Normal flying in dragonflight only 310% speed?

Interesting perspective

That couldn’t be more Scottish even if you were drinking a can of Iron Bru, swinging a haggis and headbutting someone while wearing a kilt.

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“Why yes, I do have all Gold medals in the Dragon races, how could you tell?” :sunglasses:

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Aye, up to high doh this wee scunner is

Short question. How would dragonriding deniers even know the difference between tbc flying and dragonriding?

Thought they paused the expansion

No it is not at a disadvantage. Normal flying has its strong points and dynamic flying too. Normal flying is fine as it is. It doesn’t need any speed boost. That is part of the dynamic flying. Control and Speed. You want both at the same time. That is a huge no from me

I hope old flying speed does not get increased. There is a reason why dragonflying is much faster, and it is because you have to actively manage your speed and momentum. Old flying is easy, passive and without any risks. It should be at a disadvantage compared to dragonriding simply because it is at a massive advantage when it comes to /afk cruising, /afk sitting in the air or manoeuvring hard to land on places.

Blizzard already caved to the minority and gave you back normal flying. It’s incredibly rude to now complain that what you have been asking for still isn’t enough because now you want /afk flying, but at dragonriding speeds.

aye, though dunnae ken fit nyaff is, must be a Weedgie thing

Imagine 800% normal flying. Would be awesome to have for the old world.


You WANT to get there faster.
You don’t NEED to get there faster.

Show me your source. :grimacing:

Such statements are pure nonsense.

No it’s not. The reasons they’re giving might be silly, but it’s not rude.

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ah, another mimimi thread because of dragonflying.

guy, the normal fyling is a comprimise, be happy it now added and even tehy lowerd the requerment (no rep grind) because it wans intended to add it because of dragon flying.

first one is even a comproimse that we have flying at the start of the addon- which never befor happed, but with the odd of using dragon flying.

you want fast travel but not the negativ/ special effect of dragon flying, just deal with it that you have only 310% flyingthat the compimise for it.

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Factually wrong.
They said from the start that ‘normal flying’ would be available later on in the expansion.
Imo they added it way too late, but that’s another matter.

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I actually think he’s trolling to make static flying enjoyers look bad.

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Yes they did. And i really did not expected that normal flying would remain same at 310 speed. It is clearly no match vs dragonriding 900% speed.

Why would they increase the normal flying speed? You trade speed for comfortability

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They already said dynamic flying is the normal flying, TBC flying is the alternative method at this point.

Oh no, are you gonna cry now?

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Why would you expect it to be anything else? As others have pointed out, dragonriding is faster but more difficult to control, regular flying is slower but gives you total control of where to land, hover etc.

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Nothing conformable about lazy flying in my opnion. Now dynamic flying, you skim across water and earth and then you shoot up in the sky and see everything from up high. Now that’s conformable.

Normal flying going as fast as dragonriding could never work. Because normal flying has no acceleration. You go from 0 to 100 instantly. It would be insanely twitchy and would be borderline unusable for the majority of people.

At 800% speed you go roughly 56 yard a second. Anyone that tried landing on a small branch with Dragonflying would realise how hard it would be to do the same at full speed. I mean, imagine just holding down the W key for 0.3 seconds too long and you overshoot your target by 20yards.

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