Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Well, as far as I’m aware of Argent Dawn is a Roleplay realm. Its main activity is Roleplay, we could say RPers are the center of an RP realm.

Sure. Then, what’s your definition of Roleplay?


It does, though, because when you joined you knew what roleplaying was, were probably familiar with doing it yourself. Someone might join the server, hang around RP to see if they like it/muster up the courage to join in, and in your eyes he’s an OOCer so you shoo them away.

man-part ouchy time

:eggplant: and :8ball: torture


If he answers something amongst the lines of Goldshire… Then please end my suffering and stab me

I don’t really care what Kelduril has to say like if you also don’t care


Fellas… what if an OOCer has pretty feet? :smirk: :foot: I’m just kidding :roll_eyes: haha :crazy_face:

unless? :flushed:

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Impossible… They surely smell loads because of all the sweaty +15s they do to keep the server alive.

On the evolution of roleplayers; do not forget that your ANCESTORS were OOCers. :pray: :fish: :lizard: :monkey: :man:


Telaryn, don’t.

There’s someone out there unironically trying to get into elf womens shoes and it’s hella creepy.

Don’t worry, we’ve told Lawson to stop.


imagine the smelle

Defias Brotherhood. I can’t wait until AD merges with DB.

What if god was one of us… Just an RPer on a bus…

Hey, Saatchi? You know that new vibe you’ve been looking for?

Seriously, I used to be the sort who thought… ‘what’s the harm in OOCers? They add to the realm, and it’s not fair to say they’re ALL a problem when it’s just a few griefers!’.
I thought this while a member of The Sha’tar during its time as a genuinely vibrant and exciting RP realm.

I don’t think it anymore. The major reason being I saw The Sha’tar lose more and more of its RP presence and population until it was unrecognisable. Other reasons have cropped up, another main one being it struck me as particularly out of order that RPers are almost trying to beg and plead to be allowed to retain their one realm; to be able to keep RPing in an RP realm that actually suits their hobby… while people who do not RP have 40+ options, and yet insist on continuously adding to the problem on Argent Dawn while then having the audacity to act as if they’ve done us all a favour.

This whole thing hinges on the idea that RPers do not actually play World of Warcraft, which when we look at it like that is clear absurdity. RPers do raid, they PvP, they really don’t need as much ‘help’ as people think. They don’t, really, need it at all. RPers actually can do these things really well (and also can be really bad, sure, but if you’re trying to tell me every Normal realm is filled to the brim with the finest WoW has to offer…)


I’m a roleplayer, and I can confirm it is a CRIME(!!!) for roleplayers to do any sort of content that isn’t directly linked to roleplaying. Thank you, permanently OOC players on roleplay realms for saving us from ourselves.


the 2 likes on the original post is embarassing

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Hey man, the definition of RP is so arbitrary. I mean, sure, there’s places you can see RP in action… you can ask someone…

But if you think about it Kekmaster420 who emoted /forthealliance after killing Ruckborris-Veknilash COULD be RP!

Checkmate, RPers!

The RP on DB wasn’t any different from AD really AD has way better quality but the approach to role play was exactly the same

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Honestly y’all need to post more mental gymnastics cuz i’m running outta UV fuel here.

Edit: i need the Uvs cuz im TL:0 after my last forum vacay.


Remember where you came from, entitled RPers …