Normal flying in dragonflight only 310% speed?

gw2 does that. Before the introduction of the mount system the teleports were more. After the mounts the teleports became less. It is a nice balance between instant teleport and moving to the specific point

That’s unlikely no matter how good it is

I agree normal flying speed should be increased. My argument around pathfinder was that if we have to do that, considering we already learnt the skill and paid for it, then the trade off should be a higher speed. What I don’t agree is it should NOT be the same as DF it should at least be half the speed of DF so around 430%.

I dont see it like that, normal flying is a godsend for Qeusting, gathering, rares, treasures. Dragonflying is good to go from point A to C wich are far appart. U see this is a typical player, they complain and want normal flying they get it FOR FREE, and now they are complaining because its much slower then dragonriding. Why would they need to speed it up? normal flying is 310%. U knew it was 310% so u got normal flying.

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After complaining to get normal flying back for a year, people finally get it back and now they complain that normal flying is too slow? Lmao.

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No it shouldn’t. It does not have the drawbacks of the dynamic flight. Normal flying can:

  • afk in mid air and from point A to B
  • Better flight in closed space (Ogrrimmar entrance etc.)
  • Easier to avoid things (branches) to collect chests
  • Better precision in landing on awkward spots (edges)
  • Better for small distance travel & Gathering professions

So no. 430% speed is not needed. Normal flying is fine as is. There is place for both systems.

No, people missed their old mounts, that issue is getting mostly fixed next patch.

if it was up to me i would entirely remove tbc flying, but add a hover button to dynamic flying.

Don’t be ungrateful and enjoy tbc flying while it lasts because eventually it has to go.

Another example of whatever a developer decides to do will always attract some form of self-entitled whining :slight_smile:

I loooove being able to use normal flying.
Easier to get chests in trees.
I dont mind it’s slower.


And the reason is the wish of all 3 people that enjoy world pvp?

Idk what 3 people you are talking about, but every shard i go to there are atleast a thousand players bashing eachothers heads for bloody tokens.

Besides you can dismount people with your mount now so your arguement isn’t even correct. aerial combat is amazing, feels like jet fighting sometimes.

I said “enjoy”, not “grind for an epic rep token”

Then why you’re so against it?

Was same last season, i was wpvping 24/7 while in queue pushing glad/r1

It makes the game feel old, it has to go.

They are planning to introduce dynamic flying to druid flight form btw




I know but it will have all the negatives of the dynamic flying. So druids will have to choose which type of flying to use. Because Dynamic flying is different from normal flying at 800% speed. Totally different.


Nope Normal flying serves as AFK mode if you are lazy to park your dragon somewhere :smiley:

Helicopter vs gliding.

Don’t have anything against it.

Well, i am actually shocked to see how many people are so rude, toxic and negative here.

Normal flying is clearly a disadvantage vs dragonriding dynamic flying. Next expansion, most flying mounts will have dynamic flying, and possibly normal flying speed increased. But for now it is unfair compared to dynamic flying to use normal flying.

Developers could add at least speed boost for normal flying while in Dragon Isles.

that’s all.

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It is NOT unfair, it is unequal.

You have access to both, they serve different purposes. It would be unfair if Dynamic Flying was unlocked by buying it for money.

A ship cannot fly, a plane can. That doesn’t mean it is unfair, it means they aren’t equal.