Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Oh come on old boy, I mean I famously use ten words where one will do, but that statement just doesn’t work. It is not called a touch of class at all, class implies a certain amount of refinement, which it is almost impossible to convey on a purely text based platform. With regards posting etiquette, then frankly there are no rules set in stone, bar those that individual forum owners put in place, in this case Blizzard. Etiquette is a very mutable thing, from country to country, an decade to decade. Even so, this situation does not need a suspension of any standard ruleset. It simply does not. If you cannot convey your point within the (fairly lax) ruleset, then that says more about you, than the rules.

Finally the Context is this. 100% of the RP Realms that have now died a rather protracted death, did so because of the influx of OOC players. That is a thing. You have huge amounts of Empirical evidence here, from people, myself included, who were on those servers as they dwindled. If you doubt our own Empirical evidence, then why not try your own, go to one of those realms, see if you can find RP, then look at what tag they have as a ‘Realm type’. See if you can reconcile the two.

I have no idea why somehow people who have been corralled into the last remaining bastion of RP, should -not- feel aggrieved when even that is being stripped away by idiots with mammoths, and toy abuse, even less of an idea (I realise the oxymoron of having less of an idea than no idea) why we should in some way be -grateful- for the presence of OOC’ers on our realm.

All of the other realms are available to these people, all of them, especially now that PvP is opt-in. They have so much choice.

Why come to the one place offering a game to people who have no other choice.

Also don’t bang on about the PCU being behind this, and forming a Hive mind. I’m certainly not on some of their Christmas card lists, but I still emphatically agree with what they are saying. People can do that, you know, form their own opinion.

So do not try to be snooty and say you are displaying a touch of class, you most certainly are not. Good day to you.


I read that like a Southern Softy in central London - “It’s called a touch of CLAAHHSS.”

brigante’s becoming self aware this is a prosperous and wholesome moment


Holy hell Brigante made sense for once.

Saying “your mum” via the Oxford dictionary isn’t class or etiquette.

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Maybe. But if this is what all these posters have to cling on about my posts, I’d say they were quite successful.

It’s time to post results in chat again

+15 automatically for playing on AD

23 :pensive:
and then + 15…


crying irl

Are we seeing Brigante’s redemption…?

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it’s all thanks to elyrius…

I offer you a weighted blanket

there there…

:cry: :sob:

You know when a post of Brigante is remotely coherent that any counterpoints are rendered invalid.

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You would be more believable if you just said “I am an epic troller”

It’s okay, we all know that an unsubbed player’s opinion is worth naught.

“I’m unsubbed from the game.”
“The opinions I give on the game are always right.”

Doesn’t quite compute.

I got 15 so 30 but most my symptoms are from other issues :L

Arrogance is astounding.

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I hate to ask but, what did he say?

Not always, but most of the time.