Normal flying in dragonflight only 310% speed?

Its not fair, Life isnt fair. Get used to it.

This speed is exactly what i want :slight_smile: DF has finally begon!

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I use dragon riding I don’t which way they go with it. I just want more mounts to be useable. I’ve have timereaver and incincible drop this expac and I’ve got other cool mounts I can’t use

How do you struggle with dynamic flying?

You’re probably one of the people that were saying people would be complaining that old flying is too slow, but no one did so now you created one yourself just to troll.


who is forcing you?

It is fair and I will tell you why. Normal flying perks:

  • Can hover mid air
  • Can afk in flight
  • Can gather easier herbs/ore
  • druids don’t need to remove flight form at all while gathering (imagine them with full 800% speed. They will be broken class)
  • Can fly close distance better
  • Can target trees/branches and small targets better (extremely useful for chests)

Normal flying doesn’t need increase in the speed. It is fine as is. Both types of flight have their specific uses.

No you are not. I use flight paths quite often as I am lazy. You choose to use dynamic flight as it is faster but people like to afk while flying so they may use normal flying.

You want all the positives of the dynamic flight without any of its disadvantages :joy: :rofl:

I’m loving having my slow flapper back. It’s a clear disadvantage compared to the speed of dragon riding but I don’t have to feel sick anymore.


If you give WoW players option A and option B, each with strengths and drawbacks, they’ll complain until both are viable everywhere and then complain about too much homogenization.


After playing a bit with both I can say the two are quite useful. Have different uses and I like it.


Exactly this. I use Dynamic flying mostly to get around but regular flying is great for short distances or to get to awkward spots (like the treasures located on thin tree branches in the Emerald Dream). If they increased regular speed you’d loose that precision control you have with it.


Give us at least 500-600 % speed.

Blizzard should put all content in a single room and all players an unlimited teleport ability so they can go from content to content in an instant.

Life is full of compromises and trade-offs
I recommend you start to accept that and to try to look on the bright side.

Now we will be able to not stay grounded while waiting for the vigor to regenerate.

At Blizzcon they confirmed that Dragonriding will be extended to older zones and most of our mount collection (some exception due animation challenges with dragon riding) and TBC flying will be some sort of toggle for those that want it. Going forward into TWW we will have dragonriding from the start and TBC flying after completing the campaign and exploration.

You’re not. You can use it to AFK fly in exactly the same way we always have done.

Dragon flying requires you to be more attentive, and constantly be on top of where you are going, and therefore should reward players with faster flying speed. As in
 “the more work you put into it, the faster you go”.

Being lazy and wanting to afk while flying, should not be as beneficial as dragon flying. It’s like saying players who just afk and auto attack during dungeons, should get the same amount of loot as people why use their full rotation. :tipping_hand_man: Which doesn’t make sense. :slight_smile:

If Blizz were to make normal flying as fast (or close to) dragon flying speed, then dragon flying looses what makes it incredible. :man_shrugging:

Honestly I feel like players are lucky that Blizz isn’t just replacing normal flying all together, since majority seems to like dragon flying more. It’s just a loud minority that preach for dragon flying to be gone. :tipping_hand_man: So take it as a win, that Blizz is allowing the few “I don’t like change” type people to keep their old flying.

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Unsurprising that the OP managed to spin a positive into an opportunity to whine.

Anyone with any sense knew regular flying was going to be slower and the whole “forced” thing is a joke. Speed isn’t the only factor, if you don’t like the “feel” of dragonriding getting there slower is a compromise for a more comfortable ride.

It’s why I travel long distances in my car, not on a superbike, YMMV, but the whole “forced” thing is a laughable contrived whine from people who feel they have to bleat about every change. Get over yourself.


I wouldn’t be against increasing traditional flyings speed. A considerable gap has to be maintained though in order to keep people using the new dynamic system.

Maybe an increase to 500% would suffice?

I appreciate that some people really can’t use the dynamic system due to illnesses/conditions so to have it now is brilliant.

Blizzard have to keep moving this game forward though and new innovative systems like this that add a little challenge/fun to travel must continue to be added.

Surely everyone can be happy with the state of flying now!

310% is “old flying” blizzard promised that pathfinder would unlock “old flying” I don’t see any issue, they delivered exactly what they promised.