Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Yeah because the original RP community on the server became unsustainable due to a growing presence of OOCers/griefers/other dumb loiterers who had no interest in RP (and at best a passing acknowledgment of the realm rules)

As someone who hasn’t touched the game’s content with anyone from AD and have yet done more than most of the pro-OOC posters on this thread and the other, I have to say:

We need 0 OOCers for AD to function, bugger off to Silvermoon or one of the other PvE realms

Actually, take all the OOC apologists and fencesitting centrist RPers with you too, AD will still be fine without them

There aren’t any, really. The best you have is an alternative explanation, most of the time assuming what it wants to prove, namely that the correlation between the lowering of ICers and increasing of OOCers is caused by OOCers. Or do you mean…

Are these the fool-proof counter-arguments? 10/10 my dude.

Im afraid but, unsurprisingly, this is false. I think you’ve completely misrepresented what happened. In that one conversation we had about you, I simply took the burden of proof to show you that ad hominem are bad, while you claimed they were cool.

If, after being subject to such an attitude, you think it’s bad, I am honestly glad you do.

It’s stupid to post for the sake of disagreement, it makes you unable to defend the things you are saying. So as always you are talking out of an empty bag just to play the devils advocate (which in fact everything does not need), nice.

I just read this as “I keep writing things that are just 100% false or don’t make sense at the same community every single time and they reply back to me saying i am an idiot, it’s just not fair!!!”
Get real, you don’t exist beyond your forum posting against PCU and your 7 am BBQ’s.

So to be clear people that RP but they also tolerate non Rpers so long they aren’t bothering the rpers should also be forced to leave? is part of the position you hold

have u ever seen a man so far up his own backside

I am absolutely fine with them getting deported, yes

I don’t post for the sake of disagreement, I post to show disagreement. There’s an huge difference between the two. Namely, in the second case, I show that there is an alternative to bigoted thinking, as I have my own ideas about the whole issue. I’m here to show people the right way, if you want to read it this way.

I disagree with your view on that particular matter but hey man you do you.

u dont matter

Hoping to see you gone as well tbh

it’s the same thing wtf are u on

You do though.

Yeah and every time it is just don’t make sense, like saying DB is not a server for RP.

Who asked?

And made up facts too.

This… we can agree on.

Stop this constant lying about how you acted back then, litterally no one believes you since it was hardly a private occurance.


So, Apology?

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Anyone that has no interest in RPing should be removed.

A worthy sacrifice for all the glorious benefits.



posting to “show disagreement” means you are posting for the sake of disagreeing are u kidding me

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i’m not posting to call the unsubbed dragon a subless fool, I’m posting to show that I think the unsubbed dragon is a subless fool.

HUGE difference really.

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ur not the voice of the community athramus

get that idea out of ur head instantly

u would have to be subbed for that

Let us examine this fairly.

Pros of mainly OOC players:

  • A slightly better AH.

Cons of mainly OOC players:

  • More event griefing.
  • Certain areas of roleplay hubs being covered in OOC players making RP more awkward.
  • Current expansion areas suffering the same above issue.
  • Basic RP griefing.
  • Longer wait times during expansion launches.

This is what roleplayers generally want. A server which the RP communities have entirely to themselves. Blizzard could call it a ‘RP Server’ or something like that.


i will take a ghost town over an oocel infested depravity realm

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What a strange concept. If only we had one of those…

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