the unique benefits they have until there’s a husk left, then they end up leaving the server anyway after coming here because of the “warm atmosphere” due to having chased away all of the roleplayers and leave nothing but a dead realm in their wake

The fact this has happened more than once too speaks volumes as to why people - including myself - are so blunt about wanting OOC players off of AD


ER is even worse. There are usually only about 5 people in Stormwind at prime time.

Of course, none of them are roleplaying.

Remember the mass griefing attempts during the prepatch campaign in Tirisfal, which we promptly counterganked?

You’d think they would learn eventually.

How? I’ve seen more non-heroic/mythic raiders with far more impressive gear, raid progress and Feats of Strength. You even said that most PvE players are Mythic raiders, which is not only blatantly wrong, but also makes me believe that you think that people who casually clear Heroic raids are also Mythic raiders…?

I will protect Argent Dawn as if it were my child . . . :shield: :angry: :dagger:


my new home will not fall from grace like my old one…

i stab my sword into the ground and swear a rly epic oath


I wouldn’t go that far, I mean, as if it were a favourite cousin maybe, or a lass that I once had a crush on, well, I would have the same anger, rage, torment and ire, Killing my realm would merely mean that I mobilise some Spetsnaz to hunt them down and make examples of them…Wait,did I do the quiet thing loud again? Better put an Emoji…:slight_smile: :sweat_smile:

I would go that far

I would

I must

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You have convinced me, It is war, War to the Knife.

:dagger: : )

If they stick to themselves, fine. If not, no.

If they advertise this realm as an OOC realm, no.

If they have friends here who RP then maybe it’s okay.

Ultimately, it doesn’t effect me.

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So I can’t say I have seen this on a server basis but I can say I have seen in other games where the RP guilds become very insular it becomes an incredibly toxic environment over time that unless someone manages change things causes the outright death of Rp within a game as new players who simply aren’t all that good at Rping yet get lambasted and raked over the coals for being a griefing oocer

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This idea that OOCers have caused the collapse of servers like ER/SWC and so on is just huge fake news done for the sake of drama.

As long as you guys rant like old farts in the forums and don’t bring it outside that’s fine tho. The moment you do, expect that some others will not buy into a distorted narrative.

Hmmm interesting opinion you should sub so you can see how disruptive OOCels are.

And stop posting unsubbed.


Luckily no one asked you, the unsubbed to awnser about things you got no clue about.

That screenshot was a genuine bit of “yikes what” from me. :frowning:

Take it to the suggestion box.

I expect we would wave farewell to a lot of “this game is dead!” threads and similarly negative posts across the forums. For that reason alone, I genuinely think forum access should be limited to active accounts.

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Not sure if the same instance, but I recall during MoP and WoD there was a massive push to return RP to ER by a belf RPer called Ariyel from the Seneschal guild.
It was really cool actually to see the passion and drive she was applying. Advertising the realm as an RP option, creating and providing all manner of social RP and events to get people back involved.

It honestly looked like it could work for a time, and it still makes me so sad that it all ended up for nought when the non-RPer population still grew to such heights that the realm suffered all over again and finally succumbed.

I bang on about Sha’tar a lot because it was my first realm. I loved it there. I also watched it crumble as it become more overwhelmed by a non-RPing presence.

But Ariyel’s project proves that, when the realm is compromised, even an unbelievable effort can not swing it back the other way.

If AD does go the way of Sha’tar, or ER, or Defias Brotherhood… or any of them, really… it won’t be able to be brought back.