Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

can’t tell if the getting owned in Stormwind is a sexual thing or they actually getting beaten down in PVP or something.

this one, miz

Considering they keep coming back I would just it’s a bit of column A and a bit of column B

That’s a little disturbing

such is the way of oocels

Whatever happened to in-game GMs? Is this another thing that was axed to save on expenses? Because this seems like the obvious answer. Ahh. Imagine it. A pro-roleplay Game Master floating above us, smiting the disruptive OOC griefers.

How times have changed.

the man/woman of my dreams tbh

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According to my math, 90% of the comments here are just ad personam attacks trying to depict anyone who disagrees as a bad person.

Way to go PR relations department.

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Now it can take several days for there to be any response, despite mass reporting and clearly disruptive behavior. :pensive:

It’s just incredibly easy to dunk on you and since your posts offer 0 substance there is little else to do anyway


Never understood the whole world first thing like K you beat something designed to be beatable by players at your level and gear level call me when you do it under geared and under leveled

ur a dragon rper + unsubbed


You should sub and actually RP instead of being an unsubbed OOCel


I’d like to remind people that Faelyda does not like the idea of non-raiders coming into their raids and ruining the experience for them.


According to my math, 100% of your posts are ego-driven spittle expunged from the depths of your rancid mind.


You think it’s easy because you don’t differentiate between posts in any other way but social bias.

It’s not about skills, it’s about belonging into a social circle or not. As for this matter at hand, I mostly post to show disagreement, I’ve already provided long alternative explanations.

Basically how to make ad hominem arguments while considering oneself witty.

And then bailed on the discussion, ignoring any counter arguments and are now in the process of moping around in this thread like a depressed teenager, which is what you always end up doing.

i am very witty

also who asked

An uncharacteristic touch of honesty from you. Are you alright?

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So basically what you always do? Towards me personally+including what you said in both this thread and previous that EVERYONE who told their experiences from Shat’ar/DB are lying because you disagree.

You are so two-faced that it’s uncanny and I don’t even understand why.
Also still waiting for that apology btw since last time we discussed you OPENLY ADMITTED that what you did was actually wrong/not a good thing that should happen to anyone.

an athramus classic, to be fair
but who wants to agree with an unsubbed dragon rper, really

because he gets the attention his dad never gave him