Normal flying in dragonflight only 310% speed?

Actually, I’m finding the reverse.
I unlocked traditional flying yesterday as I found Dragonriding so frustrating, so many branches and twigs and leaves that just sap my vigour. I was spending so much time recharging.
Today I am flying around doing the quests and I think I’m getting around faster.

they should brink back the old way,the original way go to the flight trainer in stormwind pay your 4500 gold and thats it done,repeat for any or all alts . simples,but simples is not the way stupid blizzard do anything these days and could be why player numbers are falling still.

The reason why dragonriding is faster is because it’s more involved.

What? I said you trade the speed of Dragon riding for the control of normal flight. I think it was pretty clear.

It’s skill issue.

What he’s saying is that he cannot use dragonriding mounts properly.

If you constantly get stuck on stuff, so much so that normal flying is faster for you, which i find that hard to believe, you’re just really bad at the game.

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I don’t know about that. The Emerald Dream clearly was not designed for Dragonriding as it is so easy to bonk into tree branches. I did not have that problem in the Azure Span for example.

I still use Dragonriding to cover great distances but I will use normal flying for short distances most of the time.

I’m really bad at Dragonriding for sure.

Not everyone is able to use the system.

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Look, it’s really easy. What is the likelyhood that if you’re bad a dragoneriding which is really easy to use, you’re also bad at the game in general?

We are talking about pretty simple controls here. This is 100% skill issue. i never had problems flying around with dragonriding even in the new zone.

Well, I’m not in the race to world first for sure nor an MDI team.

Maybe when they have a paralympics version I’ll sign up.

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Imagine bragging about being good at Dragonriding, of all things.


I’m good at falling off things, in my old guild “Doing a Gram” was a saying for such. There were some spectacular examples at the time.
I guess we’re all good at something…


If there’s being bat at it, there must be being good right?

But to be honest it’s not about being good or bad, it’s about how it feels and honestly, it feels good. Earlier I forgot I was on lazy flying mode and tried to dive. It felt wrong.

No, it’s a tradeoff between the easier and more uninvolved mode, and the faster one that mandates more attention.

Make a thread about how flight paths need a buff because of TBC flying or something while you’re at it. Or ground mounts.

People asking for normal flying and they get it. Now it’s too slow. There is just no pleasing you.

No one is forcing you anything. You’ll get there , just slower.

Nobody cares. Stop crying , man up and play the f…g game! If you don’t enjoy it , quit! Bunch of crying babies nowadays…


Probably different people.
I wanted normal flying and i am very pleased.


Funny how things are somewhat relative to other things.
Normal Flying at 310% used to be seen as really fast as it was being compared with regular flying at 150 or 280.

I remember back in early TBC I was on Bloodmyst (must have been this character) and there was that quest to do the Kessel Run. You got a ground mount to ride and deliver messages. At that time I’d never even been on any mounts and that mount seemed really fast and I struggled to control it the first go at that quest and I failed the timer.
I did the quest again recently and it’s just natural now as I’ve been riding on ground mounts for years.

Wahh Forum users are unfair!!!

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Thats true master riding was added in what cataclysm? We should get. New one thats closer to dragon riding say 600/700

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-white noise-


Master riding only made 310% flying available to mounts that weren’t Ashes of Al’ar or Mimiron’s Head. They basically just gave all mounts the same speed at that point.

They never just arbitrarily increased flying speed beyond what people had access to and as far as I’m concerned the current situation is fine. If you want to tab out while going somewhere just accept that you’ll be slower.