Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

When you say over-whelmed by OOC’ers, do you mean that eventually the realm became known for standard PvE/ PvP stuff, and not for RP? So all new people joining the realm were just regular players?

And were the RP’ers leaving because the OOC’ers were taking over RP spaces, or because the RP population was already low, and dwindling due to other RP servers siphoning off roleplayers?

Well, Argent Dawn?

Which way do you pull the lever?

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All that accomplished was flashbacks to The Emperor’s New Groove.

Nobody cares what unsubscribed dragon rpers and casual erps/raiders think.


Soz if these points have been made already! Lots of posts…

I would personally feel very isolated if there were no normies on AD… How often do we need to roleplay to be considered roleplayers? If I haven’t roleplayed in a year, am I part of the problem by just existing?

I’ve seen the death of Moonglade, but that wasn’t down to OOCers being in the way–people just kept migrating to the largest hub there was at the time.

Personally never had a problem with trolls, because ignoring them bores them out like children who test their parents’ resolve. They feed off of reactions.

And finally to echo some earlier sentiments, there is NOTHING MORE FUN than when players see roleplay for the first time and love it! When they ask questions, get involved, decide to try it. Christ man, it’s amazing. Don’t take that away.


No one wants people with at least an interest in RP gone, just the people who boldly declare a total disinterest in RP.

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And how will Blizzard manage that? There is already a rule that states there can be no disruption of roleplay on RP realms (as far as memory serves…) What more can be done? Ultimately they pay for this game just as we do, and so all space must be shared. I agree it sucks when it happens, but is it really a crisis?

A last point from me, hehe: AD’s RP community is huge. It’s not going anywhere…

Perhaps they could start actually enforcing their rules for a change.

Besides, something being difficult or a long shot is hardly cause not to try at all.

I’m sure the other (former) RP realms felt the same way.


from what I can see all the RP realms that have kicked the bucket thus far have been the smaller ones as RPers have basically migrated from server to server eventually ending up on AD one way or another.

Yeah, Moonglade was always tiny compared to the titan sister-server AD, so it was a natural move

But if we also pay for the game, then why should our enjoyment come second simply because it is RP? This is a super common defense, primarily from OOCers themselves. “I pay to play, I can do w/e I want.”

Not to mention that their payment is equally valid on non RP realms

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Just gonna drop this here.


The person who posted that post/thread should just stop playing online games. The fact they needed to emphasise “There’s tons of WPvP to be had if you want it, including huge RP-PvP events with warmode off that you can just swoop down on and start a huge, hilarious brawl.”

Just shows that they are far from a mentally stable individual.

it’s what always just leaves me scratching my head why bother go to an RP server if you aren’t into RP in the first place like you aren’t gonna find the upper levels of pvp or pve guilds on AD so why come here in the first place if your primary desire is better served on a PVP or PVE server

They are part of a guild who regularly gets owned in Stormwind in between their horse erp sessions


do you go to an italian restaurant to get fish and chips


you go to the right place to get what you want

the same logic should apply to oocers

There’s no excuse for not doing content and rping.

I’ve things to do IRL, first and foremost. Work, cooking, cleaning - The usual.
But I’m still able to do BOTH high end PvP, fully clear the current raid on Heroic AND dedicate time to RP

There literally is no excuse, unless you’re simply just bad. That fact strangely coincides with the working theory that bad players that wanna be competetive come to AD for realm firsts.


According to my own excellent mathematics the reasons are the following:

30%-Because they are lazy/actually bad players who try to get “easy” world first statistic on a server that doesn’t care so much about it, and they are too bad to do it elsewhere.

30%-Geniuenly bad people who the world in general need less off(OP’s both guilds), AKA those who just get enjoyment soley out of other’s annoyance.

30%- “Muh friend told me to come.”

10%- “I like the immersion!”

This is the math for pure OOCers who have zero interest in RP whatsoever.